Payette County ID Archives Court.....Cauffield, "et Al" October 3, 1905 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer December 28, 2005, 2:46 am Source: Payette County Judgment Record, Book A, Page 65-66 Written: October 3, 1905 Recorded: October 14, 1905 Payette County Judgment Record Book A Page 65-66 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ON THE STATEOF IDAHO IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CANYON Mary Cauffield and Jennie Cauffield Plaintiffs Vs William Upchurch and Adelia Upchurch ) his wife Emma Antz and Theobald Antz ) her husband Martha Vogt, formerly Martha ) Clark nee Martha Tharp and William Tharp ) and Eva Emison nee Eva Tharp, Ernest Tharp ) Grace Tharp and Sherman Tharp, heirs of John P. ) DECREE Tharp and Fannie A. Tharp both deceased and Martha ) Vogt formerly Martha Clark nee Martha ) Tharp Guardian of the persons and estate of ) Ernest Tharp Grace Tharp and Sherman Tharp, minors ) Defendants ) This cause having been regularly called and tried by the Court and the findings of facts and conclusions of law and the decision thereon in writing having been duly rendered by the Court which are now on file in this cause wherein Judgment was awarded in favor of Mary Cauffield and Jennie Cauffield plaintiffs against all of the defendants and for costs against William Upchurch and Adelia Upchurch on motion of C B Coxe plaintiffs Attorney: It is now therefore hereby ordered adjudged and decreed that the plaintiffs have judgment as prayed for in the first cause of action in their complaint herein against the defendants and each and all of them that all adverse claims of the defendants and each of them and all persons claiming or to claim, said premises or any part thereof through or under said defendants or either of them are hereby adjudged and decreed to be invalid and groundless: and that the plaintiffs be and they are hereby declared and adjudged to be the true and lawful owners of the land described in the complaint and hereinafter described, and every part and parcel thereof and that their title thereto is adjudged to be quieted against all claims demands or pretensions of the defendants or either of them who are hereby perpetually estopped from setting up any claim thereto or any part thereof. Said premises are bounded and described as follows: The following described land, situated in the County of Canyon State of Idaho to-wit: Beginning at the South East corner of the South East Quarter of the North West Quarter of Section nine (9) Township Eight (8) North of Range Five (5) West of the Boise Meridian thence running North eighty rods thence West sixty seven rods thence South thirty-two rods thence east twenty eight rods thence South forty-eight rods thence East thirty nine rods to the place of beginning, containing 26 acres more or less, also a tract commencing at a point at the North west corner of the X South West quarter of the North east quarter of Section Nine(9) township eight (8) North of Range five (5) West of Boise Meridian thence east 340 feet thence South 11* 35’ West 643 feet thence north 82* 35’ West 213 feet thence North 595 feet to the point of beginning containing 3.88 acres more or less and being in all 30 acres, more or less. And it is hereby further ordered adjudged and decreed that the description of the land conveyed in that certain Warranty Deed set out in the second cause of Action in Plaintiffs Complaint, wherein William Upchurch and Adelia Upchurch defendants herein were grantors and Mary Cauffield and Jennie Cauffield were the plaintiffs herein were grantees and which deed is dated September 20, 1897 and recorded in the Recorders Office of Canyon County Idaho on the 7th day of October 1897 in book 19 of Deeds page 150 be corrected to read as herein above described. And it is hereby further ordered adjudged and decreed that the plaintiffs do have and recover their costs hereby taxed at $10.30 against the defendants William Upchurch and Adelia Upchurch Frank J. Smith Judge Dated October 3, 1905 Filed October 14th 1905 John A. Tucker Clerk State of Idaho) County of Canyon) ss I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the Judgment filed in the above entitled cause John A Tucker Clerk C of C Bk 2 P 247 Judgments Additional Comments: Mary Cauffield Jennie Cauffield William Upchurch Adelia Upchurch Emma Antz Theobald Antz Martha Vogt Martha Clark Martha Tharp William Tharp Eva Emison Eva Tharp Sherman Tharp John P. Tharp Fannie A.Tharp Grace Tharp File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.0 Kb