Montgomery County IL Archives History......Grisham Township 1882 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Norma Hass August 11, 2009 Montgomery County, IL. History of Bond and Montgomery Counties Illinois 1882 - Part II, pages 195-199, Grisham Township, [Page 195] G. R. AYDELOTT, farmer, P. O. Donnellson, was born in Montgomery County, Ill., in 1844; son of C. C. and Levina (YOUNG) AYDELOTT; he born in Tennessee in 1806, died in Montgomery County, Ill., in 1865; she, a native of Kentucky, moved to that county in 1829. The subject of this sketch, who is the eleventh child of a family of thirteen, received his education in the schools of his native county, and began life as a farmer, his father having left him one of the finest farms in Montgomery County. He married in Montgomery County in 1866, Aurilla BROOKS, born in Warren County, Tenn., daughter of Loyal BROOKS, a native of Cheshire, Conn. Mr. AYDELOTT served two terms as Tax Collector of Grisham Township; has been Supervisor for many years, and was re-elected to that office in the spring of 1882; is a Methodist, a member of the Masonic fraternity; has always been a stanch Democrat. Christian A. ANGERSTINE, farmer, P. O. Donnellson, was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1825, son of Henry and Christina (KALALS) ANGERSTINE, both of whom were natives of Germany, and died there, he in 1852, she in 1879; subject is the youngest of a family of five children. He received his education in his native land, and began the business of life as a farm hand. In 1854, he emigrated to the United States, and has been living in Montgomery County for twenty-five years, during which time he has been engaged in farming. In St. Louis, Mo., in 1855, he married Wilhelmine BRAMER, a native of Germany, daughter of Hender BRAMER, also a native of that country. From this union three children have been born, viz., Christian, Alvina and Jane. Mr. ANGERSTINE is a member of the Lutheran Church at Hillsboro, Ill.; he is a Republican. Rev. W. P. BAKER, farmer, P. O. Hillsboro; born in Macon County, Ill., in 1835; son of W. D. and Marilla (MARTIN) BAKER, who at present reside in Macon County, Ill. His father W. D. Baker, was born in Lincoln County, N. C., in 1800, and follows the occupation of a farmer. The subject of this sketch is the fifth child of a family of seven. He received his education in his native county, and engaged in farming, but has spent the greater part of his life as a minister of the Presbytarian Church; has preached for nineteen years in Southern Illinois, and is at present pastor of McDavid’s Point Church in East Fork Township Mr. BAKER has been married twice; first in Macon County, Ill, in 1857, and the last time in Mongomery County, Ill., in 1864. The maiden names of his wives were Mary WILSON and Margaret McLANE. His children are Ora D., Joseph M., Mary J. and William C. R. H. BOYD, farmer, P. O. Walshville; born in Macoupin County, Ill., in 1846; son of Jesse and Matilda (MORRIS) BOYD; he born in Franklin County, Va., August 22, 1810; subject is the eight child of a family of twelve; he received his education in Montgomery County, and at Staunton, Macoupin County. In Montgomery County in 1866, he married Amelia F. WHITESIDE, born in that county in 1851, daughter of Thomas D. and Minerva J. WHITESIDE. Subject has five children – Thomas D., Jennie M., Jessie J., Hattie E. and Frederick R. He is a Republican; is a Northern Methodist, and has been a farmer all his days. J. B. CARY, physician, Donnellson; son of [Page 196] Wilson and Mary Ann (CHILTON) CARY, was born in Bond County, Ill., December 29, 1843; his father was a farmer, born in Virginia and died in Bond County, Ill.; his mother was a native of East Tennessee. Our subject was the sixth of a family of twelve children; he graduated from the Hillsboro Academy in 1862; he was married in Lee County, Iowa, June 4, 1869, to Laura M. DONNELL, a native of Iowa, born February 25, 1848; daughter of William A. DONNELL, who was born in Guilford County, N. C. and of Callista (HAMILTON) DONNELL, a native of New York State. Our subject has been blessed with the following children: Flora C., Ada J., deceased, Alvin P. and Katie A. After graduating from the academy, he read medicine under Dr. HILLS, and has practiced in this county for eighteen years. During the late war, he served under Gen. J. J. PHILLIPS, of Hillsboro, in Company H, Ninth Illinois Regiment. The family are Presbyterian, and Mr. CARY is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Lodge No. 55, Donnellson. P. L. DAVENPORT, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Charlotte County, Va., son of Jack S. and Lucy S. (LEWIS) DAVENPORT. His father was a farmer, born in the same county in Virginia, and died in Logan County, Ky., in 1836; his mother was also a native of Virginia, died in Trigg County, Ky., in 1860 They had four children, of whom our subject was the youngest; he received his education in the common schools of Virginia, and began life as a carpenter; he has worked at his trade and carried on farming in this county for a period of thirty years. He was married in Trigg County, Ky., in 1844, to Frances Elizabeth ROPER, a native of that county; she died in this county in 1857. Her parents were Henry C. and Nancy (LEWIS) ROPER, both natives of Campbell County, VA. Mr. DAVENPORT is at present Assessor of this township, and has held the office of School Director for many years. He has been three times married, his second wife being Mrs. Martha BROWN, a native of Fayette County, Ill., and the third, Mrs. Frances BISHOP, of this county. He has been blessed with the following children: Eliza C, Lucy S., Ann E., Louisa F., Sarah M., Ruth J., Martin S., Ulysses J., John J., Essa O., Tipton C., Thomas R. and Francis I. His religious connection is with the Christian Church, and his political sympathies are with the Republican party. Charles H. EDWARDS, farmer, P. O. Hillsboro, was born in Montgomery County, Ill., August 20, 1835, son of Thomas and Nellie (BROWN) EDWARDS, natives of Iredell County, N. C. Thomas EDWARDS, a farmer and also a miller, moved to Montgomery County, Ill., in 1827, where he died in 1857, and where his wife also died in February, 1837. Charles H., the subject of this sketch, is the tenth of a family of thirteen children. He received his education in Montgomery County, and began life as a farmer, which occupation he still follows; has been Justice of the Peace and School Trustee for many years. In 1861, he enlisted in Company A, Twenty-sixth Missouri Infantry, and was discharged in 1864. He married in Montgomery in 1858, Nora E. CANNON, a native of that county, daughter of William CANNON, born in Mercer County, Ky., in 1807, died in 1878; from this marriage nine children have been born, viz., Mary E., William h., Eddie C., Clara J., Thomas C., Charles M., James A., Jessie F and Minnie B. Mr. EDWARDS is a Methodist; has always been a Democrat; is a member of Grange No. 917, at Mansfield. Walker F. HICKMAN, farmer, P. O. Hillsboro, the fourth of a family of nine children, was born in Crittenden County, Ky., in 1838, and moved to this county in 1852. His parents were William and Eliza (WITHERSPOON) HICKMAN, the former born in Bourbon County Ky., in 1803, a farmer by occupation, and died in this county in 1857; the latter born in Crittenden County, Ky., and died in this county in [Page 197] 1867. Our subject was educated at Hillsboro Academy, and his occupation is that of a farmer. In 1862, he was married to Melissa McCLAIN, who was born in this county in 1836, daughter of Joseph and Abigail (PAISLEY) McCLAIN, the former born in Guilford County, N. C., in 1800, and the latter a native of the same county. Mr. HICKMAN has in addition to his farm labors, filled the office of School Director for many years; he was in the late war, a member of Company B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Illinois Regiment, having enlisted at Hillsboro, Ill., in August, 1862. His children are as follows: Alma M., Ellert M., Frank C., Eva O., Carl C. and Ethel E. Mr. HICKMAN is a Cumberland Presbyterian, and politically a Republican. Fred HELFERS, farmer, P. O. Donnellson, was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1849, son of John and Louisa HELFERS, both natives of Germany, and at present residents of Montgomery County, he born in 1821, and she in 1825. Fred HELFERS is the eldest child of a family of three; he was educated partly in Germany and partly in the common schools of St. Clair County, Ill.; he is a farmer, and has by his industry bought his present home. In St. Clair County, Ill., he married Margaret SCHAUMLEFFEL, who was born there in 1847; she is the daughter of Adam SCHAUMLEFFEL, a native of Germany; subject has two children – Charles F. and Leonard. Robert LOGSDON, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Hart County, Ky., in 1828, son of William K. and Maria (REMUS) LOGSDON, he born in Hart County, Ky., where he died in 1832; was a farmer; she, born in North Carolina in 1808, died in Montgomery County in 1879; subject is the second child of a family of four; his education was obtained in Hart County, Ky., where, in 1852, he married Mary E. JOHNSEY, who was born there in 1831; she is the daughter of George B. and Jane (SIMMS) JOHNSEY; subject has the following children: John W., George, Marietta, Martha Ann, Celesta, Ida, Lucy M., Robert E., Lee and Ervin. Mr. LOGSDON is a practical farmer, and has one of the most highly cultivated farms in Montgomery County. He is one of the oldest settlers; himself and wife are Methodists; he is a strong Democrat. John W. LOGSDON, farmer, P. O. Walshville; born in Hart County, Ky., in 1853, son of Robert and Mary E. (JOHNSEY) LOGSDON, both natives of that county, he a farmer by occupation, burn in 1828; she in 1831. John W. is the eldest of a family of twelve children; he received his education in the schools of Montgomery County, and engaged in farming, which occupation he still pursues. In Howard County, Ind., in 1876, he married Amy C. BEELER, daughter of William and Margaret (BURK) BEELER, he born in Pennsylvania in 1817, now resides in Adams County, Ind., she a native of Ohio. From this marriage two children have been born – Bertia and Hattie. Mr. LOGSDON is a Democrat. J. H. McPHERSON, farmer, P. O. Walshville, whose portrait appears in this work, was born in Muhlenburg County, Ky., December 13, 1826, and was raised upon a farm. He was brought to St. Clair County, Ill., by his parents when he was but an infant, where they remained about seven years, then removed to Morgan, now Scott County, Ill., near Winchester. He was there educated in the common schools, remaining in that county until nineteen yeas of age, when he embarked in the sawmill business, a business he has followed a good many years. He commenced business without a dollar, and has had many trials and disappointments, but by energy and perseverance has overcome them, and now owns 645 acres of good bottom land, well improved and in an excellent state of cultivation. He and his brother built the first flouring mill in Litchfield, where [Page 198] The noted steam mill now stands, but sold it in 1856, and then engaged in a machine shop until 1863, when he took an overland trip to California, but believing he could do better at home, returned within six months, and engaged in his old business, saw-milling. This he followed until December, 1878, since which time he has been engaged in farming. He was married in Scott County, November 19, 1851, to Miss Rebecca J. ASH, also a native of Kentucky, and who was born February 9, 1830. She was the mother of six children, and died May 13, 1870. Jesse ASH, her father, was born in Kentucky, also her mother. His second wife, Margaret MISSMORE, was born in Hillsboro, Ill., February 3, 1833; her father was from North Carolina, and her mother a native of Tennessee. James McPherson, the father of our subject, was born in North Carolina January 28, 1796, and was a farmer. He emigrated to Kentucky, and from that State to Illinois in 1827 where he bought land, and raised a large family of children, who grew up useful men and women. He was in the war of 1812, though he served but three months; he was in the battle of New Orleans; he died in October, 1879. His wife, Elizabeth JOHNSON, was a native of North Carolina; was born January 29, 1799, and was the mother of thirteen children, of whom our subject was the fifth. Mrs. H. E. McCULLOCH, farmer, P. O. Donnellson, was born in Montgomery County, Ill., in 1838, daughter of William and Jane E. (PAISLEY) YOUNG; he a farmer by occupation, born in Tennessee in 1810, now residing near Hillsboro, Montgomery Co., Ill., where his wife, a native of North Carolina, died in 1852. Subject, who is the fourth child of a family of nine, was educated in the schools of Montgomery County, where, in 1864, she was married to W. J. McCULLOCH, a native of that county, who died there in 1876. Their children are Samnel R. and Jennie. Her husband was a farmer, and for many years filled the office of Supervisor in Montgomery County; he was a Democrat. Mrs. McCULLOCH is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. John PRICE, farmer, P. O. Hillsboro, born in Wayne County, Ky., in 1816, son of Richard and Mary (JOHNSON) PRICE, natives of Virginia. Richard PRICE was a farmer by occupation; subject, the fifth child of a family of six, received the foundation of his education in the common schools of Montgomery County, and finished at Hillsboro in that county. He has always been a farmer; has been School Director for some time. In Montgomery County in 1841, he married Ellen Nora LOVRIN, born in Simpson County, Ky., in 1824, daughter of William and Keziah (MORGAN) LOVRIN, natives of Virginia. From this union there have been born the following children, viz.: George W., John E., Thomas J., Mary C., Isaac K., James E., Joseph A., M.C., William H., Julia A., Sarah E. and Harriet L. Mr. Price is one of the leading men of Grisham Township; has been a member and class leader in the Methodist Church for thirty years, his membership being at Edwards’ Chapel, in the above township. He is a Republican, and a member of the A., F. & A. M. Asa SWAIN, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Washington County, N. C., December 22, 1811, son of Stephen and Priscilla (PHELPS) SWAIN, both natives of North Carolina; the former died in Macoupin County, this state, in 1846, the latter also dying in the same county. They had nine children, of whom Asa was the fourth, and received his education in his native county. He early learned the cooper's trade, and has followed farming in this and Madison County for half a century. He has been twice married, and has had the following children © Maria J., Stephen H., Clarissa E., Martha C., Snowden S., Sarah M., Asa F., and three who died unnamed. Mr. SWAIN is a leading farmer [Page 199] and an early settler, and highly respected citizen. His religious connection is with the Christian Church; his politics, Democratic. Martin VOGAL, farmer, P. O. Walshville, born in Baden, Germany, in 1826. His parents, Martin and Margaret (BOWER) VOGAL, were both natives of Germany; his father, who was a farmer, died there; subject, the third child of a family of eight children, received his education in his native town, and worked out for many years as a farm hand, and has been farming on his own account in Montgomery County for a long period. He has been twice married, at Belleville, St. Clair Co., Ill., and at St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. VOGAL, whose maiden name was KALA, was born in Hanover, Germany; her parents, Henry and Mary (MYER) KALA were natives of that country. Mr. VOGAL has four children - Martin, Mary, Fred and George. He is a Republican, and a member of the Lutheran Church. Joseph S. WHITESIDE, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born Bond County, Ill., in 1837, son of Thomas D. and Eliza (BRUCE) WHITESIDE. Thomas D., a native of North Carolina, now resides at Litchfield, Montgomery County; his wife died in Bond County, Ill.; subject is the third child of a family of thirteen. He received his education in Bond and Montgomery Counties, and began life as a farmer, which occupation he still follows. In Montgomery County in 1859, he married Mary J. BARLOW, daughter of Joseph and Harriet (SMITH) BARLOW, natives of Tennessee. From this union three children have been born, viz., Harriet E., Laura B. and Eva F. Mr. WHITESIDE is a member of the Presbyterian Church; he is a Republican. File at: File size: 17 Kb