Christian County IL Archives Newspapers.....Ira Sharp Big Horse & Mule Sale ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Stan A. Jacobs December 1997 IRA SHARP BIG HORSE & MULE SALE - Sangamon, Christian Counties, Illinois Taken from one of the following newspapers - Springfield, Pawnee, Edinburg or Taylorville. Early 1900’s. Location was Sharpsburg, Christian county, IL. IRA SHARP’S BIG HORSE AND MULE SALE Held Friday a Success – 110 Head Bring $22,860. Ira Sharp held one of the biggest horse and mule sales at Sharpsburg Friday afternoon that was ever held there. One hundred and ten head of horses and mules were sold, bringing a total of $22,860. The highest price paid for one team of mules was $720, given by E. E. Wolayer of Taylorville. The next highest price paid for one mule team was $600 paid bt Mr. Wolayer. Other top notch sales were: Team draft mares, $528, Wm. Pearson, Sharpsburg.. Single draft mare, $409, Tom Butler, Chatham. Road team, $515, B. F. Wolaver. Single horse, $375, Ben Wolaver. Six yearling mule colts, $125 a head. Ten of the highest priced mules and horses averaged $306. Fifty head averaged $247.21. One hundred head averaged $206.