Phoenix Advertiser Minooka News July 6, 1905 Vol. 30, No. 27 Markets - Corn 51; oats 30; butter __; eggs 13. Henry DEMPSEY visited in Joliet last week. D. A. WARD drove to Joliet Thursday. William PAUL spent Sunday here with friends. Irving HOOPER made a business trip to Joliet Monday. I. V. HOOPER and family spent the Fourth in Wilmington. G. TINDER Jr., of Joliet, was a visitor here Wednesday. Miss Katie McLEAN is visiting with Mrs. J. VanDOLSON this week. Mrs. Francis BLY and daughter Lettie left for the east this week. Mr. KILLELEA, of Marseilles, transacted business here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. DAVIS made a business trip to Mazon Monday. Miss Mattie COLLEPS and Lizzie CARROLL were Joliet visitors Wednesday. John WILSON, of Plainfield, spent Saturday with his brother, Frank in this place. Mrs. J. SHIELDS and Miss Mary CANTWELL spent Thursday with Fred DIRST's family. Mrs. H. FELTHOUSE and Mrs. E. DECKER, of Chicago, were the guests of Mrs. William COOP last week. Miss Mabel CAMERON, of Chicago, spent a few days with Miss Mae TINDER returning home Thursday. Miss Anna Mae WOOD, of Morris, who had been spending a week with the Misses McEVILLY here, returned home Saturday evening. H. BANKS, of Chicago, was married to Miss Mabel WYETH, of White Willow, June 18, 1905. All are pleased to extend them congratulations. The people of Minooka and surrounding country spent the Fourth at Plainfield, Rock Run Park, Walley's grove and Chicago. Miss Alma BELL and lady friend, of Chicago, returned home Sunday evening after several days' visit with Miss BELL's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. E. DECKER, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. FELTHOUSE and Mr. and Mrs. H. ANDERSON spent Sunday with William COOP and wife all returning home to Chicago with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. ANDERSON Sunday evening. Miss Marguerite DEMPSEY, of Joliet, came to Minooka Thursday to nurse Mrs. S. RUSHTON who has returned from the Battle Creek, Michigan, Sanitarium in much worse condition than when she first went. Quite a number of friends were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex WALSTROM Thursday evening to surprise Mrs. WALSTROMs sister, Miss Nettie BUSHNELL, who left Saturday for her home in Michigan. Miss BUSHNELL was genuinely surprised. All had a very pleasant evening and after a midnight lunch departed to their homes in the wee hours of the morning. Another rural mail route from the Minooka post office will be established Sept. 1. The carrier will go south and east to Channahon and from thence successively to Round Grove school house, Thomas COMERFORD's corners, Dresden cemetery, back to Channahon, Bird's bridge and return to Minooka. The mail to and from the Channahon post office is now carried by one of the rural carriers from the Joliet office but after Sep. 1 the Channahon mail will be carried by the carrier on the new route from the Minooka office. Transcribed by Deb Haines, November 29, 1998