Grundy County IL Archives Biographies.....Hoenshell, Samuel M ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deb Haines March 25, 2006, 2:40 pm Author: Bio/Gen Record LaSalle/Grundy 1900 SAMUEL M. HOENSHELL. The efficient county treasurer of Grundy county is one of Illinois' native sons, and he commands the highest regard by reason of his sterling worth and fidelity to duty. His birth occurred in Nettle Creek township, Grundy county, June 17, 1867, his parents being Samuel M. and Christina (Waltz) Hoenshell. His father was born in Pennsylvania, and was of German lineage. About 1860 he came to Grundy county, where he married Miss Waltz, who was born in Germany, and came to this country during her childhood with her parents, who located in the Keystone state, whence they came to Grundy county about 1860. Mr. Hoenshell devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits throughout his entire life, his death occurring in 1874. He left three children: Nora, Lillie, and Samuel M., the last two being twins. After the death of her first husband, the mother married again, becoming the wife of Joseph Dawson, a retired farmer, residing in Morris. Upon the homestead farm Samuel M. Hoenshell spent his boyhood days and early became familiar with all the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. His preliminary education was obtained in the public schools and later he was a student in Valparaiso, Indiana, and in Geneseo, Illinois. At the age of eighteen years, an accident caused the loss of his left arm, which was caught in a corn-sheller. This somewhat hampering him in farm work, he has devoted his energies largely to professional labors, and at the age of twenty years he began teaching. For seven years he was accounted one of the successful educators in Grundy county, having the faculty of imparting clearly and readily to others the knowledge he had acquired. In the fall of 1894 he was appointed deputy county treasurer, and so acceptably discharged his duties during his four-years term of service in that capacity that he was elected the county treasurer in 1898. Although the youngest nominee on the ticket, he received the largest majority, which was a merited compliment to his personal worth and ability. No trust reposed in him has ever been betrayed and he is deservedly popular in the locality where he has so long made his home. Socially he is connected with the Knights of the Globe. February 21, 1900, Mr. Hoenshell married Miss Jessie Johnson, a daughter of Charles W. Johnson, the sheriff of Grundy county. Additional Comments: Source: Biographical and Genealogical Record of La Salle and Grundy County, Illinois, Volume 11, Chicago, 1900, p623-624 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb