Grundy County, IL Phoenix Advertiser Minooka News June 16, 1904 Vol. 29, No. 24 L. A. WARD was in Joliet on business Tuesday. Markets - Corn 25 to 45; oats 40; eggs 14; butter 16. George COLLEPS was in Chicago on business Monday. Mrs. A. K. KNAPP and Miss Millie FLUENT spent last Monday in Chicago. John EDMONDS, Esq., has been suffering for a few days with rheumatism in his ankle. Mrs. Frank WILSON went to Plattville Tuesday to visit her parents for a day or two. Dick WILSON, the telephone man, is working with a construction gang at the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank WILSON. Frank CLARK, representing the Pioneer Loan & Land Co., will make another trip to Minnesota starting next week. J. W. CARLIN visited his sister, Mrs. Edward SWEENEY in Plattville las Sunday. Mr. SWEENEY spent a few days of last week with Mr. CARLIN here. A fine little daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard INGOLDSBY in Troy is one of the latest sojourners in this vale of tears. She arrived last Sunday, June 12. The Elwood nine came to Minooka last Sunday and they and the Minooka team met in a spirited contest on the diamond in SHEPLEY's pasture. The result was a victory for the local nine by a score of 11 to 9. Miss Essie FEEHAN and Miss Frances CLONAN, both of Chicago, were visitors here last Monday, the former at the home of Ambrose BRANNICK and family and the latter at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James MEAD. I. V. HOOPER is here with his family once more and is apparently in excellent health again. He arrived last Sunday, coming over with his brother from Wilmington. I. V. contemplates going into the meat business with his brother at Wilmington and his many friends here wish him every success in this or any other venture on which he may embark. James HANDLON made a trip to Warren, Minnesota, last week with a view of buying some land in that section. He was much pleased with the country there and has partially arranged for the purchase of a half section or more of choice land. Mr. HANDLON went up with Frank CLARK and others from Joliet under the direction of the Pioneer Loan & Land Co. Children's day was observed with appropriate exercises at the Aux Sable M. E. church last Sunday afternoon and there was a big audience and a record breaking collection. The occasion was a very inspiring one for all concerned, especially for the children who were made to feel a proprietary interest in the work of the church and Sunday School. Next Sunday evening the children's exercises will be held in the church here and an excellent program has been prepared. The new St. Mary's church is rapidly nearing completion and a very fair idea of its appearance when finished may be gained by visiting it now. One is impressed with its great size for a community no larger than this and is moved to commend the trustees for building with an eye to the future as well as for the present. The sanctuary will certainly be a very commodious one and one in which not only the members of the church but the community in general may feel a pardonable pride. Let the dirges be rendered and the requiem sung. Let no the friend or the stranger attempt to circumscribe the sorrow of our friend Dick BRADY. He grieves for his favorite pug dog "Wheezy" and there is no solace for his repining. "Wheezy" departed this life by the poison route last Friday night accompanied to the canine ponemah by three others of the well known pet characters of the town, including George COLLEPS' and Henry DWYER's favorite cubs. The dastardly deed of assassination has been done but no one answers "aye" to his name when the roll is called on the question of "who doped the dogs"? The sixteenth annual commencement of the Minooka high school will occur June 26 and July 1. The baccalaureate will be held at the M. E. church Sunday evening, June 26 and Rev. JAGGARD will deliver the sermon. The commencement proper will take place at Masonic hall Friday evening, July 1 and the program will include an address by County Superintendent C. H. ROOT; essay, "Decisive Battle of the Revolution" by Lyla OAKS; essay, "True Nobility" by Maud THAYER; piano solo by Miss Hazel BRYAN; reading by Miss Mattie COLLEPS; music by Minooka orchestra; presentation of diplomas by Prof. A. E. ROSS and benediction by Rev. Wilmer JAGGARD. The graduates are Lyla OAKS and Maud THAYER. The class motto is "non palms sine labors," ("no victory without work".) The colors and green and white and the flower, carnation. The school board is composed of Martin KAFFER, president; S. A. FERGUSON, secretary; and George COLLEPS. The principal is Prof. A. E. ROSS. In addition to the above numbers of the program Miss Eva and Etta TALBOT will sing a duet and Wm. F. McEVILLY will give a vocal solo. Transcribed by Deb Haines, Grundy County IL CC, December 6, 1998