Montgomery County IL Archives Bios......Witt Township 1882 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Norma Hass August 14, 2009 History of Bond and Montgomery Counties Illinois 1882 - Part II, pages 311-317, Witt Township [Page 311] P. C. ABELL, farmer, P. O. Nokomis, born in Sangamon County, Ill., May 15, 1834, son of James H. and Adeline (DURLEY) ABELL; the former, a farmer by occupation, was born in Adair County, Ky., February 12, 1801, and died in Bond County, Ill., April 25, 1863; the latter, born in Tennessee, died in Bond County, Ill, in 1880. The subject of this sketch is the second of a family of fourteen children, and received his education in Bond County, Ill.; he removed from Bond County to Montgomery County in 1867, where he now owns a fine farm of 360 acres; he has filled the offices of Justice of the Peace and Supervisor; has been School Trustee for thirteen years, and is at present candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic party; during the war, he served in Company D, Forty-seventh Illinois Infantry. In Montgomery County, June 14, 1855, he married Penny M. LYNN, born in Fayette County, Ill., May 31, 1839, daughter of Jefferson and Elizabeth (CASEY) LYNN, and there have been born to them three children - Albert J., Zedic McClelland and Mary R. B. Politically, Mr. ABELL is a Democrat; he is a member of the Christian Union Church, and of the A., F. & A. M. J. T. ARMENTROUT, farmer, P. O. Witt, born in Montgomery County May 9, 1849, son of Christopher H. and Elizabeth (BORROR) ARMENTROUT, natives of Hardy County, Va.; Christopher H., who was a farmer, was born September 5, 1797, and died in Montgomery County April 2, 1856, where his wife, who was born October 20, 1813, now resides. J. T., who is the fifth of a family of six children, was educated in the county schools, and engaged in farming, which occupation he still follows; has filled the offices of Town Clerk, Tax Collector and Supervisor of Witt Township. He married, September 14, 1871, in Witt Township, Rebecca VERMILLION, born in Edgar County, Ill., September 14, 1852, daughter of James S. and Elizabeth (CURNETT) VERMILLION; their children are Clarence L., Elvira V., Augusta M., Ida G. and Lee; Howard E. died August 13, 1881. Mr. ARMENTROUT is a Methodist, and a Republican. George W. ARMENTROUT, farmer, P. O. Witt, born in Montgomery County August 8, 1855, son of Christopher H. and Elizabeth (BORROR) ARMENTROUT, natives of Hardy County, VA., he, a farmer by occupation, born September 5, 1797, died in Montgomery County, April 2, 1856, where his wife, who was born October 20, 1813, now resides. Subject, who is the youngest of a family of six children, received his education in the county schools, and engaged in farming, which occupation he has always followed; was Tax Collector of Witt Township in 1880 and 1881. He married, in Witt Township, January 1, 1880, Ella TUCKER, born in Walworth County, Wis., February 28, 1858, daughter of James and Eliza (TRATT) TUCKER. Mr. ARMENTROUT is a member of the Methodist Church, and a supporter of the Republican party. T. S. BATTLES, farmer, P. O. Nokomis, born in Philadelphia, Penn., January 19, 1803, only child of Nathaniel and Ellen (STEPHENSON) BATTLES; he, a sea Captain, born in New England, was lost at sea about the year [Page 312] 1802; his wife, born in Aberdeen, Scotland, died in Philadelphia, Penn. Subject was educated in his native city, and began life as a farmer, which occupation he has always followed. He has been twice married, his first wife, whom he married in Philadelphia, was Susan SNOWDEN, a native of that city; she died in Wayne County, Ohio, leaving four children – Rachel, William S., Johnson G. and Thomas. In Wayne County, Ohio, March 10, 1842, he married his second wife, Ann E. BRIGHT, born in Perry County, Penn., May 20, 1815, daughter of George E. and Barbara (BRUNER) BRIGHT; the children born from the second marriage are Philip M., Susan, Barbara E., Ursula, Hannah O. and Anna. Mr. BATTLES is a republican, and a member of the Methodist Church. James R. BROWN, farmer, P. O. Nokomis, born in Witt Township Montgomery County, January 28, 1832, son of David D. and Catharine (CRESS) BROWN, both of whom died in Montgomery county; David D., a farmer by occupation, born in Tennessee about the year 1805, died in 1847; his wife, born in North Carolina about the year 1805, died about the year 1862. James R. is the eldest of a family of ten children; was educated in the schools of Montgomery County; has always been a farmer; has filled the offices of School Director and Road Commissioner. In Fillmore Township, Montgomery county, May 10, 1855, he married Nancy J. SANDERS, born in that county February 5, 1835, daughter of John and Elizabeth (POWELL) SANDERS, and there have been born to them eleven children - Clara A., John F., Melvin L., Laura C., Metta A., Irene E., Charles, Edda E., Eva L., Myrta and Idila J. Mr. BROWN is a supporter of the Democratic party. Thomas J. BROWN, farmer, P. O. Nokomis, born in Montgomery county June 7, 1843, son of James and Mahala (HOPPER) BROWN, he, a farmer, born in Tennessee January 8, 1802, died in Montgomery County July 30, 1846; she, also a native of Tennessee, born December 8, 1809, now a resident of Irving Township. Thomas J., the tenth of a family of eleven children, received his education in Montgomery County, and has always been engaged in farming. He has been twice married, in Montgomery County; his first wife, whom he married November 11, 1866, was Virginia E. McCAMANT, born in Brooke County, W. Va., about the year 1846, daughter of John J. McCAMANT; she died February 3, 1872, leaving three children - Charles Lee, Carrie J. and Clara. He married, April 2, 1872, his second wife, Rhoda C. LIPE, born in Montgomery County July 23, 1852, daughter of Allen and Leah (NUSMAN) LIPE; from this second union five children have been born to them - James W., Wade Hampton, Tora G., Eva M. and Thomas H. Mr. BROWN is a stanch Democrat, and has been elected a delegate to the Democratic Congressional Convention of this district. William BERRY, farmer, P. O. Witt, born in Montgomery county, Ill., March 10, 1856, son of David and Margaret (MARTIN) BERRY, natives of Hamilton County, Ohio, and at the present time residents of Butler Township, Montgomery county; the former was born December 15, 1827, and follows the occupation of a farmer; the latter, born July 11, 1832. Our subject, the eldest of eight children, received his education in the common schools, finishing at Butler, Montgomery County, and has been a farmer all his days. In the town of Butler, Montgomery County, March 16, 1882, he married Mary WOOD, a native of Montgomery County, born January 11, 1860, daughter of William and Rebecca R. (SMITH) WOOD. Mr. BERRY and his wife are members of the M. E. Church; [Page 313] In politics, he is a Republican; he is a member of the I. O. O. F. E. H. DONALDSON, farmer, was born in Fayette County, Ill., November 10, 1836; his parents were natives of Carroll County, Tenn.; his father - who had at one time been engaged in mercantile business, but who was engaged in farming at his death - was born February 27, 1816, and died in Fayette County, Ill., October 4, 1872; his wife whose maiden name was Elvina HICKS, was born December 7, 1816, and is now residing in Fayette County, Ill. Our subject, who was the eldest of a family of eight, received his education in Fayette and Montgomery Counties; first engaged in business as a merchant in Fayette County, Ill.; in 1861, he moved to Montgomery County and located on his present property of 200 acres, and, by devoting all his energies to its improvement, he has now one of the finest improved farms in the township. In Fayette County, Ill., January 3, 1856, he married Mary A. RHODES, born in Fayette County, Ill., October 4, 1837, daughter of Thomas RHODES, from which union five children have been born – William A., Mary E., Aaron B., James McC. And Selena J. Mr. DONALDSON is a member of the Christian Union Church, and of the A., F. & A. M.; politically, he is a Democrat. Robert DIXON, grain-dealer and miller, Witt, was born in Coles County, Ill., in 1844; his father, William DIXON, was a farmer, and native of Illinois, and died in Coles County, Ill., about the year 1848. Our subject, the eldest of three children, began life as a farmer, and, on the opening of the war, enlisted in Company B, Fifty-fifth Illinois Infantry, participating in the engagements at Shiloh, Tenn., April 6 and 7, 1862, Arkansas Post, Corinth, Vicksburg, and Jackson, Miss. At the close of the war, he resumed farming till the year 1881, then entered the grain and milling business as a partner in the firm of Dixon & Houck, operating a mill and grain elevator at Witt, Montgomery County. He married, in Montgomery County, April 23, 1870, Lucinda HOUCK, born in Michigan in 1846, daughter of Daniel HOUCK, from which union there has been born to them one child, Lula M. In politics, Mr. DIXON is a Republican. Daniel GRANTHAM, farmer, P. O. Irving, son of James and Franey (SIGHTS) GRANTHAM, both born in North Carolina about the year 1800. Our subject is the eighth child of a family of twelve, and was born in Montgomery county December 3, 1832; he received a fair education in Irving Township, Montgomery County; has followed the occupation of a farmer all his life, and has held the office of School Trustee for twenty years. In Irving Township, Montgomery County, October 21, 1858, he married Malinda IRVIN, born in Casey County, Ky., November 15, 1836, daughter of Perry and Mary (OSBORN) IRVIN; from this union there have been born six children: Mary H., Henry H., Theodora L., Maggie J., Urilla M. and Rosa M. A. Mr. GRANTHAM is politically a Republican; his wife is a member of the M. E. Church. Joseph HAND, farmer, P. O. Nokomis, born in Staffordshire, England, December 23, 1820, son of Joseph and Sarah (SHIPTON) HAND, natives of Devonshire, England; he, a farmer by occupation, born in 1787, died in Macoupin County, Ill., August 19, 1860; she, born about the year 1789, died on the voyage to the United States, February 23, 1845. Subject, the third of a family of seven children, received his education in his native shire, and began the business of life as a farmer. In 1845, he emigrated with his parents to America, landed at New Orleans, [Page 314] And proceeded to Paddock Grove, Madison Co., Ill., where he remained six years, thence moved to Macoupin County, where he lived twenty years, and finally removed to Montgomery County, bought a tract of land in its native state, which he has cultivated and improved, and now has 670 acres of fine farming land. In Staffordshire, England, July 8, 1842, he married Mary WILSON, born in Newboro, England, July 21, 1822, daughter of George and Sarah (HADKINS) WILSON, and there have been born to them ten children – George W., Jane E., William, Ann, Sarah, John, Irene M., Libbie L., Joseph W. and Emma J. Mr. HAND is a member of the Episcopal Church, and a Republican. William HOLMES, farmer, P. O. Nokomis, was born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England, April 30, 1815, son of John and Teresa (PARVIN) HOLMES; the former, born in Lancashire, England, died in Yorkshire, England, about the year 1819; the latter, born in Skipton, England, about the year 1875, died in Yorkshire, England, in 1817, leaving four children, William being the third. The subject of this sketch began life as a clerk in a dry goods store. He emigrated to America and settled in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he learned the trade of coach painting; worked at that trade in Cincinnati fourteen years, when he moved to Indiana, and thence to Illinois. Mr. HOLMES has been twice married; his first wife was Ann RICHARDSON, born in Yorkshire, England, in 1819, daughter of Joseph RICHARDSON, a native of England; they were married in Dearborn County, Ind., where Mrs. HOLMES died August 5, 1849, leaving five children – Ellen, Emma, Sarah E., Mary B. and William L. In Dearborn County, Ind., December 24, 1850, Mr. HOLMES married his second wife, Amanda RAWLING, born in Dearborn County, Ind., December 20, 1819, daughter of William and Laura (LEWIS) RAWLING; by her he has had six children – John R., Thomas P., Laura B., Richard, Louis E. and James F. Mr. HOLMES is a member of te I. O. O. F.; in politics, he is a Republican. F. J. HOLMES, Witt, was born in Hillsboro, Montgomery County, January 1, 1850, son of Joel D. and Marandis D. (BENNETT) HOLMES, he, a native of Alfred, York Co., Me., who died April 5, 1870; she, still living, the wife of Francis ROOT. Subject has been twice married; first, in Hillsboro, March 28, 1872, to Lucinda J. ATTERBURY, daughter of George M. ATTERBURY, of Kentucky; Mrs. HOLMES dying, Mr. HOLMES, September 2, 1877, married Florence May HUBBARD, of Colusa, Ill., daughter of Martin M. HUBBARD, a native of Tennessee. Mr. HOLMES has tow children – Stella Marandis, born September 2, 1878; and Myrtle Keneston, born November 20, 1880. Andrew HOEHN, farmer, P. O. Nokomis, born in Germany July 3, 1834, son of Ambrose and Agatha (RIEDER) HOEHN, he a farmer by occupation, born in Germany in April, 1805, died in Clinton County, Ill., March 8, 1856; she, also a native of Germany, born December 25, 1806, is now residing in Montgomery County. Subject emigrated to America with his parents in 1847; landed in New Orleans, thence moved to St. Louis, where he remained a few months, then moved to Clinton County, Ill., where he lived twenty-nine years, after which he removed to his presnt place; he received a fair education in the schools of Germany and of Clinton County, Ill., and began life as a farmer, in which occupation he is still engaged; has been Tax Collector of Witt Township. In Clinton County, Ill., November 12, 1860, he married Bettie OBERLE, born in Germany in 1843, daughter of Andon and Elizabeth [Page 315] (BLAESE) OBERLE; from this union there have been born to them eight children - Charles, Catharine, Henry, Isabel, John A., Emma M., Ambrose and Elizabeth B. Mr. HOEHN is a member of the Catholic Church, and is a Republican. Wilson M. MAXEY, farmer, P. O. Witt, born in Barren County, Ky., February 15, 1829, son of Edward and Nancy (BARRY) MAXEY. Edward MAXEY, who was a cooper by trade, but in latter life a farmer, was born in Halifax County, Va., in 1883; died in Montgomery County November 7, 1859, where his wife, also a native of Virginia, born in 1789, died October 20, 1843. Subject, the eighth child of a family of nine, received a fair education in Montgomery County; has always been a farmer; has been School Trustee for fifteen years. He has been twice married; his first wife, whom he married January 1, 1852, was Louisa J. NEWCOMB, died in Montgomery county September 27, 1864, leaving seven children - Mary V., Alice I., William A., James H., Flora F., Sarah A. and Louisa J. In Litchfield, Montgomery County, November 30, 1865, he married his second wife, Mrs. Sarah A. GREINER, born in Augusta County, Va., September 5, 1836, daughter of Jonathan and Nancy (GRAY) BALSLEY; their children are Cora D., Charles W., John S. and Jessie M. Mr. MAXEY is one of the old settlers of Montgomery County; he is a stanch Democrat; is Chairman of the Democratic Committee of Witt Township, and a delegate to the State convention of that party; he is a member of the Methodist Church. John M. NEISLER, farmer, P. O. Irving, son of Henry M. and Elizabeth (LIPE) NEISLER, natives of North Carolina; Henry M., a farmer and stock dealer, born November 19, 1816 died in Irving Township, Montgomery County, in 1881; his wife, born January 10, 1823, is now a resident of that township, in which, also, subject, the second child of a family of fifteen, was born December 4, 1841; he received a fair education in the schools of Montgomery County, and began kife as a farmer; when twenty-two years of age, his father gave him the farm on which he now lives; previous to that time, however, he worked a farm, which he had rented, for two years; has filled the office of Clerk of Witt Township for four years. In Montgomery County, November 14, 1861, he married Esther BARRINGER, born in that county April 14, 1838, daughter of Daniel and Polly (CRESS) BARRINGER, and from this union the following children have been born to them – Melvern E., Ethlen V., Helen E., Florence D., Arthur A. and Herbert F. Mr. NEISLER is a Democrat, and a member of the Lutheran Church. W. L. OPDYCKE, farmer, P. O. Witt, son of Andrew S. and Judith A. (LANNING) OPDYCKE; the former, born in Bucks County, Penn., July 3, 1803, died in Witt Township, Montgomery County, August 11, 1874; the latter, born in Hunterdon County, N. J., about the year 1810, died at Milford, in that State, in July, 1831. Our subject, the elder of two children, was born in Milford, N. J., April 7, 1830; he received a fair education in Macoupin County, Ill., and began the business of life as a farmer, which occupation he has ever since followed. In September, 1864, he enlisted in Company D, One Hundred and Forty-fourth Illinois Infantry, at Alton, Ill., and was discharged in September, 1865. He was married, at Woodboro, Ill., March 28, 1854 to Julia E. WOOD, born in Montgomery County July 19, 1834, daughter of William and Rebecca (McWILLIAMS) WOOD; the former, born in Darlington District, S. C., Oc- [Page 316] tober 21, 1805, died May 29, 1873; the latter, born near Lexington, Ky., December 18, 1815, died February 14, 1857. Mr. and Mrs. OPDYCKE are the parents of nine children – Delia A., H. Eugene, James M., Emma F. R., William D., Carrie J., Ethelbert Lanning, Clinton W. and Hettie H. In politics, Mr. OPDYCKE is a Republican; he is a member of the Presbyterian and his wife of the Methodist Church. John STURGEON, farmer, P. O. Irving, is a son of David and Mary (MCCARTY) STURGEON; the former, a farmer, was born in Indiana, and died in Montgomery County in 1851; the latter, born in Indiana, and died in Jasper County, Ill., in 1840. Our subject, the eldest of six children, received his education in Montgomery County, and began life as a farmer, which occupation he has followed ever since. He married, in Montgomery County, April 16, 1846, Charity CINDOFF, born in Kentucky, who died in Montgomery County February 14, 1851. In Montgomery County, April 2, 1854, he married his second wife, Sarah J. DAVIS, born in Montgomery County Feb. 27, 1831, daughter of Thomas and Nancy (MARTIN) DAVIS. Mr. STURGEON has eleven children – Austin W., John H., E. H., David B., M. F., Robert Lee, William M., W. R., Mary E., Charles E., Savilla F. and his step-son William T. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and in politics is a Democrat. Frederick F. TATCH, farmer, P. O. Witt, son of John N. and Emeline (SWEET) TATCH; the former, who was Captain of a whaling vessel, was born in Germany October 22, 1813, and died in Macoupin County, Ill., September 14, 1859; the latter was born in Vermont November 22, 1820, and died in Macoupin County, Ill., June 20, 1871. Our subject, who is the third of a family of seven children, was born in Fair Haven, Mass., November 7, 1846; he received a fair education in Macoupin County, Ill.; has been a farmer all his life. He was married, in Hillsboro, Montgomery County, November 13, 1873, to Miss L. F. MAY, born in Roane County, Tenn., July 31, 1857, daughter of Robert C. and Alvira (HALL) MAY; from this union six children have been born – William H., Bertie, Vira Estella, Myra Lucilla, Charles M. and Hervey O. Mr. TATCH served in Company I, One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Illinois Infantry, during the war, participating in the engagements at Nashville, Tenn. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and of the A., F. & A. M.; in politics, he is a Republican. John TRATT, farmer, P. O. Witt, was born in Somersetshire, England, March 3, 1830; his parents, Thomas and Betsy (WATTS) TRATT, were natives of England; the former, born in Somersetshire in 1796, was a farmer; emigrated to America, and died at Palmyra, Jefferson Co., Wis., January 30, 1874; the latter died at the same place in March, 1876; they were the parents of five children, John being the third. He follows the business of farming and trading in stock. In Jefferson County, Wis., February 23, 1851, he married Sarah HOOPER, born in Cornwall, England, September 2, 1830, daughter of John HOOPER; from this union six children have been born to them - Joseph, Rosepha J., Lillie M., Thomas H., Jennie and Stella B. Mr. TRATT is politically a Democrat; his wife is a member of the Methodist Church. Henry WUBKER, merchant, Witt, was born in Jacksonville, Ill., August 21, 1844, son of William and Lena (MAAS) WUBKER; the former, born near Minden, Prussia, February 10, 1816; the later, in Hanover City, Hanover, Germany, August 21, 1818. Our subject, the eldest of six children, received the foundation of his education at Jackson- [Page 317] ville, Ill.; he also attended school near Virginia, in Cass County, Ill., and, in 1871 and 1872, attended Chicago University, Chicago, Ill., where he finished his education. Mr. WUBKER was engaged in farming and in teaching school till the year 1873; in that year, he removed to Irving, Montgomery County, and engaged in the mercantile business there until 1878, when he removed to Witt, and there carries on an extensive business in dry goods, drugs and agricultural implements. At Irving, Montgomery County, May 3, 1876, he married Lucy A COWELL, born in Staunton, Macoupin Co., Ill., September 27, 1854, daughter of John and Caroline (TRUITT) COWELL; there have been born to them two children - Hubert L., who died July 5, 1881; and Henry T. Mr. WUBKER is a man of fine business abilities; in politics, he is a Democrat; he is a member of the A., F. & A. M., and Knights of Honor. File at: File size: 22 Kb