Obituary of Aura Rickart GRISWOLD, Greene County, Illinois Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives Copyright 2000 Gary Griswold MRS. GEORGE C. GRISWOLD ____________ Friends and relatives here were greatly shocked Monday morning on receipt of a message from St. Luke's Hospital, St. Louis, announcing that Mrs. George C. Griswold of this city had died at the hospital at 9:15 a.m., January 30, 1922. Although Mrs. Griswold had been suffering the past year or so with rheumatism she had been able to be about most of the time and attend to her household duties. She frequently came down town also attended various church and social functions and to all appearances was as strong and healthy as any woman in the community. Some three weeks ago she went to St. Louis to consult a specialist, more particularly regarding her teeth and tonsils. She was advised to go to a hospital for treatment and was thought to be improving satisfactorily. Mr. Griswold and other relatives visited her at the hospital Sunday afternoon and although she appeared to be somewhat delirious the attending nurses assured Mr. Griswold there was no occation for alarm and that they thought she would soon recover. He went to Madison that evening and spent the night with his brother-in-law, Henry Connole, and family, and the announcement of her death Monday morning was certainly a great shock. The body was brought home that night and Rev. Charles M. Ross, pastor of the Christian church, conducted funeral services at the church at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 1st. The singing was by the Duncan Sisters Quartet. There was a large attendance and the Pythian Sisters of which organization she was an interested and active member, attended in a body. The floral tributes were profuse and very beautiful, and were cared for by Mrs. J.W. Rose, Mrs. E.C. Morris, Mrs. A.B. Irwin, Mrs. Frank Wade, Mrs. D.V. and Mrs. V.T. Winters. The pall bearers were A.B. Irwin, C.E. Miller, A.M. Nevius, Frank Weis, J.C. Spencer and V.T. Winters. Interment was made in the family lot in the White Hall cemetry. Aura Rickart-Griswold was the eldest daugther of Jacob H. and Sophronia Giller-Rickart . She was born at Abilene, Kansas, September 7, 1877, (Swallow Family Book says Sept. 8) and at the time of her death was 44 years, 4 months, and 22 days of age. Her father died in Kansas City, Mo., March 28, 1895, and the following May the family returned to White Hall, Illinois, which had since been their home. She resided on Apple Creek Prairie where she grew to young womanhood and attended school at Maple grove. February 21, 1900 she and George C, Griswold, who survives , were married and to this union were born three children - Helen, wife of Dr. Frank Boggess of Murrayville, Ralph and Glen (Glenn) at home. She is also survived by her mother, Mrs. Sophronia Rickart and three sisters - Nellie, wife of Walter North of Louise, Texas, Mary, wife of Henry Connole, of Madison, and Ethel, wife of Frank Ross, deceased, White Hall, Illinois. Mrs. Griswold was a model wife and mother, kind and generous almost to a fault, ever ready and willing to serve and sacrifice for others even to beyond her strength. she was an active member of White Hall Temple No. 206, Pythian Sisters, also the Domestic Science, Apple Creek Prairie Club and the Womans Club. She will be greatly missed by the members of these organizations but it is the home circle where she will be missed the greatest as she was truly a good woman. White Hall Register Feb. 3, 1922 Page 1 Col. 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb Archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gary Griswold