Perry-St. Clair County IL Archives Biographies.....Jenkel, Fritz 1835 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher March 1, 2008, 12:46 am Author: Biographical Publishing Co. (1894) FRITZ JENKEL is classed among the intelligent, keen and successful German farmers of Perry County and is contributing much to its material prosperity. His property, which consists of one hundred and twenty acres, is located on section 36, township 4, range 3 west, and is kept up to the highest point in every respect, being supplied with neat and well ordered buildings and the most improved modern machinery. Fritz and Mary (Ahrens) Jenkel, the parents of our subject, were born in Germany. The grandfather was a tailor by trade, and for many years held a Government position as forestman. When too old to follow this business any longer he was retired with a good pension. In early manhood he was ordered to enter the German army, and not wishing to do so, was about to be forced into the service when his young wife locked him in a clothes press and thus he evaded his would-be captors. The father of our subject learned the carpenter's trade in early life, but did not follow that occupation, as he succeeded his father as forest-man and held that position until coming to the United States. The lady whom he married in his native country was the daughter of Henry Ahrens, a well-to-do farmer and a devoted Baptist in religion, who was so persecuted by his enemies that he was compelled to spend the greater part of his life either in the woods or in prison. Fritz Jenkel, Sr., emigrated to the United States with his family in 1854, and when locating in St. Louis was without means of any kind. He worked for other people for the succeeding two years, after which he came to Illinois and made his home for some time in St. Clair County. In 1858 he came to Perry County, where he purchased eighty acres of land and resided until his decease. The parental family included ten children, of whom six were born in Germany. They were William, Fritz, Elizabeth, Mary; Henry and Dora (twins); Mina, Ida, Catherine, and one who died in infancy. Of this family, our subject, Ida and Catherine are the only members living. Our subject was born December 13, 1835, and received a fair education in his native land. Being one of the eldest children, he was compelled to aid his father in the support of the family. When nine years of age he began to work out, and after coming to the United States was employed by other people for a number of years. The lady whom he married in his twenty-fifth year was Mrs. Julia A. Holstetter, daughter of Jacob Hoot. Mrs. Jenkel was also a native of Germany, and by her union with our subject has become the mother of five children, viz.: Henry, William, John, George and Mary. In 1862 our subject located in this county, and after renting property for a twelvemonth purchased his present farm, the greater portion of which he has cleared himself. With his wife he is a member in good standing of the Baptist Church at Oak Grove, in which body he has served as Deacon for the past sixteen years. He is not connected with any political party, but always votes for the best man. Additional Comments: Extracted from: Portrait and Biographical Record of Randolph, Jackson, Perry and Monroe Counties, Illinois Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the Counties Together with Biographies and Portraits of All the Presidents of the United States and the Governors of the State of Illinois Chicago: Biographical Publishing Co. 1894 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.0 Kb