Shoshone County ID Archives Census.....Wardner Precinct 1900 A-F ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Russell September, 2005 Name Home in 1900 Estimated Birthplace Race Relation to Birth Year Head of House John Adams Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Finland White Head Lizzie Adams Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Finland White Wife Joseph Agnew Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Ireland White Head Daniel Agoa Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 New York White Head Kittie Agoa Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Austria White Wife Henry Ahlff Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Dalmatia;Austria White Boarder Henry Ahrens Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Iowa White Boarder John Ahrens Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Iowa White Boarder Fred Albiez Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Germany White Boarder Jesse W Alexander Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 North Carolina White Boarder Allen Alkire Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Washington White Boarder Albert Allen Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Michigan White Son Anna Allen Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Colorado White Daughter Chales Allen Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Michigan White Son Charles W Allen Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1859 New York White Boarder Edith Allen Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Michigan White Daughter John Allen Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 England White Head John Allen Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Michigan White Son Mary Allen Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Sweden White Wife Thomas M Ames Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 Pennsylvania White Head Alfred Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Washington White Son Anna Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Washington White Daughter Axel Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Sweden White Head Charles Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1852 New York White Head Charles Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1859 Sweden White Head J A Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1857 Sweden White Head James Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Wisconsin White Head Joseph Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Wisconsin White Head Louise Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Finland White Wife Malt Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Finland White Boarder Orsmis Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Norway White Boarder William Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Nebraska White Head Willie Anderson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Son George Andes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Slovenia White Head Halton Andes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Germany White Wife Joseph Andes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 California White Son Lizzie Andes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 California White Daughter Mary Andes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Austria White Wife Peter Andes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Austria White Head Charles W Andrews Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Iowa White Boarder Dorothy Angel Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Daughter Edward Angel Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Michigan White Head Emma Angel Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Illinois White Wife Jennette Annons Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1853 Illinois White Head Henry Archer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1856 Ohio White Head Carl Arenander Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Sweden White Boarder William F Asal Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Minnesota White Boarder Bernice Ashman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Kansas White Wife William Ashman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Kansas White Head Emile Aubertin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 South Dakota White Son Emma Aubertin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Sweden White Wife George Aubertin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 South Dakota White Son Louis Aubertin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 South Dakota White Son Louis Aubertin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 New York White Head Mary Aubertin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 South Dakota White Daughter Pansy Aubertin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1892 South Dakota White Daughter James Aubrey Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Canada English White Head Joseph Aubrey Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Iowa White Boarder Lula Aubrey Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Finland White Wife Agnes Auld Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1845 Scotland White Wife Ina Auld Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1886 Georgia White Daughter John Auld Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 Scotland White Head John Auld Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Scotland White Son John Auld Jr. Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Scotland White Boarder Margaret Auld Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Scotland White Daughter James Austin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 England White Boarder Richard Aylmer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 New York White Boarder Charles Baer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Oregon White Boarder Newton Baer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Oregon White Boarder Addie Baird Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 Idaho White Wife James W Baird Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Pennsylvania White Boarder Walter Baird Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Ohio White Head Walter Baird Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Son Allida Baker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 Norway White Head Henry Herbert Baker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Illinois White Boarder Hester Baker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Montana White Daughter J W Baker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Canada English White Wife Louva K Baker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Illinois White Wife Sarah F Baker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1847 Montana White Mother William Baker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Illinois White Boarder William J Baker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Illinois White Head Allan M Baldwin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Indiana White Son Catherine Baldwin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1839 Ohio White Head G W Baldwin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 Indiana White Boarder Joseph V Baldwin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Indiana White Son Robt Baldwin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 California White Head George Bancroft Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Washington White Boarder Charles Bankey Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1852 Germany White Boarder Ernest Banta Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Iowa White Boarder Herberd Banta Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Nebraska White Head Earl Baram Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Wisconsin White Boarder A J Bardiness Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Missouri White Boarder Fred Bargefeld Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Wisconsin White Boarder Fred Bargefield Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Utah White Boarder John C Bargefield Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Utah White Boarder Harry Barger Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Pennsylvania White Boarder Almer Barnard Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 Minnesota White Boarder Charles Barnes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 New Jersey White Boarder Earl Barnes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Washington White Son Harry Barnes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Maine White Head Lola Barnes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Washington White Wife Horace Barns Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Michigan White Boarder Carrie Barrett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 California White Wife Edward Barrett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Illinois White Head Joseph Barry Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Minnesota White Boarder Henry Bart Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1841 Bavaria White Head Florance Barton Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Colorado White Wife Hubert Barton Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 Michigan White Head John J Bathjer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Germany White Boarder Frances Batterton Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Daughter James L Batterton Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Missouri White Head Louisa Batterton Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Wisconsin White Wife Oliver A Baxter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Iowa White Boarder Besse Beanes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1891 Idaho White Son Eugene Beanes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Canada White Head Mattie Beanes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 California White Wife Anna Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1883 California White Daughter Bryan Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Idaho White Son Clara Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1890 California White Daughter Emma Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1889 Idaho White Daughter Eva Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Daughter Florence Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Daughter Harry Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1886 California White Son Jesse Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Idaho White Daughter Jessie Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1890 Idaho White Daughter John Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 California White Head Mary A Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1846 Maine White Wife Willie Bearley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Idaho White Son Scott Bearne Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Italy White Boarder Lizzie Beasley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 New York White Wife William Beasley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 California White Head Stephen Beaulien Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Canada French White Boarder Gus Becker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Germany White Head Henry Becker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Germany White Boarder Charles Bedell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Germany White Boarder Con Bederman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Austria White Head Charles Beeler Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Michigan White Head Edith Behymer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 Nebraska White Daughter Ella Behymer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1888 Washington White Daughter Emma Behymer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Washington White Daughter Frances E Behymer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Canada English White Wife George Behymer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Ohio White Head Grace V Bell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Idaho White Daughter James J Bell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Illinois White Head James J Bell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Illinois White Son John A Bell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 Pennsylvania White Son John A Bell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Pennsylvania White Boarder Mary S Bell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Illinois White Wife Emily Benbow Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 New York White Wife Vera Benbow Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1893 Montana White Daughter William Benbow Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 New York White Head Benny Benefiel Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Washington White Stepson Edith Benefiel Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1884 Washington White Stepdaughter Frank Benefiel Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Washington White Stepson Albert Benicke Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Ohio White Boarder George W Benkhart Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Iowa White Patient Ernest Benner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Nebraska White Son Minnie Benner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Wisconsin White Head William Bennett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Minnesota White Boarder Enie E Bent Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Canada English White Sister-in-law Gardina e Bent Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Canada English White Sister-in-law Anton Bergen Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 Norway White Boarder Ducille E Bergeron Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Illinois White Sister-in-law William Berneger Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Pennsylvania White Boarder Lizzie Bertran Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Missouri White Sister-in-law Blanch Berve Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1892 Idaho White Daughter Celinda Berve Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Canada French White Wife Joe Berve Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1889 Idaho White Son Lee Berve Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 Idaho White Son Leo Berve Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1849 Canada French White Head Lovell Berve Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Idaho White Son Min Berve Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Daughter William Betty Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Illinois White Boarder William A Betty Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 Tennessee White Boarder Dorwin Bevan Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Colorado White Head Elsie Bingham Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Idaho White Daughter Grace Bingham Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Oregon White Daughter James Bingham Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Missouri White Head Vina Bingham Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 California White Wife John W Bish Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Oregon White Boarder Everett Bishop Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Washington White Boarder Fern Bishop Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Washington White Daughter Henry Bishop Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Kansas White Head Mary Bishop Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Nebraska White Wife Nellie Bishop Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Indiana White Wife R B Bishop Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Illinois White Boarder Ralph Bishop Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Washington White Son William Bishop Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 North Carolina White Head Martha Bitner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Kansas White Head Ethel Bixby Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Oregon White Wife William Bixby Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Iowa White Head Edward Black Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Missouri White Head Elmer Black Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Son Lillie Black Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1883 North Dakota White Wife Cora Blackmore Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Montana White Daughter James Blackmore Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Canada English White Head Jessie Blackmore Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Canada English White Wife Ruth Blackmore Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Montana White Daughter Marla M Blake Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1893 Oregon White Son Mary A Blake Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Ireland White Wife Percy W Blake Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1888 Maryland White Son William F Blake Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 Maryland White Head Joseph Bland Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Washington White Boarder Albert Bliss Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Pennsylvania White Boarder Otelia Bliss Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 Germany White Boarder Elizabeth C Blocksidge Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1849 Wisconsin White Mother Fred Blocksidge Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Wisconsin White Head Floyd Bloke Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1883 Oregon White Boarder Alex Bloomquest Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Finland White Boarder Alexander Bloomquist Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Finland White Boarder James Bluitt Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 California White Boarder Daniel Blystone Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 Illinois White Boarder Charles H Boatright Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Arkansas White Boarder Kenneth Bobart Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Michigan White Boarder Mabel Bobbins Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Nevada White Head Kendrick Bogard Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Michigan White Boarder Alice Bogen Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Oregon White Wife William A Bogen Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Missouri White Head John Boggett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Italy White Boarder William A Bogom Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Missouri White Boarder Anna Bogovich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Daughter George Bogovich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Idaho White Son Hilda Bogovich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Daughter Hilda J Bogovich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Sweden White Wife John Bogovich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Idaho White Son John Bogovich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1853 Austria White Head Matthew Bogovich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Idaho White Son Peter Bogovich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Austria White Boarder Peter Bogovich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Austria White Boarder Rosa J Bogovich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 Montana White Daughter Breland Bohannon Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Kentucky White Head Bronnie Bohannon Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1892 California White Daughter Florence Bohannon Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1889 California White Daughter George Bohannon Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1886 Missouri White Son Rose Bohannon Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Pennsylvania White Wife William Roy Boker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Illinois White Boarder James Boland Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Ireland White Head Edward Bolger Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1859 Ireland White Head France Bolger Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Idaho White Daughter Grace Bolger Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1892 Idaho White Daughter Hattie Bolger Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1891 Idaho White Daughter Hattie Bolger Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 California White Wife James A Bolger Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Idaho White Son Josie Bolger Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 Idaho White Daughter Martin Bolger Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1857 Ireland White Brother May Bolger Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1888 Idaho White Daughter William Bolitho Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1858 England White Boarder William Bolitho Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 England White Boarder Edna F Bonner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Washington White Daughter Lena Bonner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Michigan White Head Louisa Bonner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Washington White Son Mike Bottinelli Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1883 Italy White Boarder Gail Bound Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Wisconsin White Head Sanuel Bourbon Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Hungary White Boarder Jose Bowders Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Utah White Boarder Emma Boyer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Wisconsin White Wife Grace O Boyer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Michigan White Daughter Louia E Boyer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Wisconsin White Son Lulie M Boyer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1886 Wisconsin White Son Mawin Boyer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1858 Wisconsin White Head William H Boyer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1888 Michigan White Son Viola Boylor Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Virginia White Niece Elsie Boyne Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Iowa White Head John L Boyne Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 California White Boarder James E Bradbier Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Indiana White Boarder Albert Bradley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Illinois White Head Gertrude L Bradley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Connecticut White Head Grace N Bradley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1890 Utah White Daughter Harrel Bradley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Ohio White Brother Hattie E Bradley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Ohio White Wife Sina G Bradley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1885 Texas White Daughter Alonzo J Brainard Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Illinois White Head Dovie Brainard Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Missouri White Wife Linnion S Brainard Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Illinois White Head Sarah E Brainard Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Iowa White Wife William Brainard Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Kansas White Boarder Annie Bramblett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Missouri White Wife Avie Bramblett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 Missouri White Daughter Goldie Bramblett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Idaho White Daughter Henry Bramblett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1859 Kentucky White Head Minnie Bramblett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1892 Missouri White Daughter Roy Bramblett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1890 Missouri White Son Maggie Brammer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 White Anna Branner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Iowa White Daughter Arthur Branner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1892 Washington White Son Hans Branner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1853 Germany White Head Harry Branner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Son John Branner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 Iowa White Son Maggie Branner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Iowa White Daughter Margarete Branner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1853 Germany White Wife Max Branner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1890 Iowa White Son Shing Bravender Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Washington White Boarder Nancy A Breading Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1859 Oregon White Mother-in-law Charles Bredel Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Germany White Boarder Chas Bredel Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Germany White Boarder Charles Brewer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Indiana White Head Jessie M Brewer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Washington White Daughter Nora A Brewer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Indiana White Wife Robert D Brewer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Son Alice V Brickell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Minnesota White Wife Burlon C Brickell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Michigan White Head Burton H Brickell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Son Gladys R Brickell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1893 Washington White Daughter Irma Brickell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Washington White Daughter Sarah H Brock Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Canada English White Wife William Ecker Brock Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1852 Ohio White Head Anna C Brody Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Oregon White Daughter Daniel P Brody Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Oregon White Son Edward Brody Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 England White Head Mary E Brody Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Missouri White Wife Robert Brooks Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Tennessee White Head Bert Brothers Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 New York White Boarder Andrew J Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Iowa White Head Andrew J Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Iowa White Head Andrw J Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Missouri White Boarder Benjam W Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 England White Boarder Carl Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1884 Washington White Boarder Carl H Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Germany White Boarder Claudine Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Washington White Daughter George F Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Scotland White Boarder Laurel Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Washington White Son Marion Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Missouri White Boarder Marl Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1892 Washington White Son Nick Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Ohio White Boarder Sanna Brown Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Oregon White Wife George Bruner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Indiana White Head Louis Bruner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Germany White Boarder Max Bruner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Germany White Head Max Brunner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Germany White Boarder Bertha Brusser Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Missouri White Head Jame Bryan Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Kansas White Wife Perry Bryan Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Kansas White Head Fred Bryant Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 Kansas White Head Sadie Bryant Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Michigan White Wife William H Bryden Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 Pennsylvania White Head John Buchtel Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Indiana White Boarder Andy Buckley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 New York White Boarder Anna Burback Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 England White Head Isaac Burby Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Pennsylvania White Head Marjorie Burby Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Idaho White Daughter Mary Burby Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Georgia White Wife Albert Burch Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Nebraska White Head Beryl M Burch Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1893 Utah White Daughter Irma L Burch Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Utah White Daughter Mary L Burch Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Michigan White Wife Ida Burden Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1884 Washington White Head Albert Burke Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Sweden White Boarder Fred Burkes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Sweden White Boarder James Burns Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Connecticut White Boarder Amos D Burrow Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Missouri White Boarder Albert Burton Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Ohio White Head Kate M Burton Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Idaho White Wife Albert J Busby Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Pennsylvania White Head Catharine Busby Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Kansas White Wife Grey Busby Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Kansas White Daughter Ruth L Busby Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Kansas White Daughter Thomas I Busby Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Kansas White Son Byron C Butler Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Washington White Son Edward B Butler Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1858 Michigan White Head Edwin E Butler Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1852 Iowa White Boarder Katie Butler Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Canada English White Wife Lena E Butler Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Missouri White Wife Olga Butler Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Idaho White Daughter Willie Butler Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Idaho White Son Edward Butt Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 Pennsylvania White Boarder Carl Butz Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1889 Kansas White Son Charles W Butz Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 Kansas White Son Harry Butz Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 Kansas White Son Laura A Butz Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Illinois White Wife Robert A Butz Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1851 Illinois White Head William Byres Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1859 Vermont White Boarder George E Byrnes Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Kansas White Boarder James Caffey Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Michigan White Stepson Matthew Caffey Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 Montana White Stepdaughter Viola Caffey Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1889 Michigan White Stepdaughter Solomon M Camblin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Indiana White Boarder Harry Cameron Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Maine White Boarder Beula H Camp Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 California White Boarder Arther Campbell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1892 Idaho White Son Hottie Campbell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Pennsylvania White Daughter J A Campbell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Iowa White Head James Campbell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 North Carolina White Boarder John Campbell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Ohio White Head Malcolm Campbell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Canada English White Boarder Thomas E Campbell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1857 Scotland White Head Peter Canete Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 Italy White Boarder Alice Canman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Utah White Daughter Lee Canman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Utah White Son May Canman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Utah White Wife Monnie Canman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Utah White Daughter Simpson Canman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Germany White Head Henry Canty Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Washington White Boarder Martin Capmus Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Montana White Boarder Marshall B Cardwell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1851 Iowa White Boarder Edward Carlisle Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1856 New York White Head Edward J Carlisle Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Colorado White Son Edward J Carlisle Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 New Jersey White Boarder Francis A Carlisle Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Colorado White Daughter Lena Carlisle Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Ohio White Wife Matilda Carlisle Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Missouri White Wife Olive M Carlisle Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1891 Louisiana White Daughter Pearl Elena Carlisle Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1889 Colorado White Daughter Anna Carlson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1849 Norway White Wife Barney Carlson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Wisconsin White Head Gustave Carlson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1857 Sweden White Head Irma Carlson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Idaho White Daughter Mary Carlson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Washington White Wife Rebeca Carlson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Daughter Abernio Caro Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1857 Italy White Head Alietta Caro Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Italy White Wife Enna Caro Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1890 Italy White Son James Caro Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Idaho White Son John Caro Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1889 Italy White Son Josephine Caro Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Daughter Fantina Caroglio Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Italy White Head Nellie Caroll Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Colorado White Boarder Frank H Carpenter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1859 California White Boarder Ulyses J Carpenter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Ohio White Boarder Charles L Carr Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Iowa White Boarder George W Carroll Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Canada French White Boarder Julia Carter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Ireland White Wife Michael Carter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Ireland White Head Sister Carter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Nebraska White Boarder C K Cartwright Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Illinois White Boarder Albert Carver Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Idaho White Son Clare Carver Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Wisconsin White Head Nellie Carver Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 Kansas White Wife Walter Casey Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Ohio White Boarder James Castell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Missouri White Boarder Mary A Catling Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1848 England White Boarder John W Cattron Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Indiana White Boarder William Cavanaugh Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1848 Canada English White Head James T Ceder Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1845 New York White Head Nellie Cessna Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1884 Kansas White Daughter Augustin Cesszzaglie Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Italy White Boarder Adeline Chapman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Wisconsin White Wife Elmer Chapman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1891 Ohio White Son Glenn Chapman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Nebraska White Son J W Chapman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Indiana White Boarder Oscar S Chapman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Michigan White Head Bertha Chase Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 New York White Wife Evans Chase Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Utah White Boarder Horace Chase Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1859 Maine White Head Leonard Chase Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Utah White Head Sophia Chase Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Utah White Wife Edward Chenoweth Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 England White Patient Sam Chenoweth Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 England White Boarder David Chiesa Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Italy White Head Eugenia Chiesa Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Italy White Brother Mary Chiesa Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Daughter Virginia Chiesa Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Italy White Wife Robert Childs Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1843 Canada English White Boarder Alfred G Clark Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Iowa White Boarder Allyn Clark Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 North Carolina White Brother Charles O Clark Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Iowa White Boarder Granville Clark Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Virginia White Head Ira Clark Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 North Carolina White Brother Lulu M Clark Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Washington White Wife Maude Clark Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1891 Kansas White Sister Melvin Clark Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1892 Kansas White Brother Palestine Clark Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1885 North Carolina White Brother Walter C Clark Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Illinois White Boarder William Clark Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 North Carolina White Head Grace Clarke Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Wisconsin White Wife Harry Y Clarke Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 Canada English White Head Charles Cline Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Missouri White Son Fred B Cline Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 California White Son Green Cline Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1840 Kentucky White Head Harold H Cline Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 California White Son Margaret B Cline Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1844 Virginia White Wife May Cline Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Missouri White Daughter Tilly Cline Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 California White Wife William Cline Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Missouri White Son William H Cline Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Missouri White Head Carole Clough Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Washington White Wife Edward Clough Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 Ohio White Head Margaret H Clough Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Idaho White Daughter Anna M Colburn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Ohio White Sister-in-law George Coleman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1859 Missouri Black Head Lottie Coleman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1849 Pennsylvania White Wife W B Coleman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 South Carolina White Boarder William B Coleman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 South Carolina White Boarder Jacob Collinbach Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Ohio White Head Lee Collinge Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Wisconsin White Boarder Charles Collins Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Ohio White Head James Collins Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Maryland White Boarder Charles Colton Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Germany White Boarder Sherman L Cone Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 California White Head Alfred Coneybeare Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 England White Boarder Jane Conick Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Utah White Wife Stephen Conick Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Austria White Head Martin Coniff Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Washington White Son Mary Coniff Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1889 Idaho White Daughter Mary J Coniff Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1859 Ireland White Head Benj Conigan Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 New York White Boarder U Conklin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 Canada English White Boarder Bernard Conlon Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 Oregon White Head Henry Conner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1890 Washington White Stepson John Conner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Illinois White Boarder Thomas Conner Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Wisconsin White Boarder J D Connley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Missouri White Cook John Connolly Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Ireland White Head Katharine Connolly Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Idaho White Daughter Mary Connolly Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Idaho White Daughter Mary D Connolly Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Ireland White Wife Michael J Connolly Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Idaho White Son Patrick M Connolly Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Son Richard Connolly Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1815 Ireland White Mother-in-law Richard Connolly Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Son William Conrad Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Missouri White Boarder Wesley Considine Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Michigan White Boarder John W Conston Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Michigan White Boarder Lina Cook Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Missouri White Wife Nadine N Cook Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1884 Missouri White Daughter Robt E Cook Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Iowa White Boarder Roy A Cook Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Iowa White Boarder Walter Cook Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Missouri White Head Abraham G Cooper Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Pennsylvania White Boarder Brazilia A Cooper Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Kansas White Boarder Fred V Cooper Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Canada White Head Julia Cooper Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1889 Oregon White Wife Lattie Corey Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Missouri White Daughter Nettie Corey Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Missouri White Head Benjamin Corica Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Indiana White Head Hoe Corlet Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 California White Boarder Milford Corson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1849 Maine White Head William Cotter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 New York White Boarder Anson B Countryman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Michigan White Head Jennie Countryman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Kansas White Wife Ruby Countryman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Indiana White Daughter William H Courtney Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1858 Mississippi Black Head Louis Cova Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Austria White Boarder Anna Cove Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1856 Tirol White Head Frank Cove Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Tirol;Austria White Son Louis Cove Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Tirol;Austria White Brother-in-law Amanda Cox Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Sweden White Wife Evelyn E Cox Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Tennessee White Daughter George T Cox Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Oregon White Boarder Herbert L Cox Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Son Joseph B Cox Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Tennessee White Head Peyton Coy Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1859 Missouri White Boarder Frank Coyle Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 Canada English White Boarder A Cozzellia Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Italy White Boarder James Craft Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1883 Italy White Boarder Jennie Craik Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Indiana White Wife Joseph W Craik Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 Illinois White Head David Crock Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1833 Pennsylvania White Boarder James Crockett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Ohio White Boarder Alvin Crowe Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Canada English White Head Caroline Crowe Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Canada English White Daughter Nellie Crowe Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Canada English White Wife James Crowford Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Maryland White Boarder Zella Crowford Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 Montana White Boarder Sarah Crumbley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 England White Boarder Agnes Crumley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Kansas White Wife Chris C Crumley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Missouri White Boarder Samuel S Crumley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Washington White Head Peter Cruzie Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1858 Austria White Boarder Myra Cummings Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 Oregon White Boarder Sarah E Curtis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 New York White Head Oscar A Dahl Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Norway White Boarder Francis Dallaire Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Stepson Omer Dallaire Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1892 Canada French White Stepson John Darg Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 New York White Boarder Edgar Darr Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Illinois White Boarder Archie Davenport Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Kansas White Head Ethel May Davenport Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Washington White Daughter Gertrude J Davenport Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1893 Washington White Daughter Hattie Davenport Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1843 Iowa White Wife Jose Davenport Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1844 Indiana White Head Lloyd V Davenport Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Washington White Son Rose Davenport Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Minnesota White Wife Archie Davis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 New York White Boarder Catherine Davis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1833 Indiana White Mother-in-law Edward Davis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Wales White Head J S Davis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1858 Michigan White Boarder J Sigel Davis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Iowa White Boarder Jesse E Davis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Missouri White Boarder Jessie Davis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Texas White Boarder Martin Davis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 New York White Boarder Warren N Davis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 Pennsylvania White Head William R Davis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Michigan White Boarder Robert Dawe Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Canada English White Boarder Barbora Day Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Idaho White Daughter Barbora Day Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Ireland White Wife Joseph N Day Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Massachusetts White Head Margaret Day Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Idaho White Daughter Elmira S Deck Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Iowa White Wife George Deck Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Texas White Head George E Deck Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1888 Arizona White Son Henry A Deck Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Iowa White Son Bertha Decker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Oregon White Wife Fred Decker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Illinois White Head Henry Defferding Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Kentucky White Boarder Anna Degraff Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Iowa White Boarder Doc Delevan Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1886 Oregon White Son James Delevan Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1847 Michigan White Head Charles Dellaire Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1854 Canada French White Boarder John Dellarivo Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Italy White Boarder Clarence L Demaree Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1886 Kansas White Stepson Philip S Demaree Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1889 Kansas White Stepson George Dencker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Pennsylvania White Head Marie Dencker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1884 Colorado White Daughter Martha H Dencker Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1857 Colorado White Wife Newton Dennis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 New York White Boarder Stephen Dennis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Illinois White Boarder Fred Deponed Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Italy White Boarder Fred Deris Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 New York White Boarder Hector C Desilets Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1856 Canada French White Head Oscar Desser Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Illinois White Boarder Andrew J Devlin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Ireland White Head Laurence Devlin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Washington White Son Lizzie Devlin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Ireland White Wife William Devlin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Ireland White Brother Miles Dickson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1858 Indiana White Boarder John Dieringer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1856 Germany White Boarder Frank Dillsnyder Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Iowa White Boarder Adam O Dinsmore Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Pennsylvania White Boarder Ethel G Dodson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Washington White Daughter James S Dodson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1828 Washington White Son Leonard A Dodson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 California White Head Minnie E Dodson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Oregon White Wife Lerofini Dolandini Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Italy White Boarder Harrel Dolzall Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Washington White Son Nellie Dolzall Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Missouri White Daughter Omie Dolzall Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Missouri White Son Rosetta Dolzall Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Missouri White Wife William Dolzall Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Missouri White Head Van Levi Dom Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 Kentucky White Boarder Hulda Donald Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Michigan White Wife William Donald Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Scotland White Head Peter Donate Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1851 Italy White Boarder Joseph Donetti Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1849 Switzerland White Boarder Laura W Doty Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 Illinois White Wife William Doty Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Wisconsin White Head William Dougherty Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Washington White Head Walter Douris Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 New York White Head Thomas R Dovis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 England;Wales White Boarder Eleanor Doy Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1840 New York White Wife Eugene E Doy Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 California White Son Henry Doy Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1835 Maine White Head James Drennin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Kentucky White Boarder Clema Drew Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Utah White Wife Jessie Drew Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Utah White Daughter John Drew Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Scotland White Head Sena Drew Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Norway White Wife Thomas Drew Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Scotland White Boarder William Drew Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Illinois White Head Jacob Drum Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1835 Germany White Head Fred Dudley Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Iowa White Boarder Oscar Dull Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Pennsylvania White Boarder Alfred R Dum Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Wisconsin White Boarder Michael Dunn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Michigan White Boarder James J Dunnigan Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Minnesota White Boarder Charles Durant Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1851 New York White Boarder William Ealmon Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Minnesota White Boarder John C Eddy Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 New York White Head Mary Eddy Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 Missouri White Wife Clarence Edgett Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Kansas White Boarder Andrew J Edmiston Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1856 Pennsylvania White Head Paul Edmiston Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Pennsylvania White Son Henry S Edward Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1890 England White Son Thomas Edwards Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 England White Head Clarence Edwars Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1857 Michigan White Boarder John A Eklund Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1858 Sweden White Boarder Charles H Eller Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Missouri White Head Essie R Eller Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Daughter Gertrude Eller Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Missouri White Wife Hazel F Eller Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Missouri White Daughter Arthur R Elliott Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Washington White Boarder John N Elliott Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Illinois White Head Julia Elliott Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Norway White Wife Luther S Elliott Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Illinois White Boarder Mildred S Elliott Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Daughter Percy E Ellis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1819 England White Head Sadie E Ellis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Canada English White Wife Sarah Eloy Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Utah White Boarder Frank Emeny Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Wisconsin White Boarder Arthur L Emery Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Wisconsin White Head Cyrus M Emery Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Son Hazel Emery Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1898 Minnesota White Daughter Jennie C Emery Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Wisconsin White Wife Wm S Emmingham Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Kansas White Brother-in-law Eugene Emmons Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 New York White Boarder Charles Emrich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Minnesota White Boarder Joseph Endicott Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Indiana White Head Mollie Endicott Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Illinois White Wife Emil Eng Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Finland White Boarder Bee Engelke Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Ireland White Head Charles Engelke Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1890 Missouri White Son Thea Engelke Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 Missouri White Daughter Edwin Engelman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1836 New York White Head C T Erickson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Sweden White Boarder Charley Erickson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1858 Sweden White Boarder Chas Erickson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1857 Sweden White Head John Erickson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1854 Sweden White Boarder Louis W Erickson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1877 Minnesota White Boarder Louis Eskinosa Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 England White Boarder Alexander Evans Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Illinois White Boarder John H Evans Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Wales White Boarder Owen J Evans Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Wales White Brother-in-law Edward T Evanson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 White Boarder Frank Evanson Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Wisconsin White Head John Evelyn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1852 New York White Boarder Arthur J Ewing Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 Michigan White Head Charles Ewing Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Indiana White Boarder Frances Ewing Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Michigan White Wife James P Ewing Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Indiana White Boarder Winnifred M Ewing Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Daughter Oscar Fairbert Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Germany White Boarder Eliza J Fairweather Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 California White Wife Shadey Fairweather Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 Canada English White Head William M Falconer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1836 Canada English White Head David Falkers Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 Germany White Boarder Oliver Farens Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Oregon White Boarder James Farrell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1864 Wisconsin White Boarder Louis H Feaster Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Oregon White Boarder Homer Fechter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Washington White Son Mary Fechter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Washington White Wife Oscar Fechter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Illinois White Head Oscar Fechter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Illinois White Head John C Fenell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Vermont White Boarder Frank Fernan Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 Idaho White Boarder John Fernan Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Georgia White Boarder Kate Fernan Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 Idaho White Servant Arthur Ferrill Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Missouri White Brother Frances Ferrill Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Missouri White Wife Lela Ferrill Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Idaho White Daughter William J Ferrill Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Missouri White Head Ernest Fields Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 England White Boarder Edward Finnell Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Pennsylvania White Boarder Joseph H Finster Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 Indiana White Boarder Albert Fish Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Kentucky White Head Donnie Fish Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Norway White Wife Charles Fisher Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Canada White Boarder Corvan Fisher Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Missouri White Boarder James R Fisher Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 North Carolina White Boarder James T Fisher Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Oregon White Boarder Mattie Fisher Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 California White Wife Shelley Fisher Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Missouri White Head Bernard Flaig Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 Germany White Head Emma Flaig Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 Minnesota White Daughter Karl Flaig Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1885 Minnesota White Son Marie Flaig Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1865 Switzerland White Wife Elwood S Flood Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Son John R Flood Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1876 Illinois White Boarder Rose E Flood Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1875 Virginia White Wife William C Flood Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Illinois White Head Arna May Flynn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1900 Idaho White Daughter Edna Flynn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1893 Washington White Daughter Edna Flynn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Idaho White Daughter Edna Flynn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1867 Minnesota White Wife Edna Flynn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Illinois White Wife Helen Flynn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1897 Washington White Daughter Peter J Flynn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1868 Ireland White Head Roy E Flynn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1899 Washington White Son Ward D Flynn Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1863 Illinois White Head Lena Folkers Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1884 Iowa White Servant Fred W Folsom Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Minnesota White Boarder James Foote Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1862 California White Boarder Harry B Ford Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1874 West Virginia White Head Frank S Foreman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1855 Delaware White Boarder Otto Forsback Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1879 Finland White Boarder Charles Forsberg Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Sweden White Boarder Thomas H Fox Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1882 California White Boarder Curt H Fraelich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Germany White Son Edwin Fraelich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1892 Washington White Son Ella Fraelich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1888 Wisconsin White Daughter Ernest Fraelich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1894 Washington White Son Gertrude Fraelich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Germany White Daughter Gretchen Fraelich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1890 Washington White Daughter Herman Fraelich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1858 Germany White Head Lillie Fraelich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Washington White Daughter Magdalene Fraelich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1856 Germany White Wife Paul Fraelich Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1884 Wisconsin White Son Harry France Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Pennsylvania White Brother Homer B France Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1870 Minnesota White Wife Hugh France Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1869 Pennsylvania White Head John Francis Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 Canada French White Boarder Manda Lena Frank Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1822 Dalmatia White Sister Mike Frank Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1866 Dalmatia White Head Mitchell Frank Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Dalmatia White Cousin Peter Frank Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Dalmatia White Half Brother George Franklin Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Illinois White Boarder Henry Fraser Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 New York White Boarder Albert Freeman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1886 New York White Boarder Gladys Freeman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1895 Montana White Sister Mabel Freeman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 New York White Wife Regenia W Freeman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1888 Montana White Son Regiman Freeman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1871 Germany White Boarder Arthur French Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1878 Michigan White Boarder William French Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1873 England White Boarder Ralph Frenck Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1880 Michigan White Boarder William Friebe Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1848 Germany White Head John Frock Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1881 Oregon White Boarder John W Froman Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1850 Maryland White Servant Aaron Frost Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1848 England White Head Clarence A Frost Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 Ohio White Boarder Linda V Frost Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1887 California White Daughter Elbert Frownfelter Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1861 Oregon White Boarder John Fruer Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1854 Illinois White Head Elmer B H Fuller Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1872 Wisconsin White Head Marie M Fuller Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1860 Utah White Wife Ellen Fumerton Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1896 Canada English White Wife James Fumerton Wardner, Shoshone, Idaho abt 1843 Canada English White Head