Phoenix Advertiser Minooka News August 3, 1905 Vol. 30, No. 31 Markets - Corn 49; oats 27; butter 15; eggs 14. Mrs. Frank ENEIX was in Joliet Monday. Oats cutting is done and threshing has begun. Miss May TINDER was a visitor in Joliet Monday. Henry HANNIG, of Lockport, was a visitor here Tuesday. M. L. KAFFER transacted business in Chicago Monday. Miss Mabel SMITH, of Joliet, is here visiting friends this week. George McGOVNEY, of Mokena, was in town on business last Tuesday. Miss Bessie COLLEPS was on the sick list last week but is better again. Budd RILEY, of Chicago, visited relatives and friends here Friday evening. C. E. DAVIS and Charles O'BRIEN attended the races in Ottawa Wednesday. John BRANNICK and J. P. McEVILLY attended the races in Ottawa Thursday. George TINDER Jr. of Joliet, spent Tuesday here with relatives and friends. The KAVANAUGH sisters, of Joliet, visited Mrs. McEVILLY and family over Sunday. Fred BELL who underwent a surgical operation last week remains about the same. John F. McEVILLY was a business visitor to Morris Tuesday. Also Jefferson COOP. Miss Lillian McCOWAN spent Saturday and Sunday with parents and friends in Joliet. Mrs. HEATH, who had been visiting here with her sister, Mrs. A. K. KNAPP, returned home Monday. A fine little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred SANDERS north east of town last Sunday, July 30. Miss Mattie COLLEPS is attending the Chicago telephone switch board in Miss McCOWAN's stead for a few days. A new school building is being erected in the JONES district in Seward. The old building was sold to William SMITH. Frank KENNELLY and sons, Elmer and Frank, of Joliet, spent Sunday with Mr. KENNELLY's father-in-law, I. J. KNIGHT. Johnnie COUGHLIN was thrown from a pony Saturday and sprained his arm so badly that he has to carry it in a sling. Mrs. Theo. KREIN who had been visiting in Chicago a few days returned home Sunday accompanied by her son Edward. Miss Luella TEMPLETON spent part of last week and part of this week visiting Mrs. A. BOYD and other friends in Channahon. Miss Jessie REMINGTON, of Morris, who has been visiting Miss Garnett MILLER, here returned to her home Saturday evening. The LaMONT circus which came here Sunday and gave one performance Monday was well attended and enjoyed by all. Ernest McCLOUD has been assisting with the work in E. N. WEESE's blacksmith shop during the proprietor's recovery from the injury noted in this paper last week. Considerable new wheat has been marketed here the past few days and corn has been coming in lively altho the market has been off three or four cents from last week's prices. Mrs. Elizabeth REDMOND died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward OAKES in this place last Friday night, July 28, 1905, aged 78 years. Charles LIESS, Richard LYNCH, Fred WERNER and Paul RINKE, otherwise known as Brainy BOWERS, went to Chicago, last Friday and took in the sights of the White City and the dangers of Heinegabubeler's. The Rock Island suffered a bad wreck at Rockdale last Monday morning when an excursion passenger train ran into an open switch and crashed into a gravel train standing on the siding. Several people were badly injured but non were killed nor fatally hurt. E. D. GILLETTE and family are no longer residents of Minooka. After a residence here of several months they moved last Tuesday to Tinley Park where Mr. GILLETTE will follow his vocation as a tonsorialist. He was engaged in the same business here with indifferent success. Transcribed by Deb Haines, November 29, 1998