Sangamon County IL Archives Obituaries.....Dobbins, Wm January 21, 1896 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deb Haines July 15, 2012, 12:46 am Fifteenth Annual Report of the State Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1896 Wm. Dobbins, aged 25 years, married, occupation carpenter, was killed at 5 p. m., January 21, 1896, at the mine of D. J. Lloyd, Pawnee, Sangamon county. The top works were in course of construction; Dobbins was walking backwards on the upper landing carrying one end of a heavy plank; he went one step too far and fell to the ground, a distance of twenty-one feet. When picked up he was unconscious and remained so until he died, several hours later. He left a widow and one child. Additional Comments: Fifteenth Annual Report of the State Bureau of Labor Statistics, Coal in Illinois, 1896, Containing the Thirteenth Annual Reports of the State Inspectors of Mines; George A Schilling, Secretary. Springfield, ILL: Phillips Bros., State Printers; 1897 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.4 Kb