Grundy County, IL Phoenix Advertiser Minooka News February 1, 1906 Vol. 31, No. 5 Markets - Corn 38; oats 38; butter 22; eggs 28. Edward BARRY was a Joliet visitor Tuesday. George TEMPLETON is sick with an attack of quinsy. John KREIN, of Chicago, made a business trip here Tuesday. Sumner BELL, of Wilmington, visited his parents here over Sunday. Mrs. William CARROLL, of Chicago, spent Sunday with relatives here. Eli BUSH and son August, of Elwood, were visitors in this place Saturday. Miss Nora WATERS, of Joliet, spent several days visiting friends here this week. Frank WILSON went to northwestern Iowa for a few days' trip this week. Miss Agnes McEVILLY, of Chicago, spent a few days at her home here this past week. The Misses Clara and Elsie NEILSEN have been quite sick the past week with colds. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank STEPHEN in Troy last Saturday, Jan. 27. Miss Hattie PERKINS, of Seward, spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday with Miss Mae TINDER. A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. BRADY last Monday morning, Jan. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Edward FEENEY are the happy parents of a fine little son born last Monday, Jan. 29. Little Margaret KAFFER who has been very sick with pneumonia is much better now and getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. VANA and Jacob MEYERS returned home Saturday evening after a week in Chicago. Miss Mabel BLOGG, of Plainfield, and Isadore HOLLERING, spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Wm. HOLT. Miss Melinda SCHEIBE returned to her home in Lockport Wednesday after a week's visit here with her sister, Mrs. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF. A crowd of twenty-two gathered at the home of Wm. COOP Wednesday evening and spent a very pleasant time with music and games. WANTED: A good farm of 80 to 160 acres. Give full description of land together with price. A. N. PORTER & Co., Barber Building, Joliet. A large crowd of the K. P.'s from here attended the K. of P. lodge in Joliet Saturday evening where a hundred new members were given their first degree. The Misses Mae TINDER and Mildred and Ethel WATSON and Messrs. Will BUSHTON, William PAUL and George SHIELDS attended the opening program of the Joliet Conservatory of Music and oratorical work Monday evening. Transcribed 11/13/1998 by Deb Haines.