Grundy County, Illinois Phoenix Advertiser Minooka News January 12, 1905 L. V. HOOPER was in Joliet Monday. Markets - Corn 39; oats 28; butter 22; eggs 26. D. A. HENNEBERRY was in Joliet on business Monday. Miss Katie McEVILLY visited friends in Joliet over Sunday. Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Henry DWYER Saturday, Jan. 7, 1905, a fine daughter. Miss Emma COOP, of Joliet, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles COOP. W. A. THAYER is getting the best of an attack of the grippe and is able to be out again. The mercury went down to ten below zero here Tuesday morning and the unanimous verdict is that it was cold enough. Thomas R. NADEN and Gabart IVERSON, and families have gone to Winfield, Kansas, where Mr. NADEN owns a large farm. William GORHAM has lately returned from a trip to the Klondike and with his mother spent a few days in this vicinity recently. Miss Mary CANTWELL and her cousin, Mamie FITZGERAL, of Chicago, left Tuesday for Clifton, Ill., where their aunt is seriously ill. Thomas BRANNICK has lately made a trip to Oklahoma and Indian territory and is well pleased with the prospects in that part of the country. John SHEPLEY was seized with a fainting spell at his home last Friday but soon revived and has not suffered any illness in consequence of the attack. Edward SHEPLEY's portly figure has been growing less for some time past and Teddy somewhat sorrowfully says, "I'm growing thin, I'm growing thin." Tomorrow, Friday evening, the ladies of St. Mary's church will give a card party in Masonic hall. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the church. Chas. A. WHITE, who is suffering with typhoid fever, is about the same as a week ago. His fever has not gone up to an alarming degree and it is thought that he will recover. Charles O'BRIEN last Tuesday bought out the saloon business of C. A. WHITE and took possession the same afternoon. Mr. O'BREIN still retains his interest in the business heretofore conducted by himself and Michael WHALEN. Dr. P. G. BULLEN, of Joliet, was called here in consultation with Dr. WATSON, Tuesday at the bedside of Wm. A. CLARK whose condition has occasioned, the relatives and friends the gravest anxiety. After suffering with pneumonia, Mr. CLARK was attacked by spinal meningitis and his recovery will be very slow. The funeral of Jerry FEEHAN took place last Thursday, Jan. 5, from the home of his sister, Mrs. Ambrose BRANNICK, to St. Mary's church where requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. Joseph McMAHON. Interment was in Dresden Cemetery. The deceased was born twenty eight years ago in the same home from which the funeral took place but after an early age resided in Chicago until the death of his mother about a year ago, when he returned to this place. The funeral services were very largely attended and attested the high esteem in which the decedent was held by those who knew him. Transcribed by Deb Haines, Grundy County, IL CC, December 6, 1998