Greene-St. Clair County IL Archives Obituaries.....McChesney, Francis "Frank" George April 23, 1937 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Betty Silvey July 21, 2007, 5:56 pm Family clipping of Obit Obit for Francis George McChesncy 1863-1937, East St. Louis, IL Funeral Tomorrow for Francis G. McChesney, Salesman Here 25 Years Funeral Services will be held at Greenfield, Ill., tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock for Francis G. McChesney, for 25 years a cattle salesman on this market, who died at 1 a.m. Sunday morning form a complication of diseases. He was 74 years old. Mr. McChesney took ill last November and his condition grew steadily worse. The end came at his home, 1712 North 36th St. which he shared with his two children, Miss Florence McChesney and Clinton McChesney, an engineer on the Burlington Railroad. His father, George McChesney, was a pioneer stockman and in 1849 drove a string of cattle to California along the Overland Trail. Deceased was born on a farm near Greenfield, Ill., August 30, 1863. He started his career as a farmer and feeder and for a time was a thrashing machine operator. Due to his unusual ability as a judge of live stock he became associated with Jaser Johnson, one of the largest live stock shippers ever produced by Green County. During his early life he also was associated with such live stock firms as Jaynes Bros. and Hollanbach, Haven and McChesney. He was a very extensive buyer and shipped heavily to this and other markets. He learned the live stock commission business at Chicago and after several years at that market came here in February, 1912 where he went to work as salesman for the Union Commission Co. Two years later he joined the firm here with which he continued up to the time of his death. Besides his keen knowledge of live stock, Mr. McChesney made a success of his work due to his integrity and reliability. He was well known through the territory tributary to this market and particularly in Greene County. His wife, Mrs. Minnie Callaway McChesney, passed away ten years ago. He is survived by his two children who were at his bedside when the end came. Mr. McChesney was a member of the St. Louis Live Stock Exchange. Remains will be at the home until tomorrow morning when they will be removed to Greenfield. Services will be from the Presbyterian Church there. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb