Twin Falls County ID Archives History .....The Original Twin Falls Cemetery 1905 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Storey November 11, 2011, 5:15 pm Twin Falls City Cemetery The Twin Falls City Cemetery (The old Burial Ground) was donated by Herbert S. Martin who was a civil engineer in the early beginning's of Twin Falls City in 1904. The land laid about 1-2 miles from the center of the new established town and the people thought a cemetery was needed immediately and Herbert S. Martin indicated he would donate 20 acres for this use. Mrs. Roy W. Gager, the first burial recorded was buried there in October of 1904 and following Mrs. Maud Powell's burial in May 1905 brought attention to the need of having the cemetery and road maintained and a committee was formed. They went to Mr. Herbert Martin in July 1905 to get a bond for a deed and was informed that he had changed his mind on donating the land. The problem continued and more burials were made on the Martin property, then in Aug of 1906 a Twin Falls Cemetery Association was incorporated by a Haskell Hunt, C. Harder and others who obtained and platted the land where the New Twin Falls Cemetery exists. In April 1907 Herbert S. Martin published in the Twin Falls News the following- H. S. Martin has leased the south east quarter of the north east quarter of section 15, township 10, range 17, the old cemetery site. Twenty- eight bodies are interred on this land and the Lessee has given notice that they must be removed by May 1. In the number are 10 or 15 county cases, Italians killed on the works, indigents and others. It will be necessary to move these bodies to a cemetery and in all probability the expense will fall upon the county. Undertaker Hunt, superintendent of the Twin Falls cemetery, has already moved 23 bodies to the cemetery. The cost of removal is $23, which includes the expense of the plot in the Twin Falls cemetery. Those interested should communicate with Mr. Hunt immediately. In May 1907 the Times News published there are still 21 bodies interred on the Martin farm near Twin falls which was used for a time as a temporary cemetery. Undertaker Hunt superintendent of the Twin Falls cemetery, has moved a large number of bodies recently from the farm to the cemetery. Of the 21 remaining a number are those of county charges or unknowns who were buried at public expense. The farm is to be placed in cultivation in a short time. November 29 1907 in the Twin Falls News a NOTICE was placed as follows- To The Public and the County Commissioners. All bodies must be removed from the ground known as the Old Cemetery in section 15-10-17, within twenty (20) days from date (Nov 29, 1907), Some graves will come in new public road and balance of land is still to be ploughed by Lessee Immediately. Signed H. S. Martin, Owner. No complete record is available as to whom was removed or who still remained on this farm. Checking the Twin Falls Cemetery records there is a number of burials who were buried after a lengthy time of death, but several deaths do not show up in the Twin Falls Cemetery. This old burial ground is in the vicinity of Eastland, Sunrise, Sherry Drive and Elizabeth. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb