Clark County IL Archives Obits..... ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cindy McCachern Obituary of Hurley Murphy   Hurley, only son of Amaziah and Missouri Ellen Phillips Murphy, was born in Auburn township, Clark county, Illinois, on May 18, 1873.  His entire life was spent on the farm where he was born and on the adjoining farm, his home, where he had resided for thirty-two years, and where he passed away on the morning of Septmeber 22, 1945, having attained the age of 72 years, 4 months, and four days. He was united in marriage to Katie Tingley, of Martinsville Township, on April 5, 1899.  To this union was born one daughter, Ruth, a teacher in the Marshall City Schools, who with the widow survives him. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Myrtle Wallace, of Marshall, and many other relatives and a large circle of friends. Two sisters preceded him in death.  Mrs. Minnie Kurts in January 1932, and Mrs. Lillie Veach in May 1939. He confessed his faith in Christ, was baptized, and united with the Five Points Christian Church December 4, 1910.  He remained a member of this church as was for a number of years teacher of the Young People's Class in the Bible school there. Hurley, as he was most commonly called, was a good neighbor, a kind and sympathetic friend.  his friendly smile and cheery encouraging words will be missed by all who knew him. He was devoted and generous as a husband and father.  The comfort of his home and the welfare of his family being his first consideration, and through the years he gave of himself unselfly in their behalf. His last illness was of two and one half years duration.  The past five months of which he was bedfast.  During this time he was tenderly cared for by his wife and daughter, with the kind assistance of relatives and friends. All being done that loving hands and anxious hearts could do, but God knowns best and he went to sleep peacefully and quietly.  Though our hearts are heavy, yet knowing his abiding faith in Christ and His Church, and his love for things of the kingdom, we can humbly and submissively, "Thy Will, Oh God, not ours be done." And now, the pains of death are past Labors and sorrows ceased, Life's long warfare closed at last They soul's at rest in peace.  Soldier of Christ, well done,  praise be thy new employ.  And while eternal ages run rest in thy savior's joy. Funeral services were conducted at the Auburn church Monday, September 24, by. Roy G. W. Gibson, pastor of the Christian Church in Marshall, with burial in the Auburn cemetery. We take this means to thank all those who so kindly assisted us in any way during our husband and father's long illness at at the time of his death.--Mrs. Kate Murphy and daughter File at: File size: 2 Kb