Biographical Sketch of GEORGE DUFF - Henry County, Illinois Among Henry County's venerable citizens is numbered George Duff, who has now passed the eighty-eighth milestone on life's journey, and his record has at all times been so honorable, his actions so manly and his purpose so sincere that he now receives the veneration and respect which should ever be accorded one who has lived long and well. He was born near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 24, 1821, his parents being William and Mary (Johnson) Duff, who were also natives of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The former was a son of John Duff who was likewise born in the Keystone state and was a farmer by occupation. Unto him and his wife were born six sons and four daughters. The maternal grandfather of George Duff devoted his life to general agricultural pursuits. He wedded Martha Johnson and both lived to an old age. William Duff, the father of our subject, was a tanner by trade and conducted business of that character in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, near the place where his birth occurred. He died there when about fifty-seven or fifty-eight years of age, while his wife passed away at the age of forty-seven years. In their family were twelve children, but George Duff is now the only survivor. He was reared in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, pursued his education in the public schools and worked in a tan yard and ground bark. Later he engaged in teaming for a time and subsequently turned his attention to farming in Pennsylvania, but, rightly judging that the middle west offered better opportunities to the agriculturist, he came to Henry County in 1857 and here rented land. A few years later he purchased a farm of eighty acres to which he afterward added a tract of similar size. For some years he remained upon that place and at different times owned farms in the county but lived mostly in Penn Township. At one time he was the owner of two hundred and forty acres of rich and productive land but eventually sold his farm to his son and for fifteen or twenty years has made his home in Geneseo. Mr. Duff was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ann Cyphers, who was born in Penn Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and was a daughter of Philip and Nancy (Quinter) Cyphers, who were likewise natives of the Keystone state. Mr. And Mrs. Duff became the parents of six children, of whom four are now living: Nancy Ellen, the wife of Darwin R. Amsden; William, who wedded Rebecca E. Wilson; Anna, the wife of George H. Wilson; and Mary Frances, the wife of Charles Magee. Of the family John P. and Freddie died in childhood. Mr. And Mrs. Amsden has three living children: Cora B., Ina M., and Roscoe John, while Mr. And Mrs. Wilson have one son, Alden George. The children of Mr. And Mrs. Magee are Elsie M. and Elan C. Mrs. Mary Ann Duff died November 1, 1906, at the age of eighty-two years and one month. She was a member of the Christian Church and a most estimable lady whose many good traits of heart and mind endeared her to all who knew her. In his political views Mr. Duff has long been a stalwart Democrat. He has resided in Henry County for fifty-two years and is one of the most highly respected citizens. He has always been an honest, hard-working, upright man and has made his way in the world unaided, since he started out for himself empty-handed. His industrious habits and good management, however, have secured him a competency for his old age. In the early days he bought land when it was cheap, and his son now owns and operates the old homestead. The farm is now finely improved and is today worth one hundred and fifty dollars an acre. Mr. Duff owns a good and comfortable home on North State Street close to the business part of the town. Though past eighty-eight years of age he is quite active for one who has traveled thus far on life's journey, and at all times he keeps informed on the current events of the day. He is very social and genial of nature and it is a pleasure to converse with him. He has a host of friends who hold him in the highest esteem for his life has ever been upright and honorable. Although he has now advanced far on the journey he still keeps a cheerful spirit and sheds around him the cheerful influence of a sunny disposition. His record is altogether most creditable and no history of the community would be complete were there failure to make prominent mention of George Duff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Alice Gless