Payette-Canyon County ID Archives News.....The Result September 3, 1892 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer February 9, 2006, 2:01 am Payette Independent September 3, 1892 Payette Independent Payette, Idaho September 3, 1892 THE RESULT. Brother Horn of the Nampa Leader takes his McConnell “crow” very gracefully, but in doing so he manages to pay our fellow townsman, Mr. A. B. Moss, a splendid compliment. He says: “The Moscow convention is a thing of the past. While the result of the deliberations of that body was not what the Leader had worked for, yet we bow to the will of the majority, believing that the best interests of the country can be served by supporting the principles of the Republican party through the nominees of the Moscow convention. The Leader has no apology to offer for the support it gave A. B. Moss; whose candidacy we urged for Governor. The manly course he pursued during the short campaign, made him hosts of friends, whose friendship will not be eradicated for many years to come, and should the name of A. B. Moss ever again be presented to a Republican convention in Idaho, he will be remembered as a man who would not countenance trickery or bribery in order to obtain the nomination for Governor in 1892.” File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb