Sangamon County IL Archives Obituaries.....Sanders, George W. July 26, 1921 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Matthew Ferricks April 22, 2006, 11:11 pm Pawnee Herald, July 28, 1921 The venerable George W. Sanders, Sangamon county pioneer and one of the community’s oldest and best known citizens, succumbed to a long illness at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ellie Rollings, at 11:35 o’clock Tuesday night, July 26, 1921. Infirmities incident to his great age had held Mr. Sanders practically helpless for a prolonged period and his passing has been almost daily expected for some months. The decedent was born near Pawnee, April 16, 1835, and passed his entire life in this immediate locality. Its span covered the transition of Sangamon county from an uncharted area of wilderness to its present state of splendid development. In contributing his part toward the progress of his native community he functioned as a citizen of simple tastes and scrupulous integrity that was none the less effective for its absence of display. He was a member of the primitive Baptist church from July 1858, and lived through subsequent years in rigid conformity to the solemn teachings of that faith. After successfully following the pursuit of farming for many years he located in this city twenty-seven years ago. Since that time he has lived in quite retirement while maintaining a keen interest and helpful part in religious, civic and county affairs Mr. Sanders was married June 15, 1856 to Lucinda Proctor, who died Sept. 12, 1863,. One child, Mary F., born to this union is deceased. On February 25, 1864, Mr. Sanders was united in marriage with Mrs. Margaret McLaughlin, whose maiden name was Henwood. Her death occurred March 25, 1916. Five children were born to this union, two of whom, William E. and Joseph W., are deceased. The former died May 10, 1876, and the latter February 16, 1915. Surviving are one son, Preston Sanders; and two daughter, Mrs. Effie Rollings and Mrs. Emma Hemphill; also two step-children, Ada and John McLaughlin, six grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, and one great, great-grandchild, one brother, Elder S. A. D. Sonders, a sister, Mrs. Nancy Tilley, three half-sisters, Mrs. D. B. Fry, Mrs. John B. McLaughlin, Mrs. Lillie Tilley. Funeral services at the Methodist Episcopal church at 10 o’clock a.m. Friday; July 29; Elder W. A. Chastain of Springfield; and Rev. L. G. Adams of this city officiating. Interment in Horse Creek cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb