Grundy County, IL Phoenix Advertiser Minooka News December 21, 1905 Vol. 30, No. 51 Mrs. H. GORHAM spent Saturday in Joliet. Markets - Corn 38; oats 29; butter 19; eggs 25. Henry NEWMAN and wife drove to Joliet Saturday. Miss Mae TINDER was a Joliet visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. DAVIS were Chicago visitors Friday. Mrs. G. TINDER and son Charles, were in Joliet Friday. Mrs. Ambrose BRANNICK was a Joliet visitor Saturday. Roy and Alta HARE left here Tuesday for a visit in Kansas. Michael CONNORS left for Iowa Tuesday to visit his sister. Mrs. John TEMPLETON and daughter, Edna, were in Joliet Friday. The Minooka teachers attended a teachers' meeting in Morris Friday. A big crowd enjoyed a skating party on the creek Friday evening. Mrs. William COOK and Miss Lyde CONLEY were Joliet visitors Saturday. Thomas GOLDSBERRY spent several days of last week at his old home in Indiana. Mrs. Thomas COULEHAN, son William, and daughter, Tessie, returned home Tuesday from a week's visit in Chicago. Charles MURLEY and Jefferson COOP shipped a carload of cattle Monday evening. Daniel DAHLEM of Joliet visited old friends and relatives here a few days last week. BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. G. H. KROGNESS, a daughter, Saturday morning, Dec. 16. W. A. THAYER is still quite lame as a result of the injuries to his foot received three weeks ago. John HANLON returned from Minnesota a few days ago for a visit with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. WARD, Misses Lulu and Edna BELL, James PAUL and Edna COOK and C. NELSON and wife all attended the Joliet Theatre Wednesday evening. The drillers are down about 275 feet with the new village well and the coveted supply of water is still not in sight. Tuesday morning the drill stuck and considerable difficulty was experienced in getting it loose. The holiday season is a tame thing in Minooka. Tomorrow evening the only festive event of the yuletide will occur when a club of the young ladies will give a holiday ball in Masonic hall. This lone event on the social calendar promises to be a pleasant success. Transcribed 11/13/1998 by Deb Haines.