Fremont-Canyon County ID Archives Biographies.....Snell, George D. 1872 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher October 13, 2010, 3:55 am Source: See Below Author: S. J. Clarke (Publisher, 1920) GEORGE D. SNELL is the vice president and cashier of the First National Bank of St. Anthony, Idaho, the oldest and strongest bank north of Idaho Falls. He was born at Spanish Fork, Utah, January 23, 1872, and is a son of George D. and Alexanderine (McLean) Snell, who were natives of Massachusetts and England respectively. The father came to Utah in 1854, settling in Salt Lake City, but after a short time removed to Spanish Fork, where he became a bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He purchased land there and continued its cultivation for many years, while subsequently he became interested in merchandising and in banking, devoting a considerable portion of his life to those interests. In 1906 he retired from active business and removed to Salt Lake City, where he resided until his death. which occurred in May, 1911. The mother came to America in 1857 and is still living, her home being now in Salt Lake City. George D. Snell was reared in Spanish Fork and there pursued his education. He remained at home until he had attained his majority and worked in the cooperative store for several years. In 1892 he was sent upon a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the British isles, where he labored for two years. Following his return home he became a candidate for the office of county collector on the republican ticket in 1894 but was defeated. He then entered the Bank of Spanish Fork as cashier and subsequently bought the controlling interest in the business, remaining as the executive head of the bank until 1906. In the meantime he and his brother, Cyrus E. Snell, had purchased the Payson Exchange Savings Bank, at Payson, Utah, and in 1906 George D. Snell acquired an interest in the First National Bank at Caldwell, Idaho, becoming cashier of the latter institution and occupying the position for five years, or until 1911, when he sold out. He and his brother, Francis M. Snell, became purchasers of the First National Bank of St. Anthony, Idaho, buying out G. E. Bowerman. Later their building was destroyed by fire but they immediately erected a fine two-story structure seventy-five by one hundred and twenty-five feet at a cost of forty-five thousand dollars. Such a building today could not be put up for less than seventy-five thousand dollars. They have recently remodeled the bank building, installing new marble fixtures and making it in equipment and in banking methods an institution that would be a credit to a city of much greater size. The bank was organized in 1889 as a state bank but was nationalized in 1901. The present officers are Francis M. Snell, president, and George D. Snell, vice president and cashier. The bank has a capital stock of fifty thousand dollars, all paid in, has a surplus of fifty thousand dollars and its deposits amount to eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The bank has enjoyed a prosperous business from the beginning. Its business methods have always been such as would bear the closest investigation and scrutiny and from the beginning its officers have recognized the fact that the bank is most worthy of support and confidence which most carefully safeguards the interests of its patrons. Mr. Snell still retains an interest in the First National Bank of Spanish Fork, Utah, of which he is one of the directors, and he likewise has farming interests in Fremont county and is connected with the Fremont Abstract Company of St. Anthony. His real estate interests embrace residence property in both Salt Lake City and St. Anthony. On the 2d of June, 1905, Mr. Snell was married to Ivy B. Price and to them have been born three children: George D., Jr., who was born April 4, 1909; Helen Mae, who was born August 15, 1917. and died on the 9th of October of the same year; and Eleanor Ann. born September 6, 1918. Mr. and Mrs. Snell are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and he is a member of the Quorum of Seventy. His political endorsement is given to the republican party, which finds in him a stalwart advocate. His business affairs are capably conducted. Tireless energy, keen perception and honesty of purpose, joined to every-day common-sense and the genius for devising the right thing at the right time, have been and are his chief characteristics. Additional Comments: Extracted from: IDAHO DELUXE SUPPLEMENT CHICAGO THE S. J. CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1920 Photo: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.1 Kb