Grundy County, IL Phoenix Advertiser Minooka News January 4, 1906 Vol. 31, No. 1 Markets - Corn 38; oats 29; butter 19; eggs 25. Mrs. A. K. KNAPP has been ill with a severe cold for a few days. DIRST & HOLBROOK shipped two car loads of oats Tuesday night. Miss Lillian McCOWAN spent Sunday with her parents in Joliet. Miss M. L. CAMERON, of Chicago, is the guest at Miss Mae TINDER this week. Mr. and Mrs. William BUCKLEY spent last week in Morris visiting relatives and friends. Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF has been quite sick this week with tonsilitis but is much better now. Mrs. Lazette HOLLERING, of Aurora, spent New Years day here with her sister, Mrs. William HOLT. Dr. J. M. PEAIRS, of Joliet, and Dr. LIVERMORE, of Plattville, made professional calls to this place Tuesday. A large number from here attended the Joliet Theatre Monday evening and witnessed "Marching Through Georgia". The old year was rung out while the New Year came smiling forth. All the bells in town pealed out a merry sound at the stroke of 12. A miscellaneous shower was given Miss Lettie BLY last Friday evening. About twenty five were present and Miss Lettie was showered with some very nice presents. A party given in honor of Miss Lettie BLY at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Van DOLEEN was enjoyed by a large number of friends Wednesday evening. A pleasant social time was spent until 12, when supper was served. The K. of P. party given to honor Jefferson COOP and family was a great success. A large crowd attended and all had a fine time. The presentation speech was given about 11 o'clock by George COLLEPS. Mr. COOP was presented with a very beautiful watch charm and emblem of the K. of P. order. An excellent supper was served and all adjourned at a wee hour. Transcribed 11/13/1998 by Deb Haines.