WORLD WAR I CIVILIAN DRAFT REGISTRATIONS Payette County, Idaho - 1917-1918 SURNAME INDEX: WALKER thru ZINGELMANN Indexed and submitted for use by the IDGenWeb Project Archives, by Raymond H Banks, 16 January 1998 IDGenWeb Project NOTICE In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed IDGenWeb Project archivist. BIRTH INFORMATION: RESIDENTS OF THIS COUNTY IN 1917-18 AND PERSONS WITH LINKS TO THIS COUNTY The information below was abstracted from by Raymond H. Banks from civilian registration cards completed in 1917-1918. All rights reserved. Some men do not have birth locations listed because they registered on the final draft registration day in 1918 when this information was not recorded. Almost 24 million men registered for the draft -- not always in the county of residence. NOTE: Draft registration does not necessarily mean the registrant served in the war. CAUTION: Middle Eastern and East European national boundaries and country names were quite different than those seen on today's maps. Microfilm copies of the original cards are maintained by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS...the Mormons). Researchers can probably order loaner copies of specific reels from Salt Lake City through requests at local LDS family history centers. Payment for mailing costs is required. Catalog subject heading: UNITED STATES -- MILITARY RECORDS -- WORLD WAR I [although these records are not actually military records]. Original cards are kept at the National Archives branch near Atlanta, Georgia. The compiler has not abstracted the registrant's address the name and address of next of kin, occupation, work address, general physical description and occasionally listed general description of a disability. Please consult the original card to verify all information. KEY TO COLUMNS BELOW: 1ST COLUMN: NAME 2ND COLUMN: BIRTH DATE 3RD COLUMN: ETHNIC GROUP 4TH COLUMN: BIRTH LOCATION OR OTHER INFO (spelling unreliable) OTHER COLUMNS: LOCATION OF REGISTRATION For specific names searches, use the "Find" or "Search" feature of your web browser. Walker, Edward 9 Jul 1877 W Payette ID Walker, Gentry Morgan 4 Aug 1884 W Payette ID Walker, Hyrum Alfred 16 Feb 1882 W lives in Salt Lake City UT Payette ID Walker, James Ronald 5 Jan 1890 W Glenwood Springs CO Payette ID Walker, Paul Hunt 25 Feb 1892 W Aspen CO Payette ID Walker, Robert W. 21 Jun 1893 W Corbin Center MO Payette ID Walker, Zack 4 Mar 1896 W Carbon MO Payette ID Wall, Arthur Ray 26 Aug 1898 W lives in Twin Falls ID Payette ID Walling, Oris Anthony 8 Apr 1884 W Payette ID Walters, Charles A. 6 Jun 1875 W Payette ID Walters, Garland Clifford 8 Jul 1883 W Payette ID Walters, Hiram 3 Apr 1880 W Payette ID Ward, Rufus Filmore 16 Apr 1876 W relative lives Galax VA Payette ID Warden, Lawrence William 8 Oct 1894 Evans CO Payette ID Watkins, Russell 6 May 1898 W mom lives Fariston KY Payette ID Watson, Jesse D. 17 Mar 1889 W Payette ID Washington ID Watts, Walter 8 Feb 1880 W Payette ID Wayne, William Franklin 23 Dec 1890 W Climax Springs MO Payette ID Webb, Elton 13 May 1887 W Fulleston NE Payette ID Webster, Jesse Tot 2 Oct 1887 W Colfax WA Payette ID Weidner, Henry Wesley 18 Dec 1887 W Leon IA Payette ID Weir, Archie Lindsay 28 Jul 1884 W Payette ID Weir, Thomas P. 15 Dec 1890 W Preston KS Payette ID Wells, Fay C. 5 Apr 1891 W Odebold IA Payette ID Wells, Hayden T. 18 Oct 1888 W Big Stone Gap VA Payette ID Wells, Jesse Lester 26 Sep 1886 W Lyon Co. KS Payette ID Welsh, John S. 20 Oct 1879 W Payette ID Wenett, William 19 Dec 1894 W Hamburg Germany Payette ID Werner, Harley Valentine 15 Apr 1885 W Payette ID Whalen, James J. 12 Dec 1887 W Rawlins WY Payette ID Whalen, John F. 24 Aug 1891 W Nyssa OR Payette ID Wherry, Albert James 21 Jan 1897 W he & dad b. Galena OH Payette ID Wherry, Nathaniel 15 Oct 1877 W rel. lives Victoria Brit. ColumbPayette ID White, Albert Edwin 21 Jul 1888 Philadelphia PA Payette ID White, Harry Thomas 13 Jul 1894 W Valparaiso NE Payette ID White, Quincy Quarterman 6 Feb 1895 W Boise ID Payette ID White, Roy Seymour 27 May 1883 W Payette ID Whiteman, Frank 13 Aug 1885 W rel. lives Bedford England Payette ID Wicklund, Elmer Gifford 3 Nov 1882 W Payette ID Wilcher, John Colyer 10 Feb 1885 W mom lives in Palouse WA Payette ID Wiley, William Gurnel 18 Sep 1872 W Payette ID Wilfong, Hugh Ellis 25 Aug 1880 W Payette ID Williams, Asa L. 7 May 1881 W dad lives in Kooskia ID Payette ID Williams, Asa L. 7 May 1881 W works in McCall ID Payette ID Williams, Dan 20 May 1878 W relative lives Payette ID Twin Falls ID Williams, James Edward 11 Oct 1883 W relative lives Gem Alberta Payette ID Williams, John Sterling 8 Oct 1890 W Payette ID Payette ID Williams, Richard Henry 22 Dec 1881 W relative lives Gleason Alberta Payette ID Williams, Wayman John 8 Feb 1900 W Payette ID Williams, William R. 21 Jan 1873 W Payette ID Willis, Johnnie Walligton 25 Jan 1873 W Payette ID Willis, Leo Andrew 25 Jul 1899 W rel. lives Payette ID Humboldt NV Wilson, Dwight 1 Jan 1897 W Payette ID Payette ID Wilson, James Als_ 30 Jul 1900 W Payette ID Wilson, John Edgar 11 Apr 1878 W Payette ID Wilson, John Wesley 26 Oct 1875 W Payette ID Wilson, Marion Henry 12 Nov 1890 W Maysville NV Payette ID Winans, Ralph Printess 13 Jan 1896 W Martinsville IN Payette ID Wines, Albert Vernon 23 Feb 1876 W Payette ID Wing, Lloyd Lee 24 Jul 1899 W works in Austin OR Payette ID Wing, William Hose 29 May 1877 W Payette ID Winters, Frederick 31 Oct 1887 W Stuttgart Germany Payette ID Wisbey, Oliver 1 Feb 1873 W Payette ID Wisdom, Frank Louis 17 Aug 1888 W Malhier OR Payette ID Wiseman, Loyd Sanpson 15 Apr 1898 W Payette ID Wolcott, Harold 21 Jun 1897 W relative lives Payette ID Washington ID Wolcott, Leon 23 Apr 1898 W relative lives Payette ID Elmore ID Wood, Arthur Garde 4 Mar 1898 W Payette ID Wood, Byron C. 10 Jun 1886 W Monroe WI Payette ID Wood, Clinton Duane 26 Dec 1889 Castleton ND Payette ID Wood, Gilbert Victor 17 Sep 1898 W works at RFD Emmett ID Payette ID Wood, Ronald Elsworth 14 Apr 1894 W Woodsfield OH Payette ID Wood, Walter A. 9 Jun 1891 W Neeley ID Payette ID Woodward, Ira Richard (Dr.) 17 May 1874 W Payette ID Wright, David Leroy 30 May 1890 W Curtis NE Payette ID Wright, Hiram 5 Mar 1881 W Payette ID Wright, William Harvey 1878 W Payette ID Young, August E. 12 Oct 1890 W Payette ID Payette ID Young, Bernard Arthur 19 Apr 1890 W Agenda KS Payette ID Young, Eddie C. 15 Sep 1894 W Payette ID Humboldt NV Young, Lambert Arnold 13 Nov 1897 W Payette ID Youtsler, Henry 4 Feb 1879 W relative lives Payette ID Boise Co. ID Yribar, John 30 Nov 1882 W lives in Boise ID Payette ID Zimmerman, Frank Stephen 3 Oct 1886 W Scranton IA Payette ID Zimmerman, Homer Warren 21 Sep 1882 W Payette ID Zingelmann, Albert 27 Feb 1880 W Payette ID For other sections of the alphabet, please return to the Payette County Table of Contents.