Funeral Registers of Frederick W. Krummel, Operater of a furniture store and was also a funeral director in Donnellson ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by "Leona M. Simonini" USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non- commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. Unauthorized use for commercial ventures expressly prohibited. All information submitted to this project remains - to the extent the law allows - the property of the submitter who, by submitting it, agrees that it may be freely copied but NEVER sold or used in a commercial venture without the knowledge & permission of its rightful owner. The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** The following was sent to me by a Carole Krummel, (not a relation to our families). My husband's grandfather was Frederick W. Krummel, who operated a furniture store and was also a funeral director in Donnellson. We have one of his funeral registers, and there are some McCaslins listed int it. 1890: R. Hopper, d. April 27. Ordered by William McCaslin. 1894: "a" McCaslin (no first name) d. Nov. 23, buried Nov. 24. Coffin $ 22. Ordered by William McCaslin. 1901: Hattie McCaslin, d. Oct.22, buried Oct. 24. Casket $ 65; shoes and hose $ 2; embalming $ 5. Ordered by Paisley and McCaslin. 1904: Nora B. McCaslin, d. Feb.28, buried Feb.29. Coffin $ 24; embalming $ 5. Ordered by Robert McCaslin. 1904: Riley (sic) McCaslin, d. Sept 3, buried Sept 4. Casket $ 35; embalming $ 5. Ordered by William McCaslin. 1904: Selma Koontz, d. Sept 5, buried Sept 5. Casket $ 13. Ordered by McCaslin and Koontz. 1906: William McCaslin, d. Apr 6, buried Apr 8. Casket $ 85; robe $ 3. Ordered by McCaslin brothers. 1911: Anna M. McCaslin, d. Dec 7, buried Dec 9. Casket $ 85; embalming $ 5; hearse $ 3. Ordered by G. E. McCaslin. Her husbands father also had an insurance book that had the following in it: McCaslin and Laws had a $1200 policy on their business, which ran from July 27, 1895 - July 27, 1896 and insured the following: "$1,000 on the two story frame shingle roof building. $ 100 on the counters and shelving, all while contained therein. $ 100 on the frame _____?______ cellar and ware room. Situated on the corner of State & North Street, 6 & on the Fire Map of Donnellson." Was this perhaps a general store? Frederick Krummel also had a general store and a carriage shop. My husband's father ran the store, which had become a Red and White store, until his death in the early 1960's. Leona Latham-Simonini, Lake Almanor Peninsula, California