Phoenix Advertiser Minooka News April 27, 1905 Vol. 30, No. 17 Markets - Corn 4_; oats 27; butter 22; eggs 13. Mrs. J. Van DOLSON was in Joliet Saturday. Mrs. M. L. CAMERON was the guest of Miss Mae TINDER over Sunday. Mr. H. A. ANDERSON, of Chicago, visited friends in our village over Sunday. Will PAUL, of Joliet visited friends here over Sunday. Sunday being a bright, clear Easter day, brought crowds out to church. Emma COOP spent Sunday here with her parents. Miss Mattie COLLEPS did shopping in Chicago Saturday. C. CHURCHILL and wife made a flying trip to Joliet. Mrs. P. H. BRANNICK did shopping in Joliet Tuesday. Charles CARROLL of Joliet is visiting his folks here a few days. David HENNEBERRY spent Sunday with parents in Lorenzo, his father being seriously ill. John, Theodore and Edward KREIN of Chicago spent Sunday with their mother to our city. Misses Katherine and Maude KINNEY were in Chicago a few days last week. Misses Nettie MATTESON and Nellie WOOD of Morris visited C. CHURCHILL and wife over Sunday. Henry KOMERICK left here Saturday for Champaign, Ill., hwere he is going to work. Christy SHIELDS, son of James SHIELDS, has been very sick with appendicitis but is improving slowly. KAFFER Bros. will soon be in the grocery business again in their implement building south from their hardware store. Mrs. William WALKER and children, of Chicago, visited Mrs. WALKER's sister, Mrs. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF a few days last week. At this writing we are pleased to say Miss Luella TEMPLETON is improving daily from her severe illness with pneumonia. During the week's stay of the factory agent here with KAFFER Bros. in advertising their Majestic ranges, they sold sixteen ranges and all are well pleased with their purchases. Mr. and Mrs. Frank JONES sold at auction Saturday all their household furniture and started for Missouri Monday where they expect to make their future home. A number of friends gathered at the home of George KROGNESS and wife in honor of Frank JONES and wife, Saturday evening, bidding them farewell before leaving for the west. Transcribed by Deb Haines, November 30, 1998