Clark County IL Archives Tax Lists..... ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cindy McCachern and Ron Cornwell 1912 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LIST MARSHALL TWP, CLARK CO, IL MARSHALL HERALD 26-JUNE-1912 Below is the list of people assessed for personal property taxes due in the year 1912. SCHOOL DIST 12 English E.M. English, I.W. English, Ray English, Robert Fawley, A.F. Gallagher, James Grisham, H.C. Hemphill, Albert Jackson, J.W. LeGore, Ben Moke, John Scholfield, Warren Sharkey, W.J. Wright, Nathan SCHOOL DIST 13 Beadle, C.E. Behner, E.B. Behner, G. Curran, Barney Curran, James Davis, John Ferry, A.T. Golden, Mike Holler, Ross Hornbrook, Charles Hornbrrok, Warren Hukill, William Madden, Thomas Ryan, William Shipe, Charles Welsh, Frank SCHOOL DIST 14 Babcock, Sarah Beckel, Charles Clark, Homer Dawson, J.E. Findley, Edward Findley, H.W. Findley, John Findley, W.R. Fox, Wesley Fox, William Gilbert, Daniel Glover, J.F. Graham, John E. Hackett, Miller McCarty, M.L. Murphy, Alphonso Murphy, E.W. Murphy, Ernest Murphy, I.R. Murphy, T.D. Myers, J.H. O'Gara, W.E. Smitely, Lue Stephenson, R.G. Terry, James Stephenson, Frank Stephenson, S.J. Umbarger, Sam Wieland, Charles SCHOOL DIST 15 Allen, Willard Behner, Henry Behner, John Behner, Philip Braynard, Bruce Braynard, Henry Buser, Fred Ferry, Joe Ferry, John Goodrich, W.J. Guinnip, Charles Guinnip, Ed Guinnip, Harry Gunder, G.W. Hargrove, William Hill, S.C. Huffman, William Hurst, Virgil Lifick, D.L. Madden, John D. Meyer, William Rollins, Frank Roundtree, J.D. Scholfield, Ben Washburn, Lyman SCHOOL DIST 17 Austin, Frank Bierbaum, Ben Bierbaum, Henry Donahue, Mrs. John Dawson, J.W. Dawson, Robert Eckle, Daniel Findley, Robert Gagen, Fred Gardner, Frank Gardner, Robert Gibson, George Haenig, Frank Harper, Florence Irwin, Allen Irwin, Andy Irwin, David Irwin, Sherman Lovell, Charles Lovell, Reuben McDaniel, Frank McDaniel Lizzie Murphy, S.R. Nightlinger, Charles Norton, James Norton, Melvin Richey, J.H. Shonk, Lyman Starkey, Steve Vaughn, Phil Washburn, William SCHOOL DIST 18 Beabout, Emma Craig, Jesse R. Hutchins, Rebecca Irwin, S.W. Murphy, William Smith, Forrest SCHOOL DIST 19 Amacher, Chris Arbuckle, Esta Arbuckle, Zane Arford, E.K. Ashworth, John Bierbaum, Charles Bierbaum, John Casteel, John Clouse, Emanuel Clouse, Jake Clouse, William Coats, John Dietz, Henry Honderich, Abie Hybarger, Chester Kile, George Krimer, Henry Moore, James Moore, Mike Murphy, John Neff, Dan Prewett, Robert Ramsey, George Renner, Chris Renner, G.F. Renner, John W. Smith, Alvin Smookamp, Charles Staley, C.M. Stewart, Frank Easterday, William SCHOOL DIST 20 Bamesberger, Abe Cole, John Cropp, Ike Dulaney, Hector B. Griffin, Thomas Meehling, Henry Miller, Theodore Murphy, Cleo Murphy, W. Shumaker, Edgar Spotts, William Swinford, A.D. Renler, Ed SCHOOL DIST 102 Findley, Clarence Lycan, Byrd Lycan, James SCHOOL DIST 16 (OUTSIDE CITY) Behner, Annie Black, D.R. Black, F.R. Black, R.E. Blankenbeker, W.C. Bowman, George Brossman, Peter Cox, Merrick Davidson, George Davison, Reese English, Charles T. Fix, R.O. Gallagher, J.E. Gallagher, Owen Gilbert, William Harlan, Edwin Huston, Josephine Hutchinson, James Lewis, John W. Lutz, Joe E. Kallanza, Fred Madden, Michael McMullen, J.W. Michael, John R. Morecraft, Roy Morris, Buel Morton, E.D. Musselman, E.M. Nay, E. Peck, James Peck, S.M. Pine, William Pixley, Walter E. Plank, D.D. Rayhel, George Reely, George See, Hattie Shad, William Shaw, E.D. Spittler, Daniel Stevens, W.W. Stewart, Ross Stover, Mrs. C.F. Sullivan, Morris Tarman, Arthur Thacker, William E. Thompson, Annis Thracker, William E. Tingley, Samuel Travioli, James Tuder, Elizabeth Veach, William Whitcomb, P. Williams, W.A. Wilson, Newton Young, Jesse SCHOOL DIST 16 (Inside City) Adams, Ernest Adams, George Almiller, William Amerine, J.T. Anderson, Byron Anderson, Fanny Anderson, L.B. Archer, John M. Archer, L.G. Bailey, C.G. Baird, Ben T. Baird, E.H. Baird, Robert Baird, Wallace Baker, Henry Baker, Mrs. Lizzie Bamesberger, Emma Bamesberger, G. Bartlett, Fred Batson, Sarah E. Bayer, Mrs. Viola Behner, C.F. Behner, L. Bell, W.W. Bennett, Norman Bertelsman, P.B. Black, J.K. Black, Kenneth Black, Mary E. Blizzard, J.W. Blocksom, Joseph Blundell, C.L. Blunk, Cecile Booth, Edwin Booth, True Bradley, R.H. Bradley, Stephen Brady, H.J. Brady, James Brandenstein, John Bray, Mrs. B. Bryan, Bert Briscoe, Mary Brossman, Frank Brown, G.H. Brown, R.H. Bubeck, Charles M. Burnett, J.R. Burt, D.D. Butler, S. Garland Callahan, Daniel Canaday, George Carter, Charles Carley, J.F. Casteel, H.G. Casteel, Robert A. Chenoweth, Sarah Chicadonz, Frank Chicadonz, William H. Clatfelter, C.E. Clatfelter, Fred Claypool, Caroline Claypool, E. Claypool, Isaac Claypool, Susan Clem, C.E. Cline, William Cole, Amanda Cole, Charles Cole, Frank Cole, Lu Cole, Mrs. E.D. Cole, Mrs. Walter Cole, V.L. Connelly, Everett Conohy, Peter Cooper, Sheridan Cork, Harry A. Cork, Harry E. Cork, Walter Covert, Fred Covington, D.R. Covington, J.R. Cox, Merrick Craig, Eunice Craig, John Craig, Thomas Crossley, Mary A.F. Culter, Ross Culter, Vance Cunningham, John Dailey, Sophia Daniels, Nathan Danner, Roy Davidson, Abbie Davidson, George Davidson, Mary Davidson, Robert Davis, Shelton Davis, T.E. Davison, B.M. Davison, John H. Dawson, Ben Dawson, John D. Dawson, Lucinda Deaner, A.R. Dewey, H.M. Dickens, O.A. Dietzel, Henry Ditzenberger, Oscar Dixon, C.A. Doll, D.D. Doll, William H. Dorville, Frank Dow, A.G. Dow, John R. Dugan, J.R. Dulaney, Harry Duncan, E.M. Dunn, James W. Duzan, Richard Eaton, Frank Eggebrecht, Edward Eggebrecht, Frank Eite, William Elikofer, Andrew Elston, Dave Elston, John Emerson, Daniel Emhart, L.J. English, Charles Fawley, Elmer Ferris, Harry Ferris, James Ferris, John Ferris, William Ferry, Mrs. Belle Ferry, Mrs. Hugh Ferry, Pat Figg, Thurman Findley, Emma R. Fish, E.C. Fishback, Joe Fishback, Thomas Flowers, Charles Flowers, John T. Forbeck, Anton Forbeck, John F. Forbeck, Joseph Forsythe, Dorothea Foster, Frank Fredenberger, Harry Fredenberger, John Gaddis, Jess Gallagher, Margaret Gallatin, Jesse Garver, A.J. Garwood, E.D. German, George Gibson, W.E. Gilbert, Mary S. Godden, Jake Godden, Robert Goff, J.H. Golden, T.J. Good, J.W. Gorham, A.D. Gorham, F.H. Grabenheimer, Joe Grabenheimer, M. Graham, J.W. Gray, A. Gray, Lote Green, B.F. Green, Warren Greenough, Mary Grisham, Lewis Guinnip, Mary E. Gulley, L.W. Gummere, Charles Gummere, John Gummere, William Gunder, Joseph Gwinn, William F. Hackett, Harrison Hagist, Flora Hall, Isaiah Hall, Maud Handley, Howard Handy, Sol Harris, James Harvey, Zella Haslitt, P.P. Haugh, Charles F. Healey, William J. Hedrick, M. Helman, Eliza Henbest, Edward Henry, George Henry, Martin Hershey, H. Highfill, J.W. Hilt, Henry Hodge, W.B. Hodge, W.R. Hogue, Bert Hogue, W.W. Hollenbeck, William Holler, Mary Holston, Blanche Honderich, M.E. Horner, Harry Horner, Oscar Houff, Ben F. Houk, Alice Houk, Dean Hooper, J.M. Howard, Elizabeth Howell, E.D. Howell, E.E. Howerton, A.L. Huey, Albert Huffington, W.A. Hughes, E.J. Hunt, R.L. Hunter, Mrs. N. Huppert, A. Hurst, Arthur Hurst, E.R. Hurst, Frank Hurst, Seymour Huston, Charles Hutchins, N.S. Hutchinson, W.F. Hybargar, A.L. Ingram, J.W. Irwin, Bart Jackson, Martha Janney, Martha Janney, Victor Jeffords, Roy Johnson, B.F. Johnson, Fannie Jones, A.D. Jones, Aaron Jones, E.D. Jones, L.W. Jones, Laura Jones, Vern Jumper, Effie Kadeska, Frank Kean, Ralph D. Keifer, Fred Keifer, J.L. Keiser, O.A. Kellogg, F.W. Kerr, J.K. Kerr, Jayne B. Kibby, William Knipe, William Kohl, Elizabeth Kreamer, George Lake, Frank Lambdin, O. Landreth, H.K. Lanning, Ross Laufman, Jake Lawson, Charles Layton, John Lee, I.E. LeGore, O. Leseure, Harriet Lewis, John W. Lickert, Louisa Lickert, William Lilley, Peter Linton, J.G. Lloyd, T. Lockard, E.A. Lockard, Emma Lockhart, Henry Logue, Morris Lord, G.B. Loser, Sarah Low, William Lowther, Riley Luckhaupt, Frank Lupher, Frank B. Lutz, Fannie Lutz, William Lycan, William S. Machlan, William T. Maring, S.F. Martin, Benson Martin, C.H. Martin, Foster Martin, William T. Marvin, John Marvin, Mrs. M. Mason, G.W. Mathew, Milton Mathew, William Mathews, A.B. Mathews, Bert Mathews, J.A. Mathews, Lydia Mayer, William McCann, Margaret E. McConchie, B.T. McDaniel, William McFarling, L.I. McHenry, Hugh McIlrath, James R. McLaughlin, W.E. McMain, Joe McMurray, Mrs. Nora Meehling, George Meehling, J.J. Meloy, John Metz, Charles Metz, Jacob Michael, E.H. Michael, E.N. Mitchell, C.D. Mitchell, E.H. Mitchell, R.A. Montgomery, C.B. Montgomery, John Morgan, George M. Morton, E.D. Mott, William Murphy, Emma Murphy, J.F. Murphy, John Nay, E. Neal, Marcus, D.L. Nickles, C.W. Nicholson, J.N. Nightlinger, O.N. Noakes, Harvey Noland, George Norris, G.E. Norris, J.W. Norton, Jesse, Jr. Nusbaum, Rosanna O'Brist, Mrs. J.W. Ogden, Mary M. Ogle, Ben Orndorff, Mrs. Belle Orthwein, J.F. Parsons, C.L. Pearce, Edward Pearson, S.W. Peck, J.W. Pennington, Perry Perisho, W.C. Pierson, E.M. Pine, Ben Pine, Dell Pine, Ike Pine, John G. Poorman, Arthur Porter, M.W. Potts, Ben Pratt, Luther Prevo, Sam Prewett, G.W. Prewett, Robert Puffenbarger, A.E. Puffenbarger, William Pulver, James Pulver, Lloyd Pulver, Miles Purcell, Mrs. William Purdue, Etta Purdue, James Purdunn, C.A. Quick, Homer Quick, Lyman Quick, S.D. Rademaker, J.M. Ralston, W.W. Randall, J.L. Read, P.E. Rector, J.L. Rector, Will Rediter, Charley Reely, E.D. Reese, G.B. Remlinger, Jake Reynolds, Hugh Reynolds, Mrs. John Ritter, Gustave Rhoads, F.M. Rhoads, P.A. Richards, J.W. Rider, Sam Riley, Thomas Roach, Dan Robinson, F.A. Rolison, O.H. Rolison, S.O. Rose, J.J. Ross, A.M. Ross, C.L. Ross, Otto H. Rubel, J.H. Rudy, Sarah J. Schmidt, Harry Scholfield, Sam Scholfield, W.B. Scholfield, Warren Schwanecke, L.S. Schwanecke, Lola Scott, Charles Scott, J.L. Shade, William Shade, Gertrude Sheppard, W.L. Shirley, E.J. Shivelar, Samuel Shoemaker Shonk, Orville Sisson, A.B. Slusser, Cora Slusser, E. Slusser, Sarah J. Sweet, J.A. Swern, J.Y. Smith, C.W. Smith, C.Wash Smith, Charles H. Smith, Julia L. Smith, Malinda Smith, S.S. Smith, Walter Snavely, H.R. Snider, J.C. Spangler, Peter Spittler, Fred Spotts, Walker Staggs, Newt Starkey, Caleb Starkey, William Starks, John Stateler, Henry Steel, Joe Stewart, Harrison Stover, Harry Strohm, Lewis Sullivan, Charles E. Sullivan, Charles M. Taubeneck, Carl Taubeneck, George Taubeneck, Mary Taubeneck, V.E. Taylor, Charles E. Taylor, H.C.. Taylor, Orville Thompson, Clyde Thompson, John L. Thompson, Mack Thompson, Robert Thompson, W.H. Thornsburg, Fred B. Thornsburg, Thomas M. Thorpe, R.L. Tibbs, Mrs. Nancy Tibbs, S.O. Tingley, D.E. Trefz, Mrs. Alice Truman, John C. Tumey, John Turman, W.R. Twilley, William Tyler, M.A. Vanorman, L. Vaughn, J. Vaughn, Riley Veach, Charles Veach, William L. Walker, Owen Walker, Silas Wallace, L.A. Wallace, William Wallis, Allen Wallis, Ben Wallis, Fred Wallis, George Walter, James Warriner, Robert Weir, J.L. Weir, John Weir, S.W. Weiser, Ray Welsh, J.B. West, Jap Wheeler, O.H. White, Harrison White, Samuel Whitlock, M.E. Wilkin, Silas Williams, C.O. Williams, J.W. Williams, W.E. Wilson, D.W. Wilson, H.J. Winterrowd, D.E. Winterrowd, D.H. Wiser, Jeff Zeigler, Henry J. File at: File size: 3 Kb