Boise County ID Archives News.....6 FIRE FIGHTERS LOSE LIVES WHILE BATTLING FLAMES August 28, 1931 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sharon McConnel August 29, 2024, 7:08 pm Cascade News August 28, 1931 Forest fires in Idaho are still racing and it is estimated that over seven thousand men are now on the fire lines. The total area of burned over timber lands in conservatively estimated at nearly 300,000 acres. The situation in some sections is now considered almost hopeless without the aid of higher humidity and rains. The Boise Basin holocaust which has razed over 55,000 acres of timberlands and a number of valuable mine plants Tuesday took the lives of two fire fighters on the Grimes Pass front. The men, Herbert Harvey, Boise, and Nolan Warner, Fillmore, Utah, were outrun by a withering mass of flame when they became panicky and fled away from the rest of their crew in the wrong direction. Thursday the charred bodies of four men were found in the wake of a big fire in the Lewis & Clark Forest in Montana. The bodies could not be identified. At last report the big fire on the South Fork Payette was under control on three fronts but was slowly moving toward Lowman. Over 1000 men are fighting this fire, among them being 200 national guardsmen ordered out by Governor Ross the first of the week. Tuesday the Golden Age Mine, a productive $260,000 plant was totally destroyed along with several ranches. Thursday four man-set fires broke out shortly after noon on the range west of High Valley and this evening was advancing toward the Valley on a two mile front. 260 men are now on this fire and it is expected that it will be under control some time tonight. The cooler weather of the past two days has enabled the crews on seven major fires in Idaho forests to get in some good work and three of them are now under control. It is expected that the others will be gotten in hand in another day or two." File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb