Peter Adelsberger's will no volume or page # died in Monroe County Illinois in 1842 In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, I, Peter Adelsperger of Monroe County and State of Illinois being sick and weak in Body but of sound mind and memory and understanding praise be God for it-I do therefore make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following: In the first place it is my will that my loving wife, Mary Ann Adelsperger select from my personal estate so much as she may think proper for her support during her lifetime and all the remain of my personal effects whatsoever I wish sold at public vendue and from the money arising from such sale it is my will that all my just debts should be paid and all the remainder of my money or effects it any will that my wife Mary Ann should have the use and benefit of the same during her natural life and after her death it is my will that she should be interred in the most decent manner and whatsoever money or effects remain after her death it is my will that the same be equally divided between my two daughters Anna Elisabeth Oneal and Catherine Ann Burke or their children. As to my real estate I give the use and benefit of my home farm with all its improvements to my affectionate wife Mary Ann during her lifetime with a request that she ? the same and see that it is kept in good repair and that the fruit trees be preserved and whatever of rest may remain after keeping of said repair she is to have and use the same at will. And after my death it is my will that my home place or land containing about one hundred and sixty acres be divided East and West so that a line running East and West will include my young apple orchard on the south half of said quarter section I will to my daughter Catherine Ann during her lifetime and then descend to her children. The north part of said tract of land its improvements I will to my daughter Anna Elisabeth during her lifetime and then descend to her children. And my mill tract lying on Bonds Creek sometimes called Valentine Tract and being the same I purchased of Isaac Redwaleder I will to my grandson Francis P. Peach and if he should not live to age twenty one years then said land should be equally divided between my two daughters Anna Elizabeth and Catharine Ann at the same time my wife Mary Ann to have the control of said tract of land during her life to lease or otherwise use same. And further I leave two town lots to the ? of my wife as she may think best one lot in the town of Oxford, Adams County, Pennsylvania the other lot in Mummersburgh in the same State and County of Adams. The lot in Oxford has a brick dwelling house on it with other improvements and I hereby nominate and appoint my Affectionate ? Mary Ann Adelsperger my Executrix and my ? Samuel Peach Executor of this my last will and testament- In testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty first day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two. Signed Peter Adelsperger Signed in the presents of us: John C. Jame Jos. A. Lilly Recorded January 4th 1843 signed by E. Moore P.J.P. ------------------------------------------------------------- UGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organiza- tions or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contri- butor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------- File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jim and Patti Godesky