Phoenix Advertiser Minooka News May 11, 1905 Vol. 30, No. 19 Markets - Corn 44; oats 28; butter 22; eggs 13. E. N. WEESE was a Morris visitor Saturday. Mrs. J. TINDER was a Joliet visitor Thursday. Clarence CHURCHILL and wife were in Joliet Wednesday. Miss Etta GORHAM, of Englewood, is home on a visit. Anslow BELL, of Maywood, Ill., is visiting old friends here. Mrs. Thomas BRADY, of Joliet, is spending a few days here. Miss May TINDER spent Sunday with Miss Hattie PERKINS. Robert MILLER visited friends in Joliet Sunday and Monday. Miss Mattie TRIMBLE spent a few days last week visiting in Chicago. Miss Agnes McEVILLY, of Chicago, spent Sunday with her folks here. Miss Maude THAYER spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. A. THOMAS. Alderman RILEY, of Chicago, visited relatives and friends here over Sunday. George CHURCHILL and wife spent Friday with their son Clarence and wife. Miss Mamie WHITTINGTON spent last week from Monday until Friday in Chicago. Will PAUL, the hustling land agent of Joliet, was in town the latter part of the week. Mrs. Alex WALSTROM and sister, Miss Nellie BUSHNELL, were Joliet visitors Saturday. Mrs. R. NEWSAM and Miss Addie BAILEY were Joliet visitors from Saturday until Monday. Little Ruth ANDREWS fell and broke her arm while playing in the yard last Wednesday. P. DWYER has improved his building, now occupied by Geo. KROGNESS, with a new awning. Henry LAW, of Channahon, is severly afflicted with a carbuncle on the back of his neck. J. MURPHEY returned home Friday from Morris where he had been serving on the grand jury. Miss Winnifred TEMPLETON returned to Joliet Friday evening after a visit at her home here. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Mr. HENNEBERRY at Wilmington Wednesday. A fine little son was born last Sunday morning, May 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry LEE, west of town. Harry ANDERSON, of Chicago, visited over Sunday with this wife, who is staying at William COOP's. Miss Beulah WEESE spent Saturday and Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. RANDALL, in Channahon. Misses Lola SHURTLEFF and Alta HARE returned Wednesday from Chicago where they had been visiting for a few days. Prof. ROSS, Mrs. STRATTON and Miss NELSON, the Minooka school teachers, attended the institute in Mazon Friday and Saturday. Charles TRUBY, of Joliet, was in town Monday in an automobile, in which several ladies enjoyed a swift ride around town. Saturday morning about 8:30 o'clock when Robert BRADBURY was on his way to work he passes Robert MILLER's barber shop and noticed a fire inside. Upon closer inspection he saw the floor was on fire catching from a mysterious blaze in the cellar. He aroused several citizens who soon had the fire under control. Geo. WINDSOR, who lives nearby, moved his household goods out. Mrs. CARROLL also moved her furniture out and W. J. CAMPBELL moved out his harness shop supplies, thus causing considerable inconvenience. Transcribed by Deb Haines, November 30, 1998