Twin Falls County ID Archives Obituaries.....Ellis, James Perry November 22, 1942 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Storey April 9, 2010, 6:45 pm Times News Nov 23 1942 WOUND FATAL TO FATHER OF FOUR His shoulder and right arm mangled by the accidental discharge of a 12-gauge shotgun at close range, James Perry (PERK) Ellis, 45, Filer, father of four children, died at 9:50 P. M. Sunday in the Twin Falls county genral hospital. Ellis was fatally wounded while inspecting muskrat traps along the Snake River near the John Gourley orchards north of Filer, Saturday afternoon. He was accompanied by his son, Harold Ellis, 11, who was the only witness to the accident. The attending physician said death came from shock and loss of blood from a wound which would have necessitated amputation of the arm at the shoulder if Ellis had lived. He was born May 13,1897, in Illinois, and came to the Filer community from Cartron, Missouri, about 15 years ago. He was a disabled veteran of World War I, and his occupation was that of a carpenter and trapper. He was a member of American Legion post No. 47 at Filer. Survivots include his wife, Mrs. Jeannette Ellis; his son Harold; three daughters, Miss Betty Lou Ellis and Miss Grace Ellis, both at the home, and miss Joan Ellis, Cornell, Ark.; his mother, Mrs. Mary M. Ellis, Filer; a sister, Mrs. Lillian Graham, Buhl; and a brother, Sgt. Barney W. Ellis, a member of the army whose location is unknown to the family. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 P.M. Wednesday at the Filer Methodist church. Burial will be in the Odd fellows cemetery at Filer under direction of the Twin Falls mortuary, with the American Legion in charge of services at the grave. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb