Sangamon County IL Archives Obituaries.....Wignall, Elizabeth Parke July 23, 1921 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Matthew Ferricks April 22, 2006, 11:12 pm Pawnee Herald, July 28, 1921 Mrs. Elizabeth Parke Wignall, wife of William B. Wignall, superintendent of the mine in this city for several years, died at the family home on East Carroll street early Saturday evening, July 23, 1921. her death was preceded by many weeks of intense sufferings. These she bore with great fortitude while maintaining the same outward cheerfulness that had characterized her entire life. Though the fatal nature of the affliction had been known for some times, its inevitable termination cast a pall of poignant sorrow over a friendship circle of broad extent. Funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church at 1:00 o’clock Monday afternoon. The obsequies were conducted by the pastor, Dr. D. G. Carson, and included the impressive committal rites prescribed in the ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star. Officiating as pall bearers, representing the Masonic order and the Presbyterian congregation were O. N. Sprague, Jr., Dr. W. H. Shaw, H. H. Mason, C. W. Kessler, J. H. Crowder, and I. P. Davenport. At conclusion of the service the funeral party were driven to Springfield to entrain for Wilmington, where interment was made the following day. The deceased was born at Grafton, West Virginia, November 24, 1870. At the age of twelve years, with her family she moved to Braidwood, Illinois, where she lived until married November 20, 1890, to Walter B. Wignall. They located immediately in Streator, where their three children, Alta, William and Mary, were born. Later they moved to Springfield and eight years ago came to Pawnee. With the exception of brief periods of residence in Taylorville and in Kentucky, they have since made their home in this city. Surviving are the husband and three children above mentioned, a grandson, the aged mother, Mrs. Agnes Howat, four sisters and two brothers. Mrs. Wignall was a member of the First Presbyterian church of Taylorville and of Pawnee Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb