Sangamon County IL Archives Obituaries.....Roach, Emmaline July 28, 1921 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Matthew Ferricks April 20, 2006, 2:21 pm Pawnee Herald, July 28, 1921 Roach Mrs. Emmaline Waldon Roach, widow of the late J. N. Roach, an influential citizen of Pawnee for many years, succumbed to an illness of prolonged duration at 8:30 o’clock Thursday morning, July 28, 1921. Her death resulted from a complication of maladies. Though it rendered her frail of health for a number of years the stealthy affliction did not reveal its final stages about six weeks ago. During the latter period is steady progress was apparent and the imminence approaching dissolution was recognized by those who watched. Mrs. Roach was born October 12, 1850, near Tremont, Tazewell county, Illinois. She was a daughter of John and Eva Waldon, prominent Tazewell county citizens of their day. she was the youngest member of a family of twelve brothers and sisters and the last to survive. Her marriage to the late J. N. Roach occurred near Tremont on October 6, 1875. Prior to that date she taught in the schools of her native community during a period of ten years. Immediately after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Roach located in Hopedale, continuing their home there for a number of years. They later resided in Williamsville for four years and a brief period in Litchfield, coming to Pawnee 25 years ago. The venerable husband was summoned by death in September, 1919, and the only son, J. Neil Roach, Jr., in January, 1920. Surviving are three daughters, Misses Edith M. and Bessie B. Roach, and Mrs. Ruby Perrine, also two grandchildren, Lindsey and Gertrude Perrine. A number of more distant relatives reside in Tazewell county. Mrs. Roach was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church from girlhood and her long life was a splendid exemplification of her faith. Her life was essentially one of great usefulness, devotion to family and helpfulness to those about her. The memory of her beautiful character is an enduring impress that will both comfort and influence all whose lives came into intimate contact with her’s. Funeral services at the Methodist Episcopal church at 10:30 o’clock Saturday morning, the pastor, Rev. L. G. Adams, officiating. Interment in the family plot in Horse Creek cemetery, where the husband and only son but so recently preceded their devoted wife and mother. Additional Comments: Wife of John N. Roach who died September 8, 1919 in Pawnee File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb