Grundy County, IL Phoenix Advertiser Minooka News February 22, 1906 Vol. 31, No. 8 Markets - Corn 37; oats 27; butter 22; eggs 18. Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF was in Chicago Thursday. E. N. WEESE spent Sunday with his son Charles in Morris. Mr. FLETCHER, of Blue Island, was in town on business Tuesday. Miss Mary CANTWELL, who has been staying with Mrs. S. RUSHTON, is home for two weeks. The young ladies will give a dance in Masonic hall this evening after the school entertainment. The weather that we are having is something that completely "stumps" the "oldest inhabitant". Mr. and Mrs. Story MATTISON, from near Morris, attended the K. of P. dance here last Wednesday evening. Misses Nellie KEENAN, of Joliet, and Phoebe WOODS, of Morris, spent Sunday with the McEVILLY sisters. Mrs. Frances BLY and sister, Miss HUNT, spent a week recently visiting Mrs. Bly's daughter, Mrs. Lettie HUTCHINSON, in Elwood. Misses Emma and Mamie McEVILLY and Messrs. Thomas COULEHAN and Michael BRANNICK attended a dance in Joliet Wednesday evening. The well drillers have made fair progress on the village well the past week and the depth is now 490 feet. The drill is still working in very hard rock. Henry TALBOT and mother returned from Oklahoma Sunday after a several weeks' visit there with Mrs. Talbot's daughter, Mrs. Frank McHUGH. Chas. O'BRIEN and Edward BARRY were in Chicago Tuesday visiting with Michael WHALEN, who arrived there from California the first of the week. Mr. WHALEN is a little improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. COOP gave a progressive euchre party Monday evening to about forty of their friends. Ten games of ten points each were played. Mrs. D. A. HENNEBERRY won nine games and received the ladies' prize, which was a china rose jar. Mr. M. L. KAFFER won eight games and secured the gentleman's prize of a leather bill-book. Mrs. Wm. PATTEN and Miss Tessie McEVILLY drew for the ladies' booby prize of a dozen colored clothes pins, but as the ladies were on real good terms they divided the prize with the familiar saying "mother takes in washing." Mr. John BUCKLEY captured the gent's booby prize of a clay pipe. An elegant lunch was served and the evening's pleasant entertainment was concluded by all joining in several songs and an unanimous vote of thanks to the host and hostess for their royal hospitality. Transcribed 11/13/1998 by Deb Haines