Christian County IL Archives Obituaries.....White, Everett Eugene ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Stan Jacobs December 1997 Christian Co., IL - Obituaries - Everett Eugene WHITE Obituary of Everett Eugene White, Sangamon & Christian Counties, Illinois Taken from one of the following newspapers - Springfield, Pawnee, Edinburg or Taylorville, 1905. Date of death was April 25, 1905 Place of death - South Fork township, Pawnee, Christian county, IL. DIES FROM AN OLD WOUND Everett Eugene White, Well Known at Pawnee, Passes Away. Special to the Springfield news. Pawnee, April 26 - Everett Eugene White, oldest son of Mr. And Mrs. Hiram White, died at his home in this village at 3:35 o’clock yesterday afternoon. The deceased was 25 years and 7 months of age. Some years ago the young man was accidentally shot by a companion while hunting with a 22 calibre rifle. The ball penetrated his back and lodged just behind the lungs, from which location it was impossible to extract it. The lungs eventually became affected from the wound and a couple of years ago he suffered a number of hemorrhages. He was then taken to New Mexico and the southwest by his relatives and remained in that locality for several months, being greatly benefited by the change. On his return he was apparently in robust health and continued so for a long time, when the old trouble reappeared and he has since been periodically afflicted with hemorrhages. He was married about a year ago to Miss Hattie Meredith, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. C. C. Meredith, who reside a few miles east of here. He is survived by his parents, wife, two brothers and two sisters. Deceased has lived in the immediate vicinity since childhood and was well and favorably known to everyone. His brother, Hiram White, is a prominent capitalist and was formerly president of the Pawnee railroad, also the Horse Creek Coal company, now the Victor. The funeral will be held from the Horse Creek Baptist church tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 11 o’clock. The services will be conducted by the Rev. William Thompson of Springfield. Interment will take place at the Baptist cemetery. Note: Original obituary (as submitted above) incorrectly stated that Everett E. White was the brother of Hiram White. Should have read that he was the SON of Hiram White.