Menard Co. Illinois Marriage selected licenses © Submitted by: Matthew Ferricks Marriage records for: Henry Baum and Miss Alice Workman Mr. Henry Balster and Miss Sarah F. Luckin James M. Derry and Martha J. Pollock ------------------------------------------- Marriage License. The People of the State of Illinois and Menard County to any Person Legally Authorized to Solemnize Marriage. Greeting. Marriage may be celebrated between Mr. Henry Baum of Tice, in the county of Menard and state of Illinois of the age of thirty nine years, and Miss Alice Workman of Tice in the county of Menard and state of Illinois of the age of thirty years. Witness: H.M. Levering, County Clerk and the seal of said county at his office in Petersburg in said county this 12 th day of April A.D. 1897. H.M. Levering, County Clerk I, Geo. Koch, a Minister of the Gospel hereby certify that Mr. Henry Buam and Miss Alice Workman were united in marriage by me at Petersburg in the county of Menard and state of Illinois on the 15th day of April A.D. 1897. Geo. Koch (on the back of the license her parents names are given as Joseph Workman and Amanda Metcalf) ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Henry Balster and Miss Sarah F. Luckin Marriage License. The People of State of Illinois Menard County to any person legally authorized to solemnize Marriage. Greeting: You are hereby authorized to join in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony and to celebrate within this County the Rites and Ceremonies of Marriage between Mr. Henry Balster and Miss Sarah F. Luckin now both of said Menard County according to the customs & laws of the State of Illinois, and you are required to return this License to me within thirty days from the celebration of such Marriage with a Certificate of some assented thereto and signed by you under the Penalty of One hundred Dollars. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said County this Twelfth day of March A.D. 1865. (illegible), County Clerk I, Charles G. Schuricht an ev.-luth Minister hereby certify that on the thirteenth day of March 1866 I joined in Marriage Mr. John Henry Balster with Seede F. Lucken agreeably to the authority given in the above License & the custom & laws of this State. Given under my hand & seal this tenth day of March A.D. 1866. Charles G. Schuricht, ev-luth. Minister ------------------------------------------------------------ James M. Derry and Martha J. Pollock The State of Illinois, Menard County The People of the State of Illinois, To all who shall see these Presents, Greetings: Know Ye, That License and Permission has been granted to any Minister of the Gospel, authorized to Marry by the Church or Society to which he belongs; any Justice of the Supreme Court; Justice of an inferior Court, or any Justice of the Peace, to Celebrate and Ratify the Marriage of James M. Derry and Martha J. Pollock now both of this County, according to the usual custom and Laws of the State of Illinois. Witness, Cornelius Rourke Clerk of the County Court in and for the County of Menard and the Seal of said Court hereunto affixed at Petersburg this 16th day of October A.D. 1861. Cornelius Rourke Clerk I hereby certify, that on the 17 day of October A.D. 1861, I joined in the holy state of Matrimony James M. Derry and Martha J. Pollock according to the custom and Laws of Illinois. Given under my Hand and Seal this seventeenth day of October A.D. 1861. AC. McDougall. --------------------------------------------------------------------- UGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------