St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Latah County, ID Submitted by: Kathleen Probasco ***************************************************************************** USGenWeb NOTICE: Libraries and individual researchers may download this file for personal, non-commercial use only. Any other use requires written permission from the transcriber. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ****************************************************************************** ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CEMETERY Genesee, Idaho St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery is located on the west side of Geneses, Idaho. (Mileage calculated from the Genesee Junction on U.S. Highway 95) From Genesee, take highway 95 north for 0.5 mile and turn right onto gravel road. In 0.3 mile turn right into the entrance for St. John's Lutheran and St. Mary's Catholic cemeteries. In 0.1 mile bear right to St. Mary's Cemetery. Frost Moscow, the left turn onto the above mentioned gravel road is 11 miles from the junction of US 95 and state highway 80 For the purpose of this listing the cemetery was divided into two sections: the section north of the drive, and the section south of the drive. Tombstones were read in rows from north to south, beginning at the extreme northeast corner of each section. Transcribed 1980 by Merideth L. Monserud NORTH SECTION: Row 1: 1. ZENNER Keith Lauren Zenner, Nov. 16, 1956-May 11, 1963. 2. JOHANN Steve J. Johann, Jan. 14, 1904-Dec. 31, 1965. 3. JOHANN Peter N. John-, Dec. 24, 1893-June 18, 1968. Row 2: 1. ZENNER Al Zenners', John, Oct. 8, 1951-Oct. 14, 1951; Jill, Oct. 8, 1951-Nov. 21, 1951. 2. LINEHAN Linehan, Larry D., Nov. 1942-Jan. 1943; Gary D., Nov. 1942- Dec. 1942. 3. KLEMM Klemm, John E., 1913-1964; Genevieve M., 1917-_____ 4. LETTENMAIER Joseph C., 1890-1940; Mary E., 1892-1980, Lettenmaier. 5. THEISSEN Theissen, William, March 24, 1887-July 23, 1966; Gertrude, March 19, 1892-March 28, 1972. "God be with us till we meet again." 6. GAERTNER Gaertner,Nicklaus, 1848-1928; Kathryn, 1853-1935. Row 3: 1. HASFURTHER Hasfurther,Anna L. Feb. 16, 1887-May 9, 1970; George F., July 15, 1880-Oct. 14, 1960. "Gone on to prepare a home for us." 2. HASFURTHER Hasfurther, Mother, Sally M., Nov. 13, 1921-May 11, 1961; Father, Lawrence A., Apr. 30, 1918-______ . "Hail Mary full of grace." 3. HASFURTHER Baby Feb. 1947. 4. (WAGNER) Emil Pete 1911-1949 5. (WAGNER) Mother, Lutcy 1877-1941 6. WAGNER family stone 7. (WAGNER) Father, Nick, 1872-1933. 8. (WAGNER) Viola T., 1906-1931. 9. SCHMIDT Eugene E. Schmidt, 1926-1928. 10. WEBER Anthony B. Weber, 1900-1980. (Vassar Rawls Service) 11. WEBER John, Dec. 25, 1868-May 7, 1943; Mary, Sept. 23, 1878-Feb. 9, 1952. 12. WHALEN Marie W. Whalen, 1916-1928. 13. WHALEN Charles P. Whalen. Dec. 9, 1889-Aug. 5, 1929. 14. WHALEN Amelia A. Whalen, September 9, 1892-November 7, 1944. Row 4: 1. LEWIS Mother, Marcelline Stricker Lewis, 1920 1977. 2. STONE Stone, Esther M., 1918-______ James H., 1916-1973, married April 5, 1937. 3. DE MERS Earl R., Idaho Major U.S. Marine Corps World War II, Korea, AM-PH, April 7, 1919-Sept. 10, 1952. 4. DE MERS Adelard F., 1883-1970. 5. DE MERS Beloved wife and mother, Julia G. Demers, 1889-1936. 6. STRICKER At Rest, William Joseph Stricker, Aug. 5, 1909-Oct. 29, 1968. 7. STRICKER Stricker, Mother, Susan, 1899-1972; Father, Harry, 1895-1959. 8. STRICKER Jerome H, Stricker, Washington, PFC 62 AF Motor Vehicle SQ. World War II, April 24, 1929-March 13, 1949. 9. STRICKER Eugene Stricker, 1924-1935. 10. KLEMM Klemm, Andrew 1870-1953 Louise 1877-1958 11. HORDEMANN Clara, July 13, 1880-Oct. 24, 1977. 12. KAMBITCH Thresia Kambitch, born Oct., 15, 1835, died Jan. 30, 1928. 13. KAMBITCH, Kambitch family stone. "Rested softly and carefree in your graves, till your Jesus calls again." 14, KAMBITCH Jacob, born July 20, 1831, died Mar. 19, 1922. 14a. Corpl. Jacob Kambitsch (sic) Co 1 2 Mo. L.A. 15. HORDEMANN John Hordemann, June 23, 1888-Nov. 9, 1952. Row 5: 1. KLUSS family stone. 2. SPILS Emma Kluss Spils, 1891-1979, mother. (attached to base of stone #1) 3. SPILS George A. Spils, 1885-1956. 4. (KLUSS?) Father, Rudolph F., 1889-1945. 5. HERMANN Lana Hermann, 1877-1956. 6. HERMANN Charles N. Hermann. 1876-1934. 7. (SCHLERTH) Mary, Feb. 3, 1863-May 22, 1919. 8. SCHLERTH Schlerth family stone. 9. (SCHLERTH) Henry, Apr. 23, 1851-Oct. 26, 1918. 10. (MANDERFELD) Hubert, 1866-1934. 11. MANDERFELD family stone 12. (MANDERFELD) Hugo P., 1901-1962. 13. (MANDERFELD) Clara, 1870-1918. Row 6: 1. BAUMGARTNER George T., Idaho Pvt. Co 8 24 Mg, BN World War I May 11, 1895-May 13, 1972. 2. BAUMGARTNER "Rest in Peace" Donald C., 1927-1952. 3. BAUMGARTNER Mother, Philippina, 1864-1948. 4. BAUMGARTNER family stone. 5. BAUMGARTNER Father, Henry, 1868-1930 6. BAUMGARTNER Son, Carl, 1897-1918. 7. TRAUTMAN At Rest, Robert B. son of John & Katharine Trautman, born June 7, 1902, died Apr. 2, 1910. 8. TRAUTMAN Maria Emma, born Oct, 15, 1893, died Sept, 26, 1909. "Gone to a better land." Joseph S. Trautman , born Feb. 21, 1907 died Mar. 3, 1907. "Gone to be an angel." 9. TRAUTMAN Henrietta A., dau. of John & Kathrina Trautman, born June 7, 1902, died Dec. 21, 1904. (note: Mother's name spelled differently on 7 & 9) 10.TRAUTMAN Anna M., March 11, 1876-Jute 25, 1934. 11.TRAUTMAN Joseph A., November 21, 1875-October 15, 1968 12. WILSON Dorothy Trautman, March 21, 1912-September 14, 1966. 13. TRAUTMAN Anne M., September 3, 1904-March 16, 1966. 14. TRAUTMAN Helen, February 14, 1900-March 8, 1907, 15. BAUMGARTNER "I.H.S." William Baumgartner, born Doe. 1, 1835, died Feb, 26, 1910 Henrietta Baumgartner, born June 22, 1837, died Mar. 7, 1919. 15a. Father. 15b. Mother. Row 7: 1. MANDERFIELD Henry, 1893-1954 Anna, 1897-1974 2. (BAUMGARTNER?) Ida Grantham, 1871-1949. (GRANTHAM?) 3. BAUMGARTNER family stone. 4. (BAUMGARTNER) Paul Clifford, Jan. 22, 1943-Ang. 15, 1944. 5. (BAUMGARTNER) Father. Matt, 1878-1959. 6. (BAUMGARTNER) Mother, Amelia, 1874-1942. 7. (BAUMGARTNER) Elizabeth, 1905-1964, 8. KRETSCHMER Anna, Feb. 23, 1878-Nov. 8, 1970 Otto Oct. 28,1866-Mar. 28, 1956. "Rest in Peace." 9. BALDUS Carl, Apr, 27, 1890-June 20, 1915. "Rest in Peace." 10. BALDUS Mother, Agnes, June 1, 1856-Mar. 4, 1894 Father, Christian, Oct. 12, 1850-Apr. 9, 1917. "Rest in Peace. Baldus. Row 8: 1. BAUMGARTNER Joan Marie, Aug. 13, 1959-Feb. 5, 1964. 2. MAGEE John G., July 2, 1920-November 19, 1974. 3. BAUMGARTNER William J., December 23, 1888-September 6, 1962 Kathryn F., July 17, 1893-March 23, 1980, "There is rest in heaven." 4. SULLIVAN Dennis, died May 19, 1914, aged 75 years. "Pray for his soul." 5. (KAMBITSCH) Father, John, 1854-1935. 6. (BAMBITSCH) Mother. Sophia, 1863-1950. 7. KAMBITSCH family stone. 8. (KAMBITSCH?) Anna Meyer, 1844-1907. (MEYER?) 9. (KAMBITSCH) John A., 1898-1974. 10. (KAMBITSCH) Katharine, 1868-1893. 11. (KAMBITSCH) Jacob, 1901-1904. 12. LORANG Donald J., 1917-1917. 13. LORANG Burton R., 1919-1919. 14. LORANG Henry, Jan. 26, 1888-Feb. 7, 1968, W.W.I. Son of John & Mary. 15. LORANG Father, John, 1858-1926 Mother, Mary, 1860-1938 16. LORANG Peter John, 1884-1945. 17. BILLIAU "Here repose the mortal remains of" Rev, A.M. Billiau, March 21, 1863-March 9, 1911, Rector of St. Mary's 1908-1911. "R.I.P." 18. VEIT Father Charles Veit, born Jan. 18, 1886, ordained priest June 6, 1925, died Nov, 13, 1944, Pastor St. Mary's Genesee 1939-1944. Row 9: 1. BORDEMANN "If we suffer with Christ, then we be also glorified with Him." Romans 8:17. Bordemann. Marie, 1849-1913 Wilhelm, 1848-1932. "Rest in Peace" 2. LAWEN Frank S., Jan. 28, 1899-Aug. 24, 1940. 3. LAWEN Joseph R., Feb. 19, 1906-Aug. 6, 1906. 4. LAWEN Frances N., Aug. 4, 1892-Mar. 29, 1897. Row 10 1. FICKENS Gus, July 20, 1882-Dec. 11, 1968 Frances, Nov. 19, 1889-________ 2. MOERSCH Henry J., May 2, 1885-Dec. 11, 1918. 3. MOERSCH Catherine, 1864-1912 Joseph, 1857-1936 4. LAWEN Edward J., June 2, 1894-Nov, 1, 1918. 5. LAWEN Frank, 1858-1914 Margaret, 1863-1957. Row 11: 1. BERSHAW Father, Joseph, 1866-1915. 2. BERSHAW Mother, Mary, 1868-1943. 3. STEELE "I.H.S." Patricia J., March 18, 1925-Dec. 23, 1930. "God needed one more angel child amidst His shining band and so He beat with loving smile and clasped our darling's hand." Memory of Mrs. C. Sprenger. 4. SPRENGER "I.H.S." Father, Joseph, 1865-1910 Mother, Catherine M., 1877-1937. "Rest in Peace." 5. ROHENKOHL Bernard, son of B. & A. G. Rohenkohl, born May 30, 1890 died Sept. 2, 1891. Row 12: 1. WERNECKE Charles, 1866-1947 Amelia, 1871-1953. 2. HIRSELBERGER Jean Joseph, March 2, 1869-May 15, 1939. 3. BERUBE Pete, 1861-1950. 4. SLUSSER Charles S., 1893-1937. 5. HERMAN Our baby, Arthur, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. H.J. Herman Jr. Dec. 3, 1918. 6. KLUSS Andrew A., son of Theodore & Mary Kluss, At Rest, born Apr, 29, 1895, died July 11, 1897. "Dear lovely Andrew, to part with you hath racked our hearts with pain; but though our loss is great, we trust, 'tis your eternal gain." 7. SPRENGER Baby, Anna Amelia Sp, Feb, 27, 1905-June 22, 1905. "Safe in the arms of Jesus." 8. KOENIGS Elisabeht(sic), 1807-1898. (Short's Chapel) Row 13 1. KRAUT Helen M., 1872-1909 Joseph P., 1869-1940. 2. BECKER Maurice, 1881-1918. 3. GIGER Anna, born July 18, 1890, died July 26, 1906. "Love never ceases." Giger. 4. GEIGER Mata, wife of Joseph Geiger, died July 28, 1891, aged 30 years. "We will meet again." (A.K. Prescott, Helena) ***************** SOUTH SECTION: Row 1: 1. KASPER Jerome Matthew, Aug. 12, 1937-Oct. 10, 1969. (Photograph on stone) 2. THOMAS Betty, Jan. 6, 1904-Aug. 3, 1919. 3. WESSEL Theodore B., born in Velleran Germany, Sept. 5, 1898 -May 19, 1977. 4. SCHARNHORST Louis D., December 23, 1894-November 5, 1977 "IHS" Mary J., November 1, 1896-______ "Hail Mary full of Grace." Row 2: 1. KLUSS Mary, 1863-1939 Theodore, 1849-1928. 2. KLUSS Bertha A., February 26, 1893-_____ John T., August 12, 1893-March 3, 1980. "I am the resurrection and the life." (also a Short's Funeral Chapel marker for John.) 3. (HERMAN) Henry J. Jr., 1889-1929. 4. HERMAN Charles T., Idaho RM1 USNR World War II, July 9, 1923-March 24, 1958. 5. HERMAN family stone. 6. BIELENBERG Mary T., Aug. 25, 1891-Dec. 15, 1958. "She was our guiding star, by its light she remains to guide us still." (stone attached to the Herman family stone) 7. BIELENBERG "Nick" F., Aug. 17, 1883-June 2, 1975. "God gave, He took, He will restore, He dooth all things well." 7a. Nicholas F. Bielenhsrgo 1883-1975. (Vassar Rawls Service) 8. BIELENBERG Mary, 1862-1942 Henry, 1850-1938. 9. SCHLUETER Lauren W., Oct. 6, 1916-Dec. 24, 1948. 10. SCHLUETER William L., Oct. 19, 1900-June 5, 1956 Delores K.,(no dates) Father, Mother 11. MOSER Father, Florent J., September 15, 1905-December 6, 1955 Mother, Lucile A., September 18,1908-_____ . "IHS" 12. SCHARNHORST Kevin C., July 14, 1965-July 16, 1965 John C. Jr. May 10, 1957-May 11, 1957. Sons of John C. & Adrianna 13. SCHARNHORST John C., Aug. 26, 1918-July 6, 1978. 14. MAYER Theresa, Jan. 21, 1909-______ Louis, Aug. 15, 1900-Sept. 14, 1975, married in Germany February 4, 1948. Row 3: 1. KASPER Mother, Anna, Nov. 7, 1874-Aug. 13, 1919. 2. KASPER family stons. 3. KASPER Father, Michael, Aug. 15, 1867-Dec. 19, 1933. 4. (KASPER) Father, Mathew J., Dec. 10, 1895-Aug. 10, 1960. 5. KASPER Gertrude B., Dec. 23, 1894-Apr. 20, 1979. 6. (SCHLUETER) Theodore, 1867 Father 1922. 7. (SCHLUETER) Cecelia, 1874 Mother 1954. 8. SCHLUETER family stone. 9. SCHLEUTER Theodore J. Schleuter (sic), 1928-1947. 10. ENTEL Veronica P. Schlueter Entel, Novo 19, 1905-June 4, 1979. ll. SCHLUETER Joseph P., 1901-1943. (stones 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 match) 12. DRISCOLL Timothy, July 19, 1938. (only date) 13. DRISCOLL Carolyn Vivian, April 18, 1937. (only data.),"She hath looked well to the paths of her house, she hath opened her hand to the needy, and stretched out her hands to the poor." "Blessed are the merciful." 14. DRISCOLL Driscoll family stone. 15. DRISCOLL Dorothy A. Driscoll, December 31, 1969. (only date) "Blessed are the merciful." 16. DRISCOLL Edna Veronica Driscoll, February 18, 1975. (only data) "Veronica wipes the face of Jesus." 17. GIBSON Saidee Bernice Gibson, July 30, 1940. (only date) "The Lord is my shepherd, He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness." (stones 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 match) 18. SCHARBACH Mary Catherine Scharbach, 1885-1940. 19. SCHARBACH Frank J., 1877-1955 Katie 1885-1940. 20. FLERCHINGER Steven B., Idaho Cpl. 148 Field Arty. BN Oct.21, 1931- Nov.20, 1952. 21. FLERCHINGER Henry P., Sept. 11, 1896-July I5, 1975 Delphisa M., April 23, 1898-__________ 22. FLERCHINGER Our darling, Wayne T., Apr. 30, 1962-Aug. 6,1966, son of Joyce & Delores. Row 4: 1. KRIES family stone. 2. KRIES Mother, Anna M., May 19, 1856-Nov. 18, 1943. 3. KRIES Father, Nicholas J., June 24, 1862-June 11, 1918. 4. BROEMELING Infant dau. of Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Broemeling. (stone 4 attach to stone 3) 5. BERSHAW Donald F., Sept. 5, 1921-Apr. 15, 1940. 6. GROSS family stone. 7. GROSS At Rest, Peter Gross, July 9, 1839-Dec. 24, 1916. "To him we trust a place is given Among the saints with Christ." 8. KRIES Father, John P., Nov. 7, 1888-Aug. 18, 1969 Mother, Margaret M., May 17, 1886-Apr. 17, 1960. 9. HARPOLE Sophia M., Sept. 14, 1886-Nov. 5, 1974 Claud D., July 5, 1882-Nov. 15, 1972. 10. EBEL George R., Oct. 30, 1873-Dec. 19, 1918. "His last words, I want to go home." "R.I.P." 11. EBEL family marker. "IHS" (six foot cross) 12. EBEL Father, Carl F., April 19, 1839-July 1, 1918. "R.I.P." 13. EBEL Mother, Franziska, nee Wilhelm, Sept, 14, 1845-Sept. 26, 1923. "R.I.P." II Tim. IV 7 14. SWEENEY 1888-1953, John J. Sweeney. 15. SWEENEY Mary 1865-1935 Denis, 1852-1923, "IHS" 16. SWEENEY Edward J., Idaho Pvt. US Army World War II, Oct, 19, 1892-May 8, 1960. 17. BROENNEKE Lester W., 1916-1942. 18. BROENNEKE Lena, 1893-______ Chris, 1892-1979, married Oct,13, 1915. 19. KRIES Son, Kenneth R., March 16, 1938-September 17, 1960. "Not my will but thine be done" 20. GRIESER 1907 Theodore J. 1961 21. GRIESER Lawrence F., April 1, 1899-Sept. 25, 1975. 22. GRIESER Our precious Kyra Kay, Dec. 25, 1974-Mar. 2, 1975. 23. DUGAN "Rest is Peace" Ernest Dugan, Oct. 8, 1907-April 24, 1971. Row 5: 1. MULALLEY family stone. "IHS" 2. (MULALLEY) Lizzie T.J., 1877-1894. 3. (MULALLEY) John H., 1869-1893. 4. SMITH Katherine, 1870-1902. (stones 2 through 4 match) 5. MULALLEY Felix A., I881-1944. 6. MULALLEY Patrick F., 1873-1938. 7. (MULALLEY) Mary, his wife, 1842-1918. 8. (MULALLEY) Patrick W,, 1831-1889. 9. KEANE Mother, Sarah A. Keane, Sept, 22, 1867-May 27, 1887. 10. KEANE Father, Timothy J. Keane, Jan. 1, 1850-June 29, 1912. 11. KEANE Keane family stone. "IHS" 12. KEANE Mother, Elizabeth Keane, June 15, 1865-Jan. 18, 1941. 13. LINEHAN Elizabeth, 1864-1956 Thomas, 1849-1913. 14. LINEHAN family stone. "IHS" 15. SANFORD Helen, 1888-1956. 16. MURPHY Margret Murphy, June 16, 1882-Jan, 6, 1920. 17. MURPHY family stone. "IHS" 18. BERNER Father, George, Nov. 1875-April 1959 Mother, Christina, June 1882-May 1959. "There is rest in heaven." 19. SWEENEY Agnes, September 1907-August 1971. 20. HOVE Evelyn, 1899-______ Fred, 1893-1979. 21. BALDUS "Aue Wiederschen" Baldus, Otto Karl, Jan. 29, 1888-Sept. 11,1957 Helen Anne, Apr. 19, 1894-Aug. 26, 1977. 22. GRIESER Elsie 1898-______ Charles N., 1899-1968."The Lord is my shepherd 23. GRIESER Andrew J.,1910 -______ Agnes J., 1912-1970. Row 6: 1. MAGEE family stone. "Here rests a woodman of the world." 2. MAGEE John, May 9, 1854-Jum 5, 1919. 3. MAGEE Isabell, wife of John Magee, Jan. 21, 1868-Mar. 2, 1938. 4. MAGEE Margaret, May 18, 1890-Nov. 20, 1958. 5. VANDENBURG Chas. Emery, 1885-1928. (stones 2 through 5 match) 6. KEANE Annie Marie, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.J, Keane, June 28, 1888-Feb. 12, 1889. 7. KEANE family stone "IHS" "Father, let thy grace by given that we may meet in heaven." 8. HICKMAN C. Wright Jr., son of Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Hickman, Apr. 6-9, 1930 9. MASON Margaret R., Jan, 18, 1886-Jan. 19, 1963. (stones 8 & 9 match) 10. KEANE Mother, Catherine M., Mar. 26, 1867-June 28, 1934. 11. KEANE Father, James J., Dec. 2, 1857-Feb, 14, 1925, 12. KANE Brother. Willie Kane. 1900-1909. 13. KANE John, 1856-1952 Mary, 1851-927, "Gone, but not forgotten." 14. BOWKER At Rest, Mary Ann, wife of William W. Bowker, died Nov. 1, 1913, aged 52 years, "May her soul rest in peace." 15. (HOORMAN) Infant son, Francis Joseph, 1923. 16. HOORMAN Thelma S., 1898-1974 Frank H., 1894-1949. Knights of Columbus emblem. 17. TUPKER Joseph J., 1874-1954 Viola T., 1876-1951. 18. MILLER Ernest Hubert, Idaho Pvt. 397 TECH. School SQ AAF World War II, Dec. 15, 1903-June 19, 1951. 19. MILLER Mom, Louise J., April 7, 1877-May 19, 1963. 20. MILLER Daddy, Ernest E., Feb. 13, 1867-Apr. 2, 1947. Row 7: 1. JUTTE Frank, son of Peter & Veronika Jutte, born Aug, 15, 1900 died Apr. 13, 1902, "Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest God calls away when he thinks best." 2. JUTTE Veronika Jutte Dertinger, 1866-1940 DERTINGER Peter Jutte, 1860-1902 3. STEVENS Andrew A., born June 13, 1887, died Feb. 19, 1920 "Happy will our meeting be in our true home thru the cross of our sweet Jesus. Bless His Soul." 4. STEVENS Mary, 1889-1931. 5. STEVENS "Christ is my hope." Mother, Carrie Stevens, 1865-1942. 6. MASSE Ida Stevens Masse, 1893-1924 (stones 4 through 6 match) 7. STEVENS Henry M., born April 25, 1897, died April 13, 1920. "We will meet in our blessed home at the feet of our Redeemer. Bless His Soul." 8. HENRY "IHS" Father, Xavier Henry. (no dates) 9. HENRY "IHS" Mother, Katherine Henry. (no dates) 10. HENRY Katherina Henry, born Sept. 19, 1840, died Nov. 16, 1920 Xavier Henry, born Sept. 24, 1851, died July 30, 1909. "Gone to a bright home where grief can not come." 11. BROEMELING Ralph J., 1914-1943. 12. BROEMELING Katherine A., Dec. 11, 1890-Mar. 15, 1967. John H., Feb, 27, 1884-Feb. 7, 1965. 13. HASFURTHER Theresa, daughter of Joe & Lizzie Hasfurther, born June 15, 1894, died Sept, 2, 1896, aged 2 Y'rs. 2 Mo's. 17 D'ys. 14. HASFURTHER Alicia, 1913-1915 Mary, died 1920 daughters of M.W. & Teresa Hasfurther. 15. HASFURTHER Gene E., infant son of E.M. & Helen Hasfurther, died 1946. 16. HASFURTHER Martin W. 1873-1949, "K.C." Teresa M., 1878-1963. 17. GRIESER Donald, son of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Grieser, Mar. 8, 1917- Sept. 20, 1921. "We loved this tender little one, and would have wished him stay, but let our Father's will be done, He shines in endless day." 18. GRIESER Charles F., 1876-1961 Anna B., 1878-1961. "The Lord is my shepherd." 19. SIMMONS John, 1862-1956. 20. ESSER Kenneth Lloyd, 1931-1931 Leah Gayle, 1952-1960, son and daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Esser. 21. BRUEGEMAN Ferdinand C., Idaho PFC US Army World War I, April 20, 1895-Aug. 17, 1972. Row 8: 1. GESELLCHEN Hier ruht is Gott Peter Gesellchen, geb zu Meering Deutschland, Feb. 1822, gestorben in Genesee, Idaho am 8 Febr. 1901. 2. ROACH Mary Lynn, March 11-14, 1945, inf. dau. of J. Wayne & Mercedes. 3. SMOLT Edwin F., 1889-1937. 4. SMOLT Edwin Duffy, Aug. 14, 1956-Sept. 23, 1978. 5. SMOLT Clifford Francis, son of E.F. & T.A. Smolt, Apr. 21, 1919-May 4, 1919. 6. SMOLT William, 1859-1942 Christina, 1864-1948. 7. MERTES John P., born Dec. 23, 1832, died Mar. 25, 1894. "R.I.P." 8. HASFURTHER Father and Mother, "IHS", John Nickalous, Sept. 10, 1833-Oct. 26, 1921 Maria Katherine, June 26, 1844-Aug. 28, 1896. "There is rest in heaven." 9. LANPHIER Mrs. Veronica, 1896-1929. 10. OLSON Rosalia K., June 25, 1901- May 26, 1932. 11. HASFURTHER Elizabeth, 1874-1939. (Short's Chapel) 12. HASFURTHER Lizzie, died July 25, 1939 Joe N., died Jan. 28, 1964. 13. HASFURTHER Victor, 1867-1911. 14. HASFURTHER "We cannot tell who next may fall beneath thy chastening rod, One must be first, but let us all, prepare to meet our God." Hasfurther family stone. 15. HASFURTHER Frances, 1873-1947. 16. HASFURTHER In loving memory of Urban M., 1936-1957. 17. HASFURTHER Regina, 1881-1959 Andrew, 1871 1960. Row 9: 1. GAFFNEY Margaret D., wife of J.H. Gaffney, born Aug. 19, 1864, died July 20, 1898. 2. GAFFNEY Mildred Helen, died Aug. 26, 1895, aged 9 m's 3 day "Darling, we miss thee." 3. KIRST-JOHAN Heir Ruhet in Gott, Anna Maria Kirst-Johann, geb. 15 Feb. KIRST 1825 zu Anschau, gest 6 Marz 1900 zu Genesee, Idaho. "Mein Jesus Barmherzigkeit." Hier Ruhet in Gott, Stephan Kirst, gest 9 Sept. 1889 zu Genesee, Idaho, Im Alter von 62 Jakren. 4. BROEMMELING Catherine, born Apr. 18, 1833, in Meer Germany died, Jan, 24, 1914, in Genesee, Idaho. 5. BROMMELING Roetger Broemmeling, geb. 2 Dez. 1820 zu Emmerig, gest 6 Mai 1897. "0 Schlummer sanft in stiller Gruft bis einst der Ertoeser ruft." 6. JOHANN Jesus-Maria-Joseph, heir Ruhet in Gott Maine Geliebte Ehefrau,Johanna Johann, Geb. d. 27 Aug. 1864 zu Festina Iowa, Gest d. 14 Oct. 1901 zu Genesee Idaho. "Bet'Ihr fur mich wie Ich fur euch: Bringt Gott uns all in's Himmelreich." Johann, Heir Ruhet in Gott Unseve Liebling Johanna M.T. Johann, Geb. d. 6, Gest d. 26, Oct. 1901. Peter Johann, Jan. 15, 1860-Jan. 8, 1946. 7. KRIER John P., 1880-1967 Johanna, 1881-1964. 8. JOHANN Paul, 1901-1951. 9. JOHANN John, Feb. 15, 1866-June 24, 1930 Catherine C., Mar. 27, 1871-Oct. 29, 1959. 10. JOHANN "United in Death." George J., Feb. 5, 1891-Dec. 18, 1918 Mary A., Dec., 9, 1896-Dec. 18, 1918. 11. BROENNEKE Rose W., 1917-1920. 12. BROEMMELING John Victor, Sept. 22, 1892-Jan. 5, 1893 Johana Mary, June 27, 1887-Feb. 23, 1890. 13. BROEMMELING John T., 1869-1947 Paulina, 1865-1928. 14. GRIESER Pauline, Apr. 11, 1897-May 4, 1897 Lizzie, Aug. 11, 1891-Feb. 16, 1892 Frank Grieser, July 8, 1894- Nov. 13, 1894. 15. GRIESER Brother, Albert Grieser, 1901-1957. 16. GRIESER Father, Frank P., 1861-1941 Mother, Cathryn, 1868-1960. 17. GRIESER Rose M. Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1893-Mar. 1, 1920. 18. GRIESER Rose, daughter of Mr.& Mrs. Frank Grieser. 19. KAMBICH Antone, 1889-1940. "IHS" 20. KAMBITSCH Anna B., dau. of Matt & Mary Kambitsch, born Mar. 29, 1891 died Apr. 10, 1891. 21. KAMBITSCH Joseph, March 26, 1866-December 21, 1917. 22. KAMBITCH Lucy M., wife of Joseph J. Kambitch, born Nov. 26, 1875 died May 7, 1904. Kambitch (note: different spellings of surname on stones.) Row 10: 1. KIMBEL Arthur, 1911-1914 Walter , June 7, 1898. (only date) 2. KUHN Robert, 1888-1977 Teresa, 1904-_____ 3. BROEMMELING Mary, born May 8, 1855, died Apr. 1, 1913 Herman, Sept. 29, 1855-Aug. 5, 1941. 3a . 3b . Mother Father 4. HANSMAN Dad, Art, Mar. 4, 1890-July 3, 1961 Mother, Rose, Oct, 13, 1888-Jan. 10, 1956 married November 19, 1912 5. BROEMMELING Joseph, son of Herman & Mary Broemmeling, born Dec. 13, 1891, died Jan. 6, 1892. "Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest, God calls away when he things best." 6. BROEMELING Joseph J., 1894-_____ Amanda, 1894-1940. Broemeling. (sic) 7. GRIESER Adolph, 1869-1941 Theresa, 1873-1965. 8. TIERNEY Alice, born June 3, 1861, died Aug, 29, 1894. "Rest, Mother, rest in quiet sleep, while friends in sorrow o'er thee weep." 9. JACOBS Nicholas, born Sept. 14, 1858, died Dec. 29, 1902. Catherine M., born April 4,1896, died Jan. 25, 1897. 10. JACOBS Thresa, wife of Nichlous (sic) Jacobs, born at St. James Minn., Aug. 31, 1862, died Feb. 25, 1911. 11. HEITFELD Charles A., son of Henry & Anna Heitfeld, died Feb.13, MULLER 1892 aged 2 Y's, 10 M's, 9 D's. Theresia Muller died Mar. 28, 1892, aged 63 Years, "Rest in Peace" 12. BROEMMELING Dad, William G., 1901-1975 Mom, Helen,1909-1975. (photograph on stone) 13. KERN Kate M., daughter of Amand & Mary Kern, born July 1, 1890, died April 6, 1910. "Kindled to begin, 0 mystery Why? Death is but life, weep not nor sigh." 14. KERN Elizabeth D., Jan. 18, 1892-Feb. 7, 1962. 15. BECKER Anna, 1842-1923. 16. BECKER F.E., 1836-1911. 17. BECKER Leona, 1909-_____ 18.(BECKER) Daughter, Dorothy, 1907. (only date) 19. BECKER Infant John, son of Don & Evelyn, Sept. 27, 1974. (only date) 20. BECKER Becker family stone. 21. BECKER Stanton E., October 5, 1904-February 4,. 1978. 22. KRAUT Pauline, wife of Frank Kraut, born Feb, 4, 1842, died June 13, 1906. Kraut. 23. KRAUT Wenzel E., born July 26, 1872, died July 24, 1907 24. KAMBITSCH Stephen M., 1896-1949. 25. KAMBITSCH Anna, 1898-1963. 26. KAMBITSCH Lucy, 1907-1966. 27. KAMBITSCH Edward, 1894-_____ 28. PADOSHEK Mary Ann Kambitsch Padoshek, 1891-1969. (stones 24 through 28 match) Row 11: 1. KEANE Johanna, died Dec. 10, 1903, aged 85 Y'rs. Edward N., 1863-1912. Thomas, died Sept. 1901 aged 88 Y'rs. 2. WALSH W.M., 1856-1912. "Gone but not forgotten." 3. CONWAY Freddie, son of A.W. & Mattie E. Conway, born May 5, 1900, died Jan. 19, 1902. 4. LUNDT Ruth, 1867-1945. 5. FITZPATRICK Catherine, 1860-1946. 6. FITZPATRICK Louis, 1865-1944, 7. KEMPF Victoria, born Dec. 25, 1887, died Aug. 8, 1905. 8. KEMPF Barbara, wife of Edward Kempf, Dec. 25, 1843-July 24, 1909."Restin Peace." Mother. 9. KAMBITSCH Father, Mathias, 1859-1939 Mother, Mary, 1867-1931. "At Rest." 10. KEMPF Mary, infant dau. of John & Ana Kempf. (no dates) (stones 7 through 10 match) 11. LINEHAN Catherine, 1884-1966 Arthur C., 1884-1965. 12. QUINN Ellen, wife of John Quinn, born June 16, 1840, died Nov. 7, 1909. 13. CUNNINGHAM Patrick, born Mar. 17, 1831, died Dec. 8, 1909 Rest in Peace 14. CUNNINGHAM Mary, wife of P. Cunningham, born Feb. 8, 1840, died Aug. 29, 1937. "Rest in Peace." 15. CUNNINGHAM John, born Sept. 18, 1867, died June 6, 1941. 16. CUNNINGHAM William, born Apr. 7, 1874 died Oct. 21, 1953 "Rest in Peace." 17. CUNNINGHAM family stone. 18. CUNNINGHAM Mary Clemens, wife of W.I. Cunningham born Sept. 29, 1876, died Apr. 15,1923 "Rest in Peace" 19. KERN Mary, Dec. 4, 1858-Apr. 13, 1942, aged 84. Amand, Dec, 4, 1854-July 18, 1927, age 72. 19a. footmarker: A.K. 20. (KRAUT) Mother, Mary, Jan. 31, 1885-Nov. 8, 1928. 21. KRAUT family stone 22. KRAUT Father, Charles H., June 7, 1880-Aug. 24, 1952. 23. KRAUT Teresa M., (no dates) Lawrence C., 1906-1974. 24. JONES Mother, Agnes H., 1890-1979 Father, Harding Budd, 1879-1976. "Eternal Love." Row 12: 1. BRANDMEIR Henry C., son of Mary & John Brandmeir, born Feb. 22, 1893, died Dec, 12, 1898. 2. GAERTNER Marie E. Gaertner, 1870-1905. 3. KNAPPS Joseph, April 15, 1872-November 21, 1954 Josephine, February 19, 1882-July 9, 1968. "Safe in the arms of Jesus." 4. KNAPPS Franz X. Knapps, Dec. 8, 1836-Sept. 21, 1911. "May his soul rest in peace." "IHS" 5. PLEIMAN John P., 1856-1913. 6. ALBER Elizabeth, Mother, 1873-1925. 7. ALBER John, Father, 1862-1929. 8. ALBER Florence, 1903-1926, daughter. 9. BROEMMELING "Here rests Barney Broemmeling, born July 8, 1853, died June 20, 1916. Let him rest in Peace." Broemmeling. 10. NEYENS Joseph, February 3, 1878-November 21, 1945. 11. SULLIVAN Jeremiah, born 1853, died 1924. "May he rest in peace." 12. SULLIVAN John, born 1843, died May 22, 1927 Mary, born 1859, died Sept. 13, 1928. 12a. Footmarker: J.S. 13. KRAUT "Of such is the kingdom of Heaven." David Amand, son of Elmor & Sylvia Kraut, June 18, 1958-Aug. 20, 1961. 14. JACOBS Christena J., 1897-_______ Frank J., 1892-1965 married Nov, 22, 1916. Row 13: 1 CARTER Vincent S., Oct. 17, 1913-Mar. 27, 1977. 2. GIRARD Infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. T.F. Girard, born & died June 23, 1920 "O! flower too soon faded." 3. MONTAGUE James, Oct. 6, 1856-Mar. 7, 1928. 4. MONTAGUE Catherine, Apr. 6, 1857-Mar. 27, 1914. 5. MONTAGUE family stone. 6. MONTAGUE Ellen, 1851-1921. 7. SULLIVAN John S., born Dec. 6, 1846, died Dec. 15, 1928 Mary, wife of John Sullivan, born June 5, 1847, died June 5, 1918. "May she rest in peace." 8. SULLIVAN John Sullivan, 1875-1937. 9. NUXOLL Donna, 1930-1967, wife of Fred. 10. MC WILLLIAMS Glen H. McWilliams, July 9, 1897-Sept. 24, 1969. ************** Stones on the outside of the drive in the corner of the cemetery. 1. SEVER Willie Earl, infant son of Bill & Connie Sever, June 10, 1968. 2. PELFREY Chad R., 1967-1967. (Short's Chapel)