Montgomery County IL Archives Biographies......Ohlman, Capt M ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Norma Hass November 2004 Capt. M. OHLMAN, farmer, P. O. Ohlman, was born near Strasbourg, Germany; his father, Michael OHLMAN, was born in France; emigrated to America in 1832; worked on the White House, Washington, where he earned sufficient money to carry him to St. Louis, Mo., where he removed in 1833; his wife, Gertrude ZAHN, was born in France, and died in St. Louis in 1853, leaving six children, of whom our subject was the eldest. Our subject first worked on a Mississippi River flat-boat; at the age of seventeen, was promoted to the post of pilot, which position he held for ten years, when he became Captain and owner of the Star of the West, formerly known as the Polar Star; hi was also Master of the D. A. January. In 1861, he gave up steam boating, and became a farmer, and has now a fine farm of 660 acres, together with other land and property, all of which he has accumulated by his own thrift and industry; he has realized as high as $12,000 on his stock at a single sale. In 1851, he married Miss BURBAND, born in Cincinnati, Ohio, daughter of Benedick and Elizabeth (STRAUB) BURBANK; there have been born to them an interesting family of six children, all of whom have been given a good education. Capt. OHLMAN is a member of the Roman Catholic Church; in politics, he recognizes no party, but polls his vot for the man whom he thinks will best advance the interests of his country; in him all measures for the advancement of education, and all public enterprises, find a liberal supporter. His father, who was a wagon-maker by trade, died in California in 1851. File at: File size: 5 Kb