Adams County ID Archives Obituaries.....Hayter, Rebecca Bonnett 1910 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson November 30, 2006, 6:29 pm The Council Leader 3-4-1910 The Council Leader Council, Idaho Friday, March 4, 1910 At Rest Mrs. John Hayter Sr. passed away at her home a few miles north of Council last Thursday. She has suffered a great deal the last few months so her death was not unexpected. Mrs. Hayter's maiden name was Rebecca Bonnett. She was born at Leon, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1855 and in 1870 she was married to John Hayter at the same place. They moved to Nebraska in 1872 and lived there until 8 years ago when they came to Idaho. They have made their home near Council for the past six years. Mrs. Hayter was the mother of 10 children, 3 dying in infancy the seven that are living are; Mrs. Rosenberg, Omaha, Nebraska, Mrs. Wilkite of Rushville, Neb., Mesdames, Adams, Davisson and Branan of Council and Lewis and John Hayter of Union, Oregon. all were with her at the last except Mrs. Rosenberg and John Hayter. Besides her children she leaves her husband, one sister and 3 brothers to mourn her demise. She has been a member of the Christian church for many years. She was a devout christian, a kind and loving wife and mother, a good neighbor and ready at all times to assist the needy. Funeral services were held at the house last Saturday afternoon, Rev. Stover delivering a very appropriate sermon. Interment was made in the Kesler cemetery. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in their hour of sorrow. Note: Mrs. Hayter is actually buried at Winkler cemetery instead of Kesler as stated in the obit. ch File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb