Payette-Ada-Canyon County ID Archives Court.....Crabtree, "et Al" 1868 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer January 6, 2006, 1:09 am Source: Mortgage Record, Book A. Written: 1868 Recorded: July 3, 1868 Mortgage Record Payette County, Idaho Book A, Page 2 Smith Crabtree To W. C. Jasper Know all men that I, Smith Crabtree being indebted to W. C. Jasper in the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars to be paid as follows; Three Hundred Dollars by the first day of Oct. next. Four Hundred Dollars by the first day of April Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Nine and One Hundred Dollars by the first day of October Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Nine for which he holds my notes as above. In consideration on One Dollar paid to me by the said W. C. Jasper and as Security for the payment of said notes, do hereby grant, bargain, and sell to said W. C. Jasper his heirs and assigns forever. The following ranch on which I now reside known as the Buttermilk Ranch in Ada county Idaho Territory. On condition that if the said debt be paid according to the terms of said notes, then these presents shall be void, otherwise in full force and virtue. Witness my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of June One Thousand eight hundred and sixty eight. Sealed and delivered in presence of A. C. Spencer.) Smith (* his mark) Crabtree Received for record at 9 o’clock A. M. July 3rd 1868 At request of ________________ A. G. Brown Recorder U. S. R. S. $1.00 Attached Compared Mortgages Book 1, Page 464 Book 1, Page 54 Canyon County Records File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb