Christian-Montgomery County IL Archives News.....Mystery in Girl's Death Near Nokomis January 5, 1929 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandra Kluge May 1, 2007, 9:07 pm State Journal January 5, 1929 Body Of Post Office Clerk Found Near Pana Hard Road Nokomis, Jan. 5 (Saturday)- Mystery surrounds the finding late last night of the body of MISS CARRIE BRUNS, 19, postal clerk employed at Ohlman, near here. The body of MISS BRUNS, who worked in the Ohlman post office until after 8 o’clock last night, was found about one hour later lying near the Pana hard road, one and one half miles east of Ohlman, just across the Christian county line. A superficial examination by Deputy Coroner CHARLES MCMILLIAN of Taylorville disclosed no marks of violence whatever, he told The State Journal early this (Saturday) morning. Sheriff D.L. DUNBAR accompanied the deputy coroner to the scene and was preparing to make an investigation as soon as tangible clues presented themselves. Two Men Find Body The body was found by J.E. ANDERSON, Nokomis, and J. HOLT, a salesman of St. Louis, Mo. Both men espied the body lying by the roadside at about the same time and stopped their machines to investigate. They reported the discovery to O.J. STIEHL, undertaker of this city, who removed the body to the Ohlman garage. Postmaster SPARKS of Ohlman could not be reached to ascertain at just what time the girl left the post office. MRS. ANNA BRUNS, mother of the dead girl, was at her home in Ohlman awaiting the return of her daughter when she was informed that her body had been found near the town limits. MRS. BRUNS could advance no theory as to her daughter’s death and could not explain why her daughter happened to be on the hard road. Several Theories Advance The finding of the body has stirred up considerable mystery in the town of Ohlman and several theories have been advanced. Authorities, however, late last night scouted the theory that the girl has been walking on the hard road and had been struck by an automobile. They pointed out that her mother was awaiting her return home and the inclemency of the weather would have kept the girl from walking, especially in a direction away from her home. The girl’s clothing apparently had not been disarrayed and when found she was fully dressed, and her coat was tightly buttoned. Deputy Coroner MCMILLIAN will conduct an inquest, probably this morning. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb