Marriage License - Charles W EVANS & Margaret A WADE, Pike County, Illinois
Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives
Copyright 2000 Marilyn Morgan
State of Illinois MARRIAGE LICENSE The People of The State of Illinois
County of Pike, To any person legally authorized to solemnize Marriage.
GREETINGS Marriage may be celebrated between Mr. Charles W. Evans of
Griggsville in the County of Pike and the State of Illinois of the age of
Twenty Three years and Miss Margaret A. Wade of Griggsville in the County of
Pike and the State of Illinois of the age of Twenty-two years.
Witness E. F. Beirs County Clerk and the seal of said County at his office
in Pittsfield in said County this 20th day of July AD 1878. signed E. F.
Briers County Clerk By ?
State of Illinois ss
I Samson Shinn a Minister of the gospel hereby certify that Mr. Charles W.
Evans and Miss Margaret A. Wade were united in Marriage by me at Bethel
Church in the County of Pike and State of Illinois on the 21st day of July
AD 1878 signed S. Shinn M G M. E. church
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Marilyn Morgan