Grundy County, IL Phoenix Advertiser Minooka News April 5, 1906 Vol. 31, No. __ Markets - Corn 38; oats 28; butter 22; eggs 16. Dean BELL visited in Morris Tuesday. Miss Mae TINDER was in Joliet Friday. Patsy WHALEN, of Lisbon, was in town Tuesday. N. J. COMERFORD was in Chicago Friday on business. M. KILLELEA, of Marseilles, was in our village Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William COOP were Joliet visitors Monday. E. N. WEESE spent Sunday in Morris with his son Charles. Mrs. D. A. HENNEBERRY visited Joliet friends last Saturday. Dr. J. J. BRINCKERHOFF transacted business in Joliet Tuesday. Miss LESTER spent Sunday with Miss Mattie Moore TRIMBLE. Mrs. J. SHEPLEY and daughter Vivian visited old friends here Monday. James SHEPLEY, of Joliet, is here helping his father in the livery barn. Charles PERKINS and family spent Sunday with W. A. CLARK and family. Mrs. W. A. CLARK and daughter Florence were Joliet visitors Saturday. Miss Essie FEEHAN, of Chicago, spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. A. BRANNICK. The Misses Mattie and Bessie COLLEPS, Lizzie CONLEY and Mae TINDER attended the theatre in Joliet Tuesday evening. Miss Mae TINDER accompanied Miss Gertrude LEACH home to Morris Saturday and spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends there. At the town election last Tuesday 108 votes were cast and the entire democratic ticket, the only one in the field, was elected without opposition. The well drillers succeeded in releasing their drill from the village well last Thursday and for the following four days made good progress in sinking the well. Then they lost their drill again and the atmosphere in the neighborhood of the well has been rather blue ever since with no indications of its immediately becoming any brighter. The well is now about 150 feet deep. The village election last Monday turned out to be decidely interesting although there was but one ticket nominated and printed on the ballot. A total of 84 votes was cast, perhaps the largest ever recorded here, and the use of the blank ballot was effectively demonstrated. The dissenters from the regular ticket showed themselves well organized and they accomplished the defeat of R. E. BRADY, one of the regular candidates and put up a respectable opposition all along the line. The vote in detail was as follows: for trustees, M. L. KAFFER 59, D. R. HALL 57, W. A. CLARK 57, William PATTEN 56, R. E. BRADY 37, S. A. FERGUSON 40, J. H. MURPHEY 25, Frank WILSON 24, D. C. CROOK 24, C. E. WHITE 23. For village clerk, C. A. TROWBRIDGE 59. For police magistrate, S. F. TROWBRIDGE 55. Transcribed by Deb Haines, Grundy County IL CC, December 8, 1998