Sangamon County IL Archives Obituaries.....Church, Minerva H. April 21, 1877 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debra Crosby October 5, 2018, 12:44 pm Daily Illinois State Journal Tue Apr 24, 1877 pg 4 Daily Illinois State Journal Sat Apr 21, 1877 pg 4 PARALYSIS--Mrs. M. Church, mother of Mr. Myron B. Church, had another paralytic attack, Wednesday of last week, and has not since been able to swallow even so much as a drop of water. She is suffering intensely and cannot possibly survive but a few days. Daily Illinois State Journal Tue Apr 24, 1877 pg 4 DEATH OF MRS. CHURCH--Mrs. Minerva H. Church, whom we mentioned in Saturday's JOURNAL as having suffered another attack of paralysis, died on Saturday, her 58th birthday. Mrs. Church had several previous strokes, but during the last one her sufferings were more excruciating than any previous ones--although she was conscious until the last. Mrs. Church was a resident of Springfield for 29 years. She came here from Jacksonville, where she resided when that city consisted of but a few log houses. She leaves a husband, Thos. M. Church, two sons--Hon. A. H., formerly an attache of the JOURNAL, now of North Platte, Neb., and Myron B., of this city--and a daughter Ada, aged 16 years, to mourn her loss, She was buried Sunday, Rev. Father Hale officiating. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb