Marshall County IL Archives Military Records.....1883 Pensioners List ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deb Haines January 5, 2009, 11:29 pm Cert # Name PO Address Cause for pension Mo Rate Date Orig Allow 101,313 Lyman, Eddy Belle Plain chr. diarr 8.00 June, 1881 143,940 Miles, James G Henry dis. of abdominal viscera 4.00 ---------- 71,850 Diehl, Alfred J Henry wd. r. arm 4.00 ---------- 20,317 Young, Howard Henry wd. l. shr 6.00 ---------- 78,778 Smith, Don C Henry wd. l. hand 18.00 ---------- 107,164 Murray, Alexander Henry wd. l. leg 6.00 ---------- 131,187 Willin, Aaron E Henry bron. asthma, dis. lungs 24.00 ---------- 42,358 Reece, Lewis J Henry wd. l. leg, l. thi 6.00 ---------- 55,074 Evans, Anderson H Henry resection r. arm 18.00 ---------- 63,425 Erwin, Robt S Henry wd. head 18.00 ---------- 30,791 Cox, Laban H Henry wd. l. leg, amputa 18.00 ---------- 80,038 Noll, Solomon Henry chr. rheu 72.00 ---------- 112,145 Hamilton, Fred'k A Henry disloca. r. ank 10.00 ---------- 118,953 Hough, Henry Henry wd. left foot & ankle 4.00 ---------- 149,203 Goodrich, Francis H Henry chr. diarr 2.00 ---------- 52,272 McBride, Michael Henry ex abscess & cicatrix of l. side of neck 6.00 ---------- 131,054 Caley, Joseph Henry wd. l. arm 3.00 ---------- 164,043 Smith, James F Henry chr. diarr 4.00 Jan., 1880 158,030 Ray, Newton Henry wd. r. hip 2.00 Mar., 1879 169,684 Payton, Patrick Henry chr. diarr., mal. poisoning 8.00 June, 1880 222,624 Multon, Wm H Henry wd. r. arm 2.00 Dec., 1882 181,876 Herder, Henry A Henry wd. l. shr 2.00 Jan., 1881 205,722 Starliper, Wm M Henry wd. l. thigh 4.00 Mar., 1882 214,693 Weber, Louis Henry chr. diarr 8.00 June, 1882 106,085 Green, Absalom H Henry wd. l. leg 3.00 Mar., 1880 210,489 Gates, Edw F Henry chr. diar., inj. l. side, dis. h'rt 10.00 June, 1882 194,638 Tritt, Francis M Henry minor of 10.00 ---------- 9,497 Rogers, Elizabeth J Henry widow 8.00 ---------- 13,322 Taber, Ann H Henry widow 1812 8.00 Dec., 1878 26,265 Camery, Nancy Henry widow 1812 8.00 Aug., 1879 21,281 Harris, Elizabeth Henry widow 1812 8.00 Mar., 1879 183,321 Wann, Mary Henry mother 8.00 ---------- 81,549 Wanser, Annette Henry widow 8.00 ---------- 99,191 Willson, Ursula Henry mother 15.00 Sept., 1867 27,320 Hoagland, Ellen Lacon widow 8.00 ---------- 163,573 Thomas, Jane Lacon widow 12.00 ---------- 94,990 Taylor, Sarah A Lacon widow 8.00 ---------- 15,771 Owen, Elizabeth Lacon widow 8.00 Jan., 1879 63,831 Fenn, Lucy J Lacon widow 8.00 ---------- 69,425 Will, Susan Lacon widow 8.00 ---------- 190,878 Porch, Julia A Lacon widow 12.00 ---------- 90,080 Mangle, Mary Lacon widow 8.00 ---------- 127,561 Bennett, Adam F Lacon dis. lungs 6.00 ---------- 220,302 McKinney, Erastus R Lacon wd. r. hip 4.00 Nov., 1882 184,791 Duchesne, Louis Lacon injury to abdomen 4.00 Mar., 1881 199,410 Cassell, Wm H Lacon inj. r. knee, dis. eyes 6.00 Dec., 1881 193,909 Cooper, Wm Lacon wd. l. arm 2.00 Aug., 1881 97,529 Plummer, Chas H Lacon dis. lungs, gen. debil 6.00 ---------- 83,306 Larkin, Thos B Lacon wd. face, part. deaf, dis. eyes 12.00 ---------- 126,273 Henthorn, James P Lacon wd. head 4.00 ---------- 98,473 Dodge, Joseph L Lacon wd. shr. & spine 8.00 ---------- 95,338 Furst, Bernhard Lacon wd. both legs 4.00 ---------- 80,040 Fowler, Daniel Lacon wd. both thighs 2.00 ---------- 86,719 Brawns, Otto Lacon wd. breast 8.00 ---------- 113,670 Baldwin, Chas W Lacon inj. back & r. hip 8.00 ---------- 98,704 Bohnen, John Lacon wd. r. lung 6.00 ---------- 97,365 Porter, Samuel Lacon dysentary & dis. of abd. vis 2.00 ---------- 31,149 Way, Eli Tingle Lacon wd. l. foot 6.00 ---------- 126,402 Wilson, Cyrus Lacon frozen feet 4.00 ---------- 38,250 De Pue, Hanson J Lacon loss l. arm 24.00 ---------- 127,614 French, Lucretia Lacon mother 8.00 Apr., 1869 1,205 Wilcox, Nancy Lacon mother 17.00 Mar., 1863 64,414 Howard, Mary C Lacon mother 8.00 Feb., 1866 95,201 Taylor, William A Lacon injury to abdomen 12.00 ---------- 81,391 Stephen, Peter La Rose wd. l. knee 4.00 June, 1865 218,850 Seibel, Frank Lawn Ridge inj. r. leg, vari. veins, ulcers 6.00 Oct., 1882 214,712 Bockman, August Lawn Ridge ch. diar., dyspepsia 4.00 June, 1882 51,281 Brings, Wm Saratoga frac. l. forearm 8.00 ---------- 20,798 Duncan, Ann Sparland widow 1812 8.00 Mar., 1879 63,060 Tanquary, Addison Sparland wd. r. arm 8.00 ---------- 85,815 Irwin, Marg't R Varna widow 20.00 Aug., 1869 203,191 Roberts, John A Varna wd. r. foot 2.00 Feb., 1882 211,287 Milkle, Martin Varna dis. l. shr 2.00 June, 1882 96,007 Morrell, Stephen Varna wd. r. leg 4.00 ---------- 112,850 Fraver, James J Varna wd. nose & l. arm 8.00 ---------- 46,740 Weaner, Jas K Varna wd. r. arm 18.00 ---------- 76,078 Ross, Andrew O Varna wd. l. leg 12.00 ---------- 46,010 Evans, Jesse W Varna g.s. w. l. foot 4.00 ---------- 26,095 Jones, Albert W Varna wd. r. hand, l. thi. & body 15.00 ---------- 60,427 Kirkpatrick, Sylvia A Wenona widow 8.00 ---------- 181,308 Smith, Franklin Wenona wd. r. arm 4.00 Feb., 1881 73,785 Hull, Isaac H Wenona partial loss sight 4.00 ---------- 112,174 Beckwith, Putnam Wenona wd. r. thigh 4.00 ---------- 117,591 Hallam, Samuel P Wenona wd. l. thi 6.00 ---------- 20,701 Hoge, Robt P Wenona heart disease 8.00 ---------- 112,746 Downey, Wm Wenona wd. rt. hand & leg 3.00 ---------- 195,890 Hoge, Thomas J Wenona wd. r. arm 2.00 Sept., 1881 File at: File size: 12 Kb