Christian County IL Archives Newspapers.....Sharp Family Reunion ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Stan A. Jacobs December 1997 Sharp Family Reunion - Sangamon, Christian Counties, Illinois Taken from one of the following newspapers - Springfield, Pawnee, Edinburg or Taylorville. 1910, Christian county, IL. Family Reunion The family reunion of Mrs. Clarinda Sharp, of Sharpsburg, was held Sunday, Sept., 25, it being her 77th birthday, and about forty were present as follows : J. R. Sharp and family, Taylorville ; Hiram White and wife, of Springfield ; J. W. White and wife, of Pawnee ; Dr. C. A. Stokes and family, of Edinburg ; D. D. Sharp and wife, of Sharpsburg. Sargent Sharp, of Eureka, and Edgar Sharp, of Kansas, were absent. The grandchildren present were : Roy White and family, Harry Meredith and family, Gordon White and family, Albert Donner and family, of Pawnee ; Walter Shaw and wife, of Sicily ; Iles Sharp and wife, of Taylorville. Also present were Ira Sharp and wife, of Sharpsburg ; John Margrave and wife, of Thebes ; Mrs. Mary Redfern, Taylorville ; Mrs. Wiley Guitts, Thebes ; Geo. Fagan, Springfield. Everyone took a well filled basket along and all had an enjoyable time. This was the tenth annual reunion of Mrs. Sharp and family.