Biographical Sketch of G.R. Sharp - Macoupin, Christian Counites, Illinois G.R. SHARP Was born in Claiborne county, Tenn., January 3, 1830. He was the son of William and Barbara Sharp. They raised a family of ten children, nine born in Tennessee, and one in Macoupin county, after their removal to Illinois. Their names are as follows: Elizabeth, now the wife of Joseph Montgomery, lives in Macoupin county; John, now living in Christian county ; Henry H., also living in Christian county; Winnifred, late wife of Gabriel Hurt, of Macoupin county; Lawson, now living in Missouri; George R., the subject of our sketch; Louisa, now the wife of John Fair, living in Nebraska; William N., now living in Barton county, Missouri; Barbara, late wife of Thomas J. Fair, and Mary, wife of Wesley Henderson, living in Kansas. In the fall of 1836 William Sharp, with his family, emigrated from Tennessee and settled in Macoupin county, Illinois. Two years subsequently he lost his wife; he afterwards married Miss Elizabeth Wilson. They had five children, two of whom are living, viz.: Susan, now the wife of William Coons, living in Missouri, and Agnes, who married Robert Middleton, and lives in Nebraska. In 1869 Mr. Sharp removed to Barton county, Missouri, where be remained three years; he then came to Christian county and made his home with his son, John Sharp, until his death, June 20, 1875. Too much cannot be said in praiseworthy terms of the character of William Sharp, who always taught by example what he held by precept. For forty years be was held as a model for the old and the young, being a professor of religion and a member of the Baptist church, in which he held the position of deacon for a number of years. His second wife died about four years prior to his death. George R. Sharp grew to manhood on a farm, and at the age of twenty-six, he was united in marriage to Miss Susan Hanon, September 28, 1856. She was a daughter of Martin and Sarah Hanon, and born within the limits of Christian county, but before the county was organized; her birth dates February 19, 1838. Her father, Martin Hanon, was a native of Tennessee; his parents moved to Kentucky when he was quite small, where they lived until he was about twelve years of age. They then removed to what is now Gallatin county, Illinois, this being in the year 1812. At the age of fifteen his father died; his mother subsequently moved further north in the state, and in 1818 Mrs. Hanon with her family settled within the present limits of Christian county. Mrs. Sharp's father was about nineteen years of age when his mother settled here. At the age of twenty-four he married Miss Sarah Miller; by this union they had eleven children, of whom Mrs. Sharp was the eighth. Mr. Hanon lived in this county until his death, January 25, 1879, at the advanced age of eighty years. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp have raised a family of seven children, two sons and five daughters, viz: William Virgil, the oldest, now deceased, who died at the age of eighteen years and six months, January 27, 1876; Xemenia Pruella, now the wife of N. D. Waller, living in Sharpsburg; Mary A., George E., Emma A., Mabel Jane, and Nina Pearl. After Mr. Sharp's marriage he began the improvement of the place be is now living on ; he has always followed farming. In politics he is a democrat. He has represented his township in the Board of Supervisors for nine successive years. His actions while in this position have met with the general support of the best classes of the community, he having determined to adopt a liberal and at the same time economic policy, and to do what he considered best for the sound interests of the county. He is now a candidate for the Legislature on the democratic ticket. Taken from "HISTORY OF CHIRISTIAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS". Published by Brink, McDonough & Co., Philadelphia. Corresponding office. Edwardsville, Ill. 1880 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Stan A. Jacobs