Canyon County ID Archives Biographies.....Milliner, Charles M. 1877 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher January 11, 2012, 1:02 am Source: See below Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher CHARLES M. MILLINER, conducting a profitable business under the name of the Milliner Transfer Company, was born near Peoa, Summit county, Utah, December 18, 1877, and is a son of George and Sarah A. (Cossey) Milliner, the former a native of England and the latter of Wales. The father came from his native country to the new world in 1852, making his way at once to Utah, and he is now living on a farm a short distance from Caldwell at the age of sixty-nine. The mother came to the United States when eleven years old and she also survives. At the graded schools of his native town Charles M. Milliner pursued his education to the age of twenty years. He remained with his father upon the home farm until 1901 and then accompanied him on the removal to Idaho and farmed with him on a ranch located a mile and a quarter from Caldwell. On the 6th of January, 1902, however, he and his father removed to the old McIntyre place, comprising three hundred and twenty acres of land about four miles east of Caldwell, on the Boise river. There Charles M. Milliner devoted his attention to farming for another five years, at the end of which time he was married and removed to Caldwell, where for three years he was variously employed. He then purchased an interest in the Martin Wing Transfer Company and conducted the business for six years under the name of the Milliner Transfer Company. In 1916 he bought out the Westcott Transfer Company, merging it with the Milliner Transfer Company. It was Mr. Milliner who introduced the use of trucks in connection with the transfer business, for when he first became connected with the business there was in use in Caldwell but one small truck. He is now accorded a very extensive patronage, necessitating the use of a number of trucks and the employment of a considerable force of men. He is the agent for the Continental Oil Company and employs one team for exclusive use in oil delivery in the city. He is also distributor for the following Boise companies: the Davidson Wholesale Company, the Falk Wholesale Company and the firm of Oakes & Company, all of which ship goods to this point which he redistributes and ships to the respective destinations. He has handled more sugar for these firms, reshipping to their branch houses and patrons, than any other transfer company of the state and has handled as high as thirty carloads of miscellaneous goods in a year. He is also the agent for the Lion Coal Company of Ogden, Utah, and he handles large shipments of wool, amounting in 1918 to many carloads. It was on the 24th of December, 1906, that Mr. Milliner was united in marriage to Miss Cora E. Wells, who was born in Missouri but was reared in Kansas, and they have two sons: Charles Ernest, eleven years of age; and George A., a lad of nine. From early manhood Mr. Milliner has been identified with the business interests and development of Canyon county and in his present connection has built up a business of extensive proportions, resulting from his close application, his undaunted enterprise and his progressive methods. His patrons know that he is to be depended upon at all times, for he is thoroughly systematic and reliable and these qualities have brought him a very large and gratifying business. Additional Comments: Extracted from: IDAHO DELUXE SUPPLEMENT CHICAGO THE S. J. CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1920 Photo: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb