Union-Pulaski County IL Archives Biographies.....BUCK, JOHN 1827 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarch.org/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarch.org/il/ilfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tim Casey timcasey5@gmail.com and Andy Anderson oxdrover@mindspring.com June 7, 2008, 9:51 pm Author: History of Alexander, Union and Pulaski Counties Illinois JOHN BUCK, merchant, Cobden. In every city, village or neighborhood there are persons whose names are always at the head of all public enterprises, and whose pocketbooks are ready to assist such efforts. Prominent among such whole-souled inhabitants of Cobden is John Buck, a native of Cork, Ireland, born 1827. He is a son of Frederick and Harriet (Craig) Buck, natives and always residents of Cork, Ireland, and the parents of seven children, five of whom survive, viz., Frederick, Adam, Alfred, Sydney and John. The father ranked among the finest miniature painters of the period in which he lived. Our subject emigrated to America at the age of 18 years. He followed civil engineering for many years, and was among the party who surveyed and constructed the Illinois Central Railroad, working on the Southern Division. He was employed for awhile in Iowa, and on his return to Illinois he was appointed master on the Southern Division of said road. In 1864 he formed a partnership with his brother Adam in a general dry goods store; and in September, 1879, he became the owner of the entire business, which he has increased, until he possesses the largest and best line of dry goods, together with a fine assortment of groceries, etc. He is also dealing largely in farming implements and machinery, and small hardware. In fact, he proposes to furnish his large class of customers anything they may desire. He is making a specialty of buying and storing away sweet potatoes, having a large and commodious building for that purpose. He was married to Sarah K. Fulton of Perry County, Ill., the result of which was Edgar, Jessie H., Maggie H., John F., Lewis J., Bessie M. and Nellie M. He is a member of the A.F.&A.M. and votes the Democratic ticket. Additional Comments: Andy Anderson submitted biography. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/il/union/bios/buck40bs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/ilfiles/ File size: 2.4 Kb