Montgomery County IL Archives Bios......Walshville Township 1882 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Norma Hass August 19, 2009 History of Bond and Montgomery Counties Illinois 1882 - Part II, pages 187-194, Walshville Township [Page 187] Dr. A. BARCROFT, physician, Walshville, was born in New Jersey in 1829; son of Ambrose and Ann (WOLVERTON) BARCROFT. Ambrose BARCROFT was born in 1793. He was for many years Captain of an ocean vessel, but finally quit the seafaring life and became a farmer. He died in York County, Penn., in 1881. His wife was bron in New Jersey in 1795, and is now a resident of Washington, D. C. Our subject, the fourth child of a family of six, attended school at Pennington, N. J., from 1844 to 1847; at Baltimore College from 1854 to 1856, and, having chosen the medical profession, entered the National College, at Washington, D. C., from which he graduated in 1862. He first began life as a clerk in a drug store. After graduating at Washington, he practiced in the Armory Hospital, in that city from 1863 to 1864. He is now practicing his profession in Walshville. In Armstrong County, Penn., in 1853, he married Charlotte D. Woodward, a native of that county, born in 1835, daughter of John S. and Caroline (BARKLEY) WOODWARD. From this union there have been born to them six children, two of whom died in infancy. The four living are Ellis W., Victor B., Anna C. and Ambrose. Dr. BARCROFT is a Republican, and a member of the A., F. & A. M. V. B. BARCROFT, physician, Walshville, was born in Armstrong County, Penn., in 1855; son of Dr. A. and Charlotte (WOODWARD) BARCROFT. The Doctor, whose sketch also appears in this work, was born in New Jersey in 1829, and has successfully followed the practice of his profession for many years. His wife was born in Armstrong County, Penn., in 1835. Our subject, the second of a family of six children, began his education at Lincoln, Logan Co., Ill., and, having chosen his father’s profession, entered the Missouri Medical College at St. Louis, from which he graduated in 1879. He is now practicing medicine with his father in Walshville. He formerly taught school in Bond and Montgomery Counties. Jesse BOYD, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Franklin County, Va., August 22, 1810; son of Henry and Ellender (WOODS) BOYD. Henry BOYD was born in Franklin County, Va., in 1789, and died in Montgomery County, Ill., March 25, 1877. His wife, a native of Virginia, was born in 1789, and died in Montgomery county in 1872. Our subject, the second of a family of nine children, received his education in Warren County, Ky. He also attended school at Staunton, Macoupin Co., Ill. He has followed the occupation of a farmer in Macoupin and Montgomery Counties for the last fifty years. In Macoupin County, Ill., in 1832, he married Matilda VOYLES, born in Pendleton County, N. C., in 1811, daughter of Robert and Hester (MORRIS) VOYLES. From this union they have had twelve children, six of whom died in infancy. those living are Hester R., William J., Ellender M., Martha A., Robert H. and Jessie S. Mr. Boyd is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and of the A., F. & A. M. He is a Republican in politics. William BURKE, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Kentucky February 6 [Page 188] 1817; son of John and Catharine (BARLOW) BURKE, he born in Virginia in 1785, and died in Montgomery County, Ill., in 1846; she, born in Virginia, and died in this county in 1836. Our subject is the seventh child of a family of eleven, and received his education in the common schools of this county. In 1840, he married Temperance HOLIDAY, born in this county in 1820, and died here in 1860, and daughter of Elliott HOLIDAY. His second wife was Mrs. Sara BROWN, born in Kentucky, and died in this county in 1870, and his third wife, Mrs. Sarah M. DUKES, was born in Livingston County, Ky., October 18, 1823. He has had twelve children, ten of whom are living – John B., Martha J., Joe A., Mary E., William R., Sina L., Alice E., Adda B., Edna C. and Katie A. Mr. BURKE has always been a farmer, having farmed in this county for fifty years, and is known as one of the leading farmers in the district. He is a Presbyterian, a Democrat, an A., F. & A. M., and an I. O. O. F. Antony BUERGER, farmer, P. O. Mt. Olive, Macoupin County, whose parents, John and Mary C. (FASTLABEND) BUERGER, were natives of Germany, was born in that country September 2, 1822. John BUERGER, who was a farmer, died in Madison County, Ill., October 18, 1846. His wife died in the same county in 1872. Antony, who was the eldest of a family of ten, received his education in Germany, and engaged in farming, which occupation he has always followed. He married in St. Louis, Mo., May 13, 1853, Louisa BARTMEN, born in Germany in 1830, daughter of John BARTMAN. From this union seven children have been born to them – Joseph, John F., Mary, Matilda, Henry, Louisa and Leonora. Mr. BUERGER is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and in politics a Democrat. Mrs. Sarah D. CURRY, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Morgan County, Ill., in 1834, daughter of William and Tabitha (BELL) ELLEDGE, he born in Kentucky, and died in Morgan County, Ill., in 1836; she, born in Kentucky, and died in Pike County, Ill., in 1874. Subject was the sixth child of a family of seven, and was educated in Morgan and Pike Counties, Ill. She was married in Pike County, Ill., in 1845, to Riley J. CURRY, a farmer born in Kentucky, and died in this county August 13, 1876, son of Nicholas CURRY, a native of Ireland, who came to this country in an early day, and died in Morgan County, Ill., about the year 1850. Our subject is the mother of ten children, namely: James A., Tabitha E., George F., William R., Charles B., John F., Winefred L., Elbert G., Edwin H., Esther B. Mrs. CURRY is a member of the Christian Church. Dr. Martin S. DAVENPORT, son of Jack S. and Lucy S. (LEWIS) DAVENPORT, was born in the State of Virginia, Charlotte County, November 1, 1818. His father was born in Charlotte County, Va., in 1780. His mother was also a native of Charlotte County Va., was born in 1784, and died in October, 1860. The family moved from the Old Dominion to Kentucky, where his father died in May, 1834. Left in orphanage, Mr. DAVENPORT, in connection with a younger brother, undertook the support of the widowed mother and family, and nobly did they work to this end. Naturally of an inquiring and literary cast of mind, and deprived to a great extent of school facilities, he commenced when quite young the work of his own education by the light afforded from burning fagots and pin knots. In his manner he acquired a fair English education. In Christian County, Ky., in April, 1841, he married Miss Lucy S. LEWIS, born in Charlotte County, Va., in December, 1813, daughter of Edgecome and [Page 189] Anna (DAVENPORT) LEWIS, both natives of Charlotte County, Va., the former born in 1780 and died in March, 1843; the latter born 1793, and died in July, 1847. Immediately after his marriage, he commenced the study of medicine, to which profession he had manifested a proclivity from the seventeenth years of his age. He received a medical diploma from Dr. CURTIS in 1848, and graduated at the Physio-Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1870. Mr. Davenport moved into Montgomery in 1848, and located in the town of Walshville in 1864. He has had a constant practice in his community for over twenty-six years, and is now regarded as one of the most successful practitioners in the county. Though now in his fifty-fifth year, he is hale, hearty and energetic, and in physique does not appear more than forty years old. This may be accounted for in part from his strictly temperate habits, never having during his life been under the influence of intoxicating liquor in the least degree. The DAVENPORTs are English in descent, and were among the first settlers in this country. Richard DAVENPORT, the Doctor’s grandfather, held the office of Captain in the Revolutionary war, and was present and participated in the battle of Yorktown. At the close of the war, he settled in the State of Virginia, Charlotte County. He raised quite a family – Glover (deceased), of Norfolk, Va.; Martin W., a wholesale merchant of Lynchburg, Va.; Ballard (deceased), one of the pioneers of Kentucky; Mary (deceased), wife of John FRANKLIN, of Virginia, and grandson of Benjamin FRANKLIN, illustrious patriot, statesman and philosopher; Martha, wife of Barnet EDWARDS, of Kentucky; Mrs. Sarah (JOHN) MATHEWS; and Mrs. Catharine (PUTNAM) NORTH, both of Virginia, are some of the names handed down. Jack S., Dr. DAVENPORT’s father, was a Lieutenant in the war of 1812. He served under Gen. Jackson. Glover was a Colonel in the same war. The Doctor has the following children: George W., John J. and Peter W. druggists, all of Walshville. George and Peter served as soldiers in the late rebellion. We believe they were both veterans in the Union service. Dr. DAVENPORT has good cause to feel proud in the comtemplation of his family record. Not one of the numerous and long family line was ever arraigned before the courts under a criminal charge, and they have always espoused the cause of patriotism, from the Revolution against English tyranny to the suppression of treason during the late war of the Southern States. They are a family noted for public spirit, literature and Christian morality. Peter EGELHOFF, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Germany October 12, 1830; son of William and Mary (SCHROTH) EGELHOFF. William, who was a native of Germany, was born in 1806, and died in Jerseyville, Jersey Co., Ill., September 19, 1879, where his wife, born in Germany, in 1810, also died, March 23, 1866. Peter, the eldest of a family of seven children, received his education in Germany, and worked at the blacksmith’s trade for some time. About twenty years ago, he moved to his present place, which at that time was rough and unimproved; but, by incessant labor and economy, he has made it one of the finest farms in Montgomery County. He has a fine, large barn, granary, stock scales, etc. In Montgomery County, in 1856, he married Mary A. OSTERMEYER, born in Germany September 22, 183, daughter of Frederick OSTERMEYER, a native of that country, and there have been born to them nine children – William F., John C., Louisa, George, Otto, Mary, Peter J. and two others who died unnamed. Mr. EGELHOFF, who is a Democrat, is one of the substantial men of Walshville Township. … [Page 190] Dick ENGELMANN, farmer, P. O. Mt. Olive, Macoupin County, was born in Germany November 5, 1840. His parents, Henry and Tina (GOSMANN) ENGLEMANN, are natives of Germany, and are now living in Ostfriesland, Kingdom of Hanover. Henry was born November 13, 1820. Richard is the eldest of a family of four children, and received his education in Germany. He has always been engaged in farming and stock-raising. He has been Highway Commissioner in Walshville Township for some time. Mr. ENGELMANN has been twice married. First, in Madison County, Ill., November 8, 1878, he married Lizzie E. ENGELMANN, born in Germany in 1844, and died in Montgomery County March 5, 1879. She was the daughter of Minke ENGELMANN. His second wife, whom he married at Hillsboro, Montgomery County, in January, 1880, is Gretchen ARKEBAUER, born in Germany in 1845. Mr. ENGELMANN has four children – Henry, George, Michael and Tine. He is a member of the Lutheran Church, and in politics is a Democrat. I. P. FOGELMAN, farmer, P. O. Walshville, son of John and Elizabeth (KIRKLAND) FOGELMAN, was born in Montgomery County August 29, 1844. His parents were both born in Montgomery County, and still reside there. His father was born April 8, 1819; his mother was born in 1819 or 1820. Our subject, who is the fourth of a family of ten children, received his education in the schools of Montgomery County, and engaged in farming, which occupation he has always followed. He is Assessor of Walshville Township, which office he has held for six years. During the war, he served in Company A., Ninety-first Illinois Infantry; was captured at Elizabethtown in 1862, by John MORGAN, and released on parole. Returning to service in July, 1863, he took part in the engagements at Vicksburg, New Orleans and Spanish Fort, on Mobile Bay, receiving his discharge at the latter place in 1865. In Montgomery County, in 1865, he married M. M. McPHAIL, born in Montgomery County October 12, 1841, daughter of Macon and Elizabeth (BEEDELS) McPHAIL. There have been born to them two children – Willis M. and J. W. M., the latter dying October 18, 1871. Mr. FOGLEMAN is in politics a Democrat. James GRISHAM, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Dixon County, Tenn., January 14, 1811, son of Austin and Fanny (POWERS) GRISHAM, he born in Guilford County, N. C., March 10, 1771, and died in Montgomery County March 9, 1853; she born in Virginia October 10, 1775, and died in Montgomery County May 10, 1851. James, the fourth child of a family of five, finished his education in Montgomery County in 1829, and began life as a farmer, which occupation he has ever since followed. He is one of the first settlers of Montgomery County, having entered the land he now lives on in 1820. He took part in the Black Hawk war, in 1832. In Montgomery County, January 8, 1830, he married Martha R. GARRISON, born December 22, 1813, and died September 29, 1843. She was a daughter of John GARRISON, who died in Tennessee. In Montgomery County, November 30, 1845, he married his second wife, Pamelia CANNON, born in Illinois in April, 1828, daughter of William and Catharine (LOVINGS) CQANNON, he born in Kentucky, and died in 1880; she, also a native of Kentucky, is still living. Mr. GRISHAM has a family of seventeen children – John A., William S., Amanda C., Fanny M., Thomas K., Polly P., Melissa R., Martha R., Mary F., Margaret M., Alfred F., Elias E., Charles S., Henry R., Baby, Ulysses C. and Allen A. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and a supporter of the Republican party. … Mrs. E. R. HODGES, Walshville, was [Page 191] born in Montgomery County, Ill., in 1834, the daughter of James and Mary (BARLOW) BOSTIC, he a farmer, who died in this county in 1842; she, born in Tennessee, and also died in this county in 1838. Subject is the third child of a family of four. She … John B. JOHNSON, farmer, P. O. Mt. Olive, Macoupin County, was born in Germany January 1, 1830; son of Bornu JOHNSON, who was a native of Germany, and a farmer by occupation, died in Madison County, Ill., in 1856. His wife, also a native of Germany, who is now a resident of this county, was born in 1799. Of a family of six children, our subject was the third. He received his education in Germany, and emigrated to this country in 1851. He first settled in Madison County, Ill., for a short time; then removed to Macoupin County, Ill., where he remained eight years, after which he removed to Montgomery County and permanently settled on his presnt place. Mr. JOHNSON has followed the occupation of a farmer all his days, and now owns a fine farm near Mt. Olive. In Macoupin County, Ill., in March, 1857, he married Miss ROSMULLER, born in Germany in 1838, daughter of Fried ROSMULLER. From this union they have had the following children: John, Mary, Margaret, Friede, Ida and Frude. Mr. Johnson is a Republican, and a member of the Lutheran Church. H. KEISER, farmer P. O. Mt. Olive, Macoupin County, was born in Germany October 8, 1839; son of John and Gerke (HEIEN) KEISER. John KEISER, who was a farmer, was born in Germany in 1816, and died in Macoupin County, Ill., September 6, 1855. His wife also a native of Germany, and who now resides in Montgomery county, was born in 1810. Our subject, the eldest of six children, received his education in Germany, and, having emigrated to America in 1854, settled down to farming with his father in Macoupin County, Ill. He has been a farmer all his days. From Macoupin County he removed to his present place in Montgomery County. In 1874, he was elected Secretary of the Mt. Olive Coal Company, which office he held until 1881, when he was elected to his present position of Superintendent of the company. He has also held the office of Supervisor of Walshville Township. In Macoupin County, Ill., July 11, 1863, he married Mary (KERREN) KEISER, born in Germany October 18, 1845, daughter of John and Folkea (VESSER) KERREN. From this union there have been born to them nine children - Annie G., John, Henry W., Hermann J., Katie H., Sophia W., Hannah M., Lydia E., Edward A. Mr. KEISER is widely and favorably known as a worthy citizen. In politics, he is a Republican. He is a member of the German Methodist Church. Andrew KEISER, miller, Mt. Olive, Macoupin County, was born in Hanover, Germany, September 28, 1845; son of John H. and Gerke (HEIEN) KEISER, both natives of Germany. John H., who was a farmer, was born in 1816, and died in Macoupin County, Ill., September 6, 1855; his wife, who is now a resident of Montgomery County, was born in 1810. Our subject, who is the third of a family of six children, received his education in Germany, and has followed farming and milling since he came to this country with his parents. He has been twice married. [Page 192] His first wife, Annie ROSS, born in Madison County, Ill., daughter of Gird and Mary (ARKABAUER) ROSS, and died in Montgomery County September 28, 1875, leaving three children - Annie G., John and Mary. In Macoupin County, March 29, 1879, Mr. KEISER married his second wife, Frances ROSS, born in Madison County, ILL., March 9, 1855, daughter of John and Mary (ARKABAUER) ROSS. Mr. Keiser has head the office of Assessor and Collector in Walshville Township. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Lutheran Church. T. C. KIRKLAND, tanner, Walshville, was born in St. Louis County, Mo., July 26, 1823; son of Isaac and Melinda (MANN) KIRKLAND, he born in Mercer County, Ky., December 25, 1796, a tanner by trade, and afterward a farmer, and died in Litchfield, Montgomery County, April 5, 1881; she, also a native of Mercer County, Ky., born November 16, 1799, and died in Jersey County, Ill., October 7, 1853. Our subject, the third of a family of four children, received a fair education in Jersey County, Ill., and began life as a farmer. In 1865, he moved to his present place, which is one of the finest farms in Montgomery County. He is a prominent member of the community, and has held the offices of Supervisor, School Director and Trustee for a number of years. In Jersey County, February 18, 1847, he married Edith IRWIN, born in Iredell County, N. C., March 1, 1823, daughter of Abijah and Elizabeth (EATON) IRWIN, he born in North Carolina February 1, 1791, and died May 15, 1863; she, also a native of North Carolina, born January 27, 1791, and died September 8, 1827. Mr. and Mrs. KIRKLAND are the parents of five children – Matilda Ellen, Sarah Elizabeth, Ann Eliza, John Harden and Mary Melinda. He is a Methodist, a supporter of the Republican party, and a member of the A., F. & A. M. Charles KEUNE, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Germany July 7, 1837; son of Christine and Mary (KALTHAMMER) KEUNE, he a farmer, born in Germany, and died there in 1852; she, also born in Germany, and died there the same year. Our subject was the fifth child of a family of eight; was educated at Brunswick, Germany, and came to this country in 1856, located at St. Louis, Mo., and came to this county in 1881. He married Minnie SCHUEFFE, in St. Clair County, Ill., in 1867, born in Germany in 1844, daughter of William and Joanna (RENHAT) SCHUEFFE. Subject has six children – Andrew W., Arnold H., Charles, Emma S., Amelia and Minnie S. Mr. KEUNE is independent in politics. George McPHERSON, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Scott County, Ill., in 1852; son of James H. and Elizabeth (JOHNSON) McPHERSON. James H., who was a farmer, was born in North Carolina, and died in Scott County, Ill., in 1879. His wife, a native of North Carolina, also died in Scott County, Ill., in 1846. Subject, who is the eldest of a family of seven children, received his education in the common schools of Montgomery County, finishing at Litchfield. He began the business of life as a farmer, and has ever since been in the same occupation, and is Road Commissioner at present. In Hillsboro, Montgomery County, in 1878, he married Alice KIRKWOOD, born in Jersey County, Ill., in 1850, daughter of David and Elizabeth (COWEN) KIRKWOOD. He is a Republican, and a member of the Christian Church. Fred NIEMANN, farmer, P. O. Mt. Olive, Macoupin County, was born in Germany February 11, 1823, son of Casper and [Page 193] Anna (WITTE) NIEMANN. Casper NIEMANN was a native of Germany, and a farmer by occupation. He died in Germany in January, 1847. His wife, Anna, also a native of Germany, died there the same year as her husband, leaving eight children, of whom our subject was the second. The subject of this sketch began life as a farmer in his native land. In 1847, he emigrated to America, and located in Macoupin County, Ill., where he lived for twelve years; thence he removed to Montgomery County, where he purchased a tract of land, which, by push and industry, he has made a first-class farm. In Germany, September 6, 1850, he married Anna SHRODAR, a native of that country, born in 1833, daughter of Henry and Mary SHRODAR. From this union there have been born to them five children – William H., Julius L., Frederick W., Hannah H. C. and Anna. Mr. NIEMANN is a member of the Lutheran Church. In politics, he is a Republican. B. C. NEAL, plasterer, Walshville, was born in Logan County, Ky., December 28, 1824; son of Benjamin and Mary (HAYDEN) NEAL. Benjamin NEAL, who was a farmer, was born in Virginia, and died in Logan County, Ky., September 22, 1856. His wife, who was a native of North Carolina, was born in 1792, and also died in Logan County, Ky., in 1872. Our subject, the ninth of a family of ten children, received his education in his native county. He followed the occupation of a farmer for many years, but since learned the plastering trade, which business he now follows. In Allen County, Ky., in 1847, he married Susan F. WARDEN, a native of that county, born August 17, 1829, daughter of James and Rebecca (KELLEY) WARDEN. She died in Montgomery County April 5, 1870, leaving five children © Virgil s., Eloise, Martha P., Elnora C. and William S. Mr. NEAL is a member of the Christian Church. He is in politics a Greenbacker. Albert SCHON, farmer, P. O. Mt. Olive, Macoupin County, is a native of Hanover, Germany, was born May 17, 1833. His parents, Hiram and Folka (TIDEN) SCHON, were both natives of Germany, and died in that country. Hiram SCHON, a farmer by occupation, was born in 1801, and died in 1875. His wife, born in 1804, died in 1879. Albert, our subject, the third of a family of eight children, emigrated to America in 1851, and located in Madison County, Ill., where he remained for about ten years. He then removed to Montgomery County, where he purchased his present property. He has always been a farmer, and is one of the influential men of Walshville Township. He married in Madison County, Ill., October 18, 1854, Miss A. ARKEBAUER, born in Germany February 15, 1837, daughter of Jordan and Frances (WAUHOFF) ARKEBAUER, and there have been born to them eleven children – Hiram, George, Mary, Frances, John, Willie, Zena, M. A., Annie, Lida, and one deceased (unnamed). Mr. SCHON is a Republican, and a member of the Lutheran Church. T. T. SMITH, farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Madison County, Ill., April 29, 1838, son of Jonathan Green and Elizabeth (TINDALL) SMITH. Jonathan Green SMITH was born in Pittsfield, N. H. July 9, 1814, and died in New Mexico February 26, 1848. His wife was born in Madison County, Ill., December 11, 1820, and died there in September, 1844. Our subject, the eldest of a family of four, received his education in the common schools of Madison County, Ill. He married in Montgomery County February 21, 1861, Susan SACKETT, born in Madison County, Ill., December 25, 1842, daughter of Elisha and Elizabeth (VOYLES) SACKETT. Elisha [Page 194] SACKETT, a native of South Carolina, was born about the year 1812, and died in February, 1849. His wife, born in 1816, died September 24, 1854. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the parents of four children - Mary Lorett, Edgar Leighton, John Elvin and Bert (deceased). Mr. SMITH has always been a farmer, and is one of the substantial men of Walshville Township. He has held the offices of Supervisor, School Trustee and Highway Commissioner. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is a Republican. W. J. WHITESIDE, retired farmer, P. O. Walshville, was born in Chester County, S. C., in 1801; son of Abraham and Janet (HANNAN) WHITESIDE. Abraham was born in South Carolina July 4, 1775, and died in Montgomery County August 24, 1857. His wife, born in North Carolina, died February 6, 1829. Our subject, the eldest of a family of five children, received a fair education in Maury County, Tenn., and learned the cabinet-making trade, which he engaged in for forty years. He has also been a farmer for many years; was one of the early settlers of Montgomery County. He married in Tennessee, in 1824, Mary G. BINGHAM, born in Guilford County, N. C., November 7, 1800, daughter of Robert and Martha (REED) BINGHAM. From this union there have been born ten children – Martha J., Tennessee C., Zianna, John M., Sarah P., Thomas D., Mary E., Margaret A., Robert L. and William Newton. Mr. WHITESIDE is a Methodist and a Democrat. Robert L., the ninth child of the family, was born in Hickman County, Tenn., in 1842; received his education at Walshville, and engaged in farming, which occupation he still follows. He is a Democrat. File at: File size: 26 Kb